Summary: Push/Twilight Crossover. Bella is a mover she escapes from Division and meets the Cullens.

Edward is a pusher.

Alice is a watcher.

Jasper is a shifter.

Emmett is a sniff.

Rosalie is a changer.

Carlisle is a stitch.

Esme is a shadow.


Bleeder - Bleeders are able to scream at frequencies that can shatter solid objects and inflict lethal damage on living things by causing internal blood vessels and organs to explode. They can choose whether to attack their surroundings indiscriminately or an individual target exclusively.

Mover - Movers are able to control the movement of objects with thoughts and hand gestures. They can also use this ability to create force shields around themselves to protect themselves and others from objects like bullets. These force shields can also be set out in blast waves.

Pusher - Pushers are able to "push" thoughts, memories and suggestions into the minds of others in order to exercise control over their target. Their pupils dilate when their ability is being used. This ability can be used against each other.

Shadow - Shadows are able to shield individuals or objects from clairvoyants, such as Sniffs and Watchers. A Shadow can block a Sniff indefinitely, but Watchers will eventually see through the shielding.

Shifter - Shifters are able to convincingly alter the appearance of an object (e.g. making plain slips of paper look like legal tender) and use them for their own gain. However, the initial object must be roughly the same size/appearance of the desired final fake object. The "shifted" object returns to its original shape after a period of time.

Sniff - Sniffs are clairvoyants who can track people and objects by sniffing items their target has touched. This allows the Sniff to see both the history of the item as well as briefly see into the target's future and note their location. Recent and regular use of an object increases the effectiveness of the Sniff's ability.

Stitch - Stitches can repair or more accurately manipulate human tissue, organs and bone through touch. This process is very traumatic to the person being touched. They can use this ability to heal or to create internal problems.

Watcher - Watchers are far more versatile clairvoyants than Sniffs, only requiring a rough idea of their target to direct their visions. As their visions are also more complex than Sniffs, they will typically draw or sketch their visions as they experience them. If something happens that changes the future, the Watcher's vision will alter to follow this new course. The strength of a vision relies on the Watcher's strength in their ability. However, if their subject is not consciously choosing their actions(suffering from amnesia or following recorded instructions), his actions cannot be predicted.

Wiper - Wipers are able to "wipe" or remove a period of time from an individual's memory. People desiring to evade Watchers often seek them out to disrupt their surveillance. This is done through close contact, normally the wipers' hands on their "victim's" head.

Changer - Changers can alter their own appearance at will, to seemingly become someone else. The change is so granular that even vocal chords are apparently altered, so as to look and sound like the "target" of emulation. The only known Changer in Division history is former Division Senior Agent Ezra Lowe (see Push comics).