I know Kataang Wk II has come and gone a while ago but I had horrible writer's block. I am not doing the prompts in order as I don't see the point since the week is over.

I did do fanart for Panda Lilly. I might add a bit of story to it. (like a blurb)


"I knew it you signaled the fire navy with that flare." The boy shouted at them. "You're leading them straight to us aren't you."

The girl flinched but shot back, "Aang didn't do anything. It was an accident."

"It was my fault." Aang admitted.

It warmed her heart to see him. Liuli had only spent a few months with him. She was so very proud that he acknowledged his mistakes. Gyatso had raised him well.

The woman beside her shook her head at the young warrior's passionate accusation. Her Sokka had not changed a bit. He seemed so much like his father. Kya now turned her attention to her daughter.

"Aang is not our enemy." Katara shouted, already she was moving closer to the air bender. Kya and Liuli exchanged glances before becoming engrossed in the heated argument.

They argued and her boy, her Aang stood by. His small shoulders hunching slightly at every verbal jab. Even as a baby he had hated shouting.

It hurt Kya's heart to see how bitter Sokka had become. He was only sixteen and yet as she looked about Kya realized that he was the only male in the village above six. Avatar Roku had warned them that the world they had left behind had changed a great deal since their passing.

"Fine. Then I'm banished too!" Katara shouted dragging Aang with her.

"Aang is taking me to the North Pole." she snapped.

"I am?" the young monk replied. "Great." Liuli followed behind them nearly laughing at her son's exuberance. His father had been the same.

"Katara. Would you really choose him over your tribe?" Sokka's voice echoed over the tundra, it's hurt tones unmistakable. Kya stood between her children wondering of the outcome. "Your own family," he continued.

Aang stood beside her but before Liuli could do anything he moved forward. "Katara, I don't want to come between you and your family." he told her unhappily.

Liuli lightly felt the girl's aura, shocked she stepped back.

"You're leaving the south pole? This is goodbye." Katara looked at Aang in earnest, hoping she could maybe change his mind.

Liuli and Kya clasped hands, both feeling the love already beginning to unfurl between their children. "Guess, I'll go back home and look for the Airbenders."

Aang held onto Appa. His remark about not cleaning his room made his mother laugh and shrug unapologetically at Kya.

"Let's see your bison fly now, Airboy." Sokka taunted. Kya silently begged the cosmos to smack her son. "Yeah, I thought so." Sokka looked around apparently he had felt his mother's reprimand.

"I'll miss you too." Aang replied. Liuli was already seated by the reins. For the moment he would not be alone.

Gran-Gran approached but Katara had other plans. "You happy now. There goes my only chance at being a Waterbender." she shouted and walked away.

"Mother. He is her destiny. She was meant to be with him. She is the other half of his power. You must let her go to him." Kya whispered fluttering her mother's hair.

Avatar Roku stood by motioning both women. "We must go back. You may see them again. For now we must go." the women turned to the Avatar but he bade them look behind him.

In a blink of a moment they found themselves no longer by the icy village. The vast expanse of water was marred only by the tiny vessel where Aang was currently trying to fight another boy.

In horror Liuli saw her boy. Her only child fall of the metal ship and into the frigid water. She screamed his name but it was in Katara's voice. Her son responded and Roku was pulled from them to assist the young Avatar.

Liuli's fear dispelled but dismay filled her. The avatar state would protect him but as soon as it left him Aang swayed and fell to the boat exhausted, Avatar Roku returned with a ready smile but stopped at Liuli's expression.

'This was her son's destiny? His job? He was only a child. How could he do it alone?'

Liuli felt Kya's comforting hand on her shoulder and she motioned for Liuli to look at the deck of the ship.

Katara was now holding up Aang and helping him into the saddle.

"My glider." Aang shouted out and Sokka ran to retrieve it. Katara meanwhile was attempting to freeze the rest of the fire nation soldiers. She froze her brother accidentally and Kya shook her head. The cosmos had apparently heard her earlier comment. Her son had a rough road ahead of him.

The new trio scrambled onto the awaiting bison. Kya knowingly smiled as her daughter leaned over the saddle looking over the young monk they had just rescued. Katara's expression was unreadable but it was obvious to the two mothers.

Sokka thankfully was blissfully unaware. 'Like his father,' Kya thought.

Roku turned to both women, raising an eyebrow at Liuli as Aang showed an impressive arc of wind power to his mother. They watched as the trio ascended into the sky laughing at the now ice covered ship. "They will be his strength. He will be their protector. Let us leave."

Katara, Sokka and Aang boarded Appa unaware of the loving audience wishing them a good journey.

The three spirits disappeared, they would see them again.