Pavi stood in front of his mirror, staring miserably at his reflection as he adjusted his tie. Today was Marni's funeral, it would be a closed casket affair because Nathan told all those invited that he'd rather they remember Marni as the beautiful, vibrant woman she'd been while she was alive, smiling and happy, rather than with a cold dead look on her face.

As he pulled the tie into place, Pavi sighed softly, whimpering a bit, he couldn't believe Marni was really gone. Was it really all Nathan's fault like Rotti said? Or was Rotti responsible for not only Marni's death but the death of Sophia and Carmella I as well? As Pavi wondered this, he finished getting dressed and walked down to Carmella's room to help her get ready. He found Mellie on the floor, blotchy faced and crying. She didn't understand where her Alice had gone. At six years old, death didn't really make sense to her. How could someone disappear for ever? Was it like in Alice and Wonderland where you just go out like a candle? But Carmella didn't WANT Marni to go out like a candle! It wasn't fair! Why should Marni go out like a candle when Carmella wanted her to be here now? "'S not fair, Cheshire!" Carmella wailed "Alice's gonna come back, you'll see! She never met the queen!"

"Carmella, we have-a to get you into your black-a dress." Pavi said softly, pulling out a little black dress with a crinoline petticoat underneath as well as white ruffles and laces.

"I WANNA WEAR THE BLUE ONE!" Carmella screamed as tears poured down her cheeks. "ALICE LIKES THAT ONE BEST!"
Pavi had never gotten angry at Carmella before in his life, and he really wasn't angry at her right now, but as tears welled in his eyes, he felt angry that Marni was gone and he'd never see her again. "WELL-A IT'S TOO FUCKING BAD-A, YOU'RE-A NEVER GONNA SEE-A HER AGAIN SO SHOW-A SOME RESPECT AND WEAR THE BLACK ONE!" he shouted back.

Carmella blinked, but sniffled and put on the black dress like she was supposed to. "Cheshire, I wanna see Alice again." She began to sob again.

"Oh, Mellie, I'm-a so sorry. I didn't mean-a to snap. I'm-a just…so lost-a without Marni…" Pavi said, sitting down on the chair next to Carmella's bed.

Carmella climbed up into Pavi's lap and snuggled against him. "She….she went out like a candle, didn't she?" She sniffled.

Pavi nodded, sighing as he gently stroked Carmella's long reddish brown hair with its little black bow. "Let's-a go get Luigi. He has-a to come with us, so we might as-a well get him too." Pavi said softly, picking Carmella up in his arms and standing up to walk to Luigi's room. Balancing Carmella on one arm, he knocked on the door.

"I'm not going. That fucking slut deserved to die so I sure as shit ain't gonna go sit there and pretend I feel bad that she's dead." Luigi's voice came from behind the door. Had he been crying? It sure sounded that way to Pavi.

"Luigi, I know-a you're hurting but please, she would-a have wanted you there." Pavi chided.

"Shut the fuck up!"

"Don't-a talk that way in front-a of Mellie!"

"Cheshire, what's 'fuck'?"

"See? look-a what you did!"

"Yeah, well, good luck with that."

Pavi frowned and walked downstairs towards the waiting limo where Rotti was already sitting. "What took you so long, Paviche?"

"Mellie was a little upset and Luigi wouldn't come down with us." Pavi explained sadly.

"Alright, then we'll go without him." Rotti said, motioning for the driver to drive off towards the church where the funeral was being held. The service was mercifully short. Pavi was asked to give a speech and Mag was asked to sing.

"Marni was-a the most positive influence in-a my entire life. She's what made-a the darkness daylight…Without-a her, I would-a have been-a a miserable, lonely person, or worse-a, I would have been dead. She was-a beautiful, patient, kind-a, intelligent, a pleasure to be around and without-a her I'd never have felt-a a single bit of a mother's love after I was eight years old. Marni came-a into my life when I was fourteen. Just last-a year. When no one else would-a listen to me, she heard-a what I couldn't say and she saved me. Now that-a she is gone, I don't-a know what to do anymore. I…I…I can't-a go on…Oh god-a…I can't-a go on…" He began to sob and Mag had to come and lead him off the platform and out of the service. Once he arrived outside, he noticed he wasn't the only one there.

"Pretty pathetic, Pavi." Luigi sneered. "I thought you were over your crush on that pathetic bitch."

"Shut-a up, Luigi!" Pavi growled, throwing a punch, but Luigi caught his fist and pushed him down.

"Pathetic, truly pathetic. She was just some bitch, Pavi, get over her." Luigi laughed. "I'm what you've got now."

"Not much-a of a prize, then." Pavi glared.

"Shut up, slut." Luigi growled, dragging Pavi back to his car and tossing him into the backseat. He glared coldly down at the kid pushed him down. "Now let's see if you have any tears left after that stupidity."

"You can't-a! Please! I'll do-a this with-a you later! Tomorrow! Not right-a now, please, it's not-a right, Marni needs me!" Pavi whimpered.

"Hmm…" Luigi pretended to think. "Nah, I think I like you better in tears." And with that, he pulled down Pavi's pants and underwear, then he pulled down his own pants and underwear. Finally he gave a hard thrust, hard enough to knock Pavi forward into the other car door, hitting his head on it. He whimpered in pain from the bump on the head and also from Luigi's hard, brutal thrusts. Pavi was pretty sure he was bleeding by now as Luigi continued his merciless assault.

"Please-a…stop it, brother…" Pavi sniffled, tears pouring down his cheeks. But Luigi didn't stop until he finished up, leaving Pavi shaking and sobbing in the backseat of the car, crying like a scared little kid, which in the end was what he was without Marni.

Back in the church, Mag was talking to Nathan. "Nathan, I know this is a bad time, but when can I meet the child, I am, after all, her godmother."

"Oh…Mag, didn't Rotti tell you? Shilo died." Nathan said softly. He would have felt bad lying to Mag if Marni were still alive, but with Marni dead, Nathan didn't want to share his newborn daughter, the last memory of Marni he had, with anyone. Not even Mag. He only hoped that Rotti hadn't told Pavi.

Later that night, Pavi walked into Rotti's room. "Papa, did-a Marni's daughter survive?" He asked.

"Yes, Pavi, she did." Rotti replied. "Now go to bed, it's late."

That settled it. Pavi had to meet his little sister somehow, no matter what.