"Shakespeare once said, 'We know what we are, but not what we may become." Can anyone tell me what that means?" Our English teacher, Mr. Cutty asked, "How about you Miss Adams, you haven't said a word this entire period."

"He means, we know our limits and abilities now, but we don't know what they will be in the future," I replied.

Mr. Cutty looked me over with his brown eyes. "Very good, now moving along," Mr. Cutty said, droning on.

I heard what he was saying, and understood it all, just didn't feel like answering. Instead I drew bats in the margins of my notebook, already filled with today's notes, and the rest of the chapter's notes.

The bell rang signaling the end of class. I gathered my bag and bolted for the door. Inches out of the door, I was called back in by Mr. Cutty.

"Why don't you participate? You obviously have the knowledge, you just don't show it. You know, sometimes its good to show off," he said.

"I just don't feel like participating, I feel cold stares everywhere already, raising my hand is like a duck walking out to a shooting field," I replied.

"Who cares what they think, if you know the answer, raise your hand, even if no one else does," Mr. Cutty retorted.

"Fine, but I won't like it," I mumbled, crossing my arms like a little kid.

"Its school, you're not supposed to like it," Mr. Cutty said, rubbing my head playfully.

I smiled and left, Mr. Cutty was all right for a teacher.

I arrived home at around five PM, just in time for the Gotham evening news oh joy.

"Hey Mom, can I switch the channel?" I called.

"No, your dad is out in the field today," my mom replied from the kitchen.

I sighed and went up stairs, thanking my mom for talking my dad into getting a TV for my room, with cable. I reached the front step to find my two, brown haired, freckled, green eyed twin brothers standing in front of my room, waiting for me.

"What do you two little dweebs want?" I asked them.

"We want to know," Toby started. "Who do these eyes belong to?" Tony finished for him. The two held up my sketch book.

"How many times do I have to tell you two idiots to away from my stuff?" I yelled. They scattered and dropped the notebook.

"Idiots," I said aloud, bending down to pick up my notebook and went into my room.

I switched the TV on in my room and plopped down at the desk.

"We interrupt this program to bring you a special news bulletin," Came a somewhat of a drone-like tone.

I wheeled my chair back, with a puzzled look on my face. They were now talking about a video the Joker had sent in. He was torturing some guy, who pretended to be the Batman, it was terrible. Things like that really make me cringe, and I'm…well not exactly normal.

I flicked it off, pulling myself back over to the desk.

"Taking lessons?" Toby asked, leaning on my door way.

I growled, and picked up a pair of scissors.

"Taking lessons..." I asked.

"Taking lessons from the Joker?" he specified.

I turned around suddenly and chucked the scissors at him. He ducked right before they hit him square in the head.

"Get out," I said. He ran out. I stood and retrieved the scissors.

"What just happened?" my mom asked, standing in my door way, arms crossed.

"My scissors found their way into the wall mysteriously," I replied.

"Come on Selene, what actually happened?" she pursued.

"Toby made some cocky comment that got me pissed, and I lost control of my anger," I replied nonchalantly.

"What was the comment?" My mom asked.

"He asked if I was taking 'lessons' from the Joker," I replied shamefully, it was always me.

"He did what?" my mom asked.

"You heard me; he thought I was trying to learn something from the bloody Joker! He thinks I'm going to turn out to be a murderer!" I yelled back.

"Now calm down, he didn't mean it like that," Mom said, putting her arms up.

"Alright," I said, not believing what I said.

Last night was hell. My dad got home and Toby whined to him to since Mom did nothing. He totally bit my head off.

"Selene, are you okay?" Mr. Cutty asked when I walked into class.

"Everything is alright," I said flashing a smile.

Mr. Cutty looked disbelieving, but let me go. I took my normal seat in the back, snickers and stares followed as usual, but I could give a flying crap.

Class was long as usual, but a disturbance was heard outside. A deafening bang and the door flew clean off its hinges. A flash of a purple trench coat, and green sandy hair, the Joker was in my classroom. Everyone screamed, and jumped up, trying to run through the wall in the back of the room. I jumped up too, but didn't try flattening myself against the wall, just stood on the side lines.

"Mr. Uh, James T. Cutty?" the Joker asked Mr. Cutty.

"Yes," Mr. Cutty asked.

"Well, then, I uh, need to get some information off of you," Joker continued.

"What information?" Mr. Cutty continued.

"Names, of old members of your gang, the Mob wants them for…business reasons," Joker said.

"I don't know what you are talking about," Mr. Cutty said. Joker walked up to him, crocked grin on his paint covered face. He raised his pistol, and brought it down hard on Mr. Cutty's head.

"Give me the names, now," Joker said, shaking his head at Mr. Cutty who was gasping and kneeling in pain.

"I still don't know what, you're talking about," Mr. Cutty said, standing up.

"You idiot," Joker said.

Joker turned to us then, everyone screamed again and started scratching at the walls.

"I think, before, I kill you, I'll play with you, just a little," Joker said, walking towards.

A girl next to me was crying. I put my arms around her, and gave her a hug, she might give me hell, but compassion is in my nature.

"I'll start with you," Joker said, dragging at my arm, pulling me off of her. "Give me the names," Joker said, pointing the machine gun at my dimple, "or I blast her brains out."

Mr. Cutty looked up, saw me, and said,

"Fine, I'll give you the names," Mr. Cutty said.

"No don..." I started, fighting at his grip.

"Atatatata, I don't think so sweetheart," Joker said, twirling me around into a head lock, still pointing the gun at my dimples.

"Creep," I said, wrinkling my nose.

"Sticks and stones love," Joker retorted, stroking my black hair playfully.

Mr. Cutty ripped his desk drawer out, and raked around inside for awhile.

"Here, these are the names," Mr. Cutty said, pulling out an old wrinkled paper.

"Very good, now bring them to me, I'm kind of, tied up here, with uh," Joker asked, imploring for my name.

"Selene, not that it matters anymore," I said.

Mr. Cutty walked up the isle slowly, holding the paper out for Joker to grab. Joker switched the gun to the hand that was clamped around my neck so he could reach out for the paper. I made my move, stomping on Joker's foot, and twirling out of his grip.

"Sorry," I whispered to Mr. Cutty, grabbing the paper out of his out stretched hand.

"Bad move," Joker said, pointing the gun at me.

"Your bad move was not shooting me while you had the chance," I said, grabbing the gun by the barrel and yanking it up, pointing it at the ceiling, right before he fired.

"See ya," I said, ducking down, and running off.

I skidded out into the hall, heart pounding. I bolted down the hall, thinking hard. I would be safer if I spat in the devil's face, instead, I chose to spit in the face of the Joker!