"I'm late," William said, kissing his wife on her cheek. "Will you be okay?"

Susan smiled and patted her bulging abdomen. "Unless this one has any plans to relocate today, and she shouldn't, I think we'll be fine!" She looked up at her husband. "I'll be praying for you."

"Thanks," he replied, and leaned over for a real kiss. He smiled at his wife and then gathered his things and headed for the door.

He was going to prison for the second time that week. After James Gilbert had received a reduced sentence of twenty years, William had felt compelled to begin a Bible study in the prison. James had been the first person to sign up. At first it had been strange to study God's Word with the man who had killed his daughter. It had taken him some time to work through that, but it was worth it in the end. James and many of the other inmates were showing real promise spiritually, and William looked forward to the twice-weekly meetings.

Tess had been right. His work was not done. In fact, he thought, glancing over at his wife, it was only just beginning.


Andrew had been directed to meet Tess and Monica at a small diner, on the main highway. The assignment -- and his lesson -- were now totally completed, and it was time for the three angelic friends to get together and let their hair down.

As he walked in the door, Andrew spotted Tess and Monica sitting at a table. Tess saw Andrew, and waved him over.

"Did you two start having fun without me?" Andrew teased. He turned a chair around and straddled it with long-legged ease, gazing at his companions, eyebrow raised.

"Tess and I were just sayin' that you really faced a trial-by-fire this time out, Andrew," Monica told him. "It must have been terrible for you...all alone in that prison, then facin' the judge and her sentence, and the Marshall's and their pain."

"What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger," Andrew returned sagely.

Tess gave a grunt of pique. "We are angels. We cannot be killed," she scoffed.

"Ah, " Andrew countered, "but I was in HUMAN form, and I WAS killed." Leaning over, he put an arm around the disgruntled Tess, and gave her a little squeeze, as he added, "But, since I'm alive now, in my angelic form, you're right."

Monica moistened he lips, then asked, "What was it like, Andrew? What was it like to die such a brutal human death?"

Andrew thought a moment, and answered. "Mercifully, most of those memories left when The Father returned me to an angelic state. All that I retained was the knowledge The Father wished me to have. I now understand the human experience of terror and devastation, apartness from God, and...most importantly... death. I know what it is to be mortal and have your Faith pushed to the breaking point. I know why humans, when under these stress factors, find their faith so difficult to hang onto. God help me...as a mortal, I very nearly lost my faith...and I still had my angelic memories to cling to...at least, to some point. Surrounded with all that ugliness and despair, most of those left me, too, at least at the end."

"Well, it's all over now," Tess said. "The Marshalls are getting their lives back together, and are going to be able to go on. James may be incarcerated, but his time will not be wasted, and he has the opportunity to reach out and help so many others who have lost their way. Carla has come back to The Father, and knows that, no matter what, she is never alone." Here, Tess looked at Andrew, who lowered his head so Tess could not see he was smiling. "Angels making song dedications, and sending messages of comfort over the radio! What next?"

" I suppose I could have e-mailed her," Andrew replied thoughtfully, and Tess glowered at him.

Monica laughed. "Well, I think that it is wonderful, the way Andrew has established a sort of connection with Carla through the music she listens to. He used it to help her come to the idea of representing James. James couldn't have had better counsel!"

Tess sighed. "Things are sure different than in the good old days," she muttered.

"Are we talking Good Old Days, like around the time of the Peloponnesian War? " Andrew ventured, a gleam in his eyes. "Or, earlier?"

Tess looked over at Monica. "Miss Wings...will you tell Halo Boy over there, that he is walking on very thin ice?"

Spying a jukebox in the corner, Andrew arose from his chair and walked over to it. The play list included songs popular in the forties and fifties. Running his eyes down the list, he selected a song, slipped in his quarter, and walked back to the table he shared with Tess and Monica, stopping in front of Tess.

The sound of Rosemary Clooney soon filled the room, as she sang, "'ey mambo! Mambo Italiano..." With a flourish, Andrew held out one hand to Tess, but she pushed it away.

"Are you crazy, Angel Boy? I'm too old for this!" she protested.

Andrew shook his head, dancing in front of her. "Come on, Tess! I KNOW you have a few more good mambos left in you! Come dance with me!" Her grabbed a long-stemmed carnation out of a vase on their table, and put it between his teeth, extending his hand to Tess, once again. "Come on, Tess!" he said around the flower stem, "God gives us what we need, when we need it, remember? Where's your Faith?" he teased.

"Tess! Dance with him!" Monica encouraged, and, obviously out numbered, Tess grudgingly put her hand in Andrew's, allowing him to lead her out to an empty section of the hardwood floor.

Monica watched with laughing eyes, as Tess and Andrew did a not-half-bad mambo together. It was partly the carnation, she decided...it was the perfect touch, and Tess seemed to be having the time of her life. She knew one thing for certain: she had never seen Tess move like that before! This was a rare treat!

When the dance ended, the other patrons of the diner all clapped enthusiastically, and Andrew escorted his winded partner back to their table, bowing elegantly in front of her as she sat down.

"Thank you, Ma'am," he said.

Tess fanned herself vigorously with her napkin, and scowled at Andrew. "You've gotta watch that Angel of Death," she said to Monica. "Business must be slow lately. Now he's trying to take angels Home!"

"Oh, Tess! You and Andrew were wonderful!" Monica exclaimed. "Be honest...you were having a good time out there!"

"I will admit no such thing!" Tess muttered, and cast a look at Andrew. "In my younger days, I might have been able to keep up with you, Halo Boy...and maybe even give you a run for your money out there on that dance floor!"

Andrew chuckled with appreciation. "Tess, I have NO doubt of that! But, may I say, I have never partnered anyone more charming."

Tess rolled her eyes. "Oooooo! Oooo! Why did The Father have to give you that silver tongue? When you turn on that Moonlight and Magnolias I just can't stay angry with you!"

"That's the idea," Andrew replied, and he and Monica laughed, while Tess pretended to pout.

"Well," Tess finally said. "I hate to put an end to your hilarity, but The Father has another assignment for us, so we'd better get going." She began to get up.

"May I be chauffeur?" Andrew asked, reaching for the car keys Tess had taken out of her pocket. Tess snatched them away. "IN YOUR DREAMS, Angel Boy." She scoffed, pushing indignantly past him and out the door.

Andrew bowed to Monica. "After you," he said, allowing her to go next. He then followed the two other angels out of the diner, to Tess's waiting red Cadillac convertible and the unending ribbon of blacktop beyond.