
Cars were honking, people were screaming and amidst gunfire, a small pink haired woman sat against the hot summer's pavement clutching a man to her for dear life. She did not know this man but he was dying in her arms… an officer of the law and more precisely, the saviour of her life. All she knew of this man was his name and that he had fearlessly taken a bullet for her.

She was frantic. She screamed over a 911phone call. Save him, hurry up, she screamed. He's dying, she yells.

Hyuuga Neji dazedly looked up at the most beautiful teary eyes he had ever seen. An angel, perhaps. He had been shot but all he could feel now, was bliss. This must be death's apology- an angel to guide him to his next destination.

…and then his world went dark.

Moments later, gunfire had ceased, people were cleared and traffic was detoured and in the middle of it all sat one lone cherry blossom. Paramedics came and left with the man she had been clutching. In the heat of things, she had been left behind while the ambulance screeched down the road towards its destination.

An officer approached her to ask if she was okay and to have her checked by their medics. As the officer began to explain what was going to happen, she is dazed and doesn't really hear what he's saying. How….did she end up here? She, asks. In all honestly, she knows better than anyone and the officer is at a lost for words.


this is where you decide if you would like to read the story! The first chapter will be uploaded within the next two days. I'm wrapping up some proofreading on it. Also, thanks to everyone who has reviewed my first story thus far!