"Marron-" Trunks started.
"Leave Trunks!" Marron said clenching her fists. The last thing she needed now was him to give his words of wisdom and make her feel worse.
Trunks walked around and sighed. "Goten loves you, you know."
Marron stilled. That was not what she had expected for him to say. Trunks ran one hand through his lavender hair and looked down at the floor of Gotens apartment.
"I know because he told me." Trunks said. "Goten is a bit dumb sure but he was dead serious when he told me. I've never seen him like this! Instead of fighting he sits around like a love sick puppy when your gone and when you are around he's even goofyer!" He shook his head. "I don't get it. One day you fall right back into his life and turn his world up side down, the next he's wanting to fight you to prove the Tournoment was a fluke. Next he is kissing you and-" He stopped.
Marron waited for him to finnish. When he didn't she looked at him. "And?" she asked.
"And now you hurt him." Trunks said.
"Listen here," Marron said stomping over to him. "That damn dream was not on purpose. And you can bet I'll strangel Pan when I see her next. But one thing I should tell you, Trunks Breifs, is that I love him too!" Marron gasped and froze with her mouth still hanging open.
Trunks grinned big and looked down at her. "I knew it!"
Marron looked down. She did love him. It had just taken so long for her to get past her idiotic plans for embarassing him. Since she was a child Trunks and Goten may have picked on her, teased her, and humiliated her. But they both were in a weird way her friends.

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"Does it hurt?" Goten asked kneeling besides a six year old Marron. She had fallen down trying to keep up with Trunks and Goten. "Are you in a lot of pain, little Marron?"
Marron sniffed. "No.' she said even as tears came down her face.
Goten looked around. "Look I'll carry you from now on so you won't fall behind."
Marron looked up at her pint sized savior. "Okey." she giggled.
Trunks popped his head through some branches. "What's the hold up?"
"Marron fell." Goten said croutching on his knees so Marron could climb on his back.
Trunks face fell for a second. "Are you okey? Do you need a doctor? Anything broken?"
"I'm okey." Marron said wrapping her tiny arms around Gotens neck.
Trunks let out a whoosh of releif. "Good. Come on, with Goten carrying you we can make it to the top of the cliffs in no time. Then we can eat."
"Food yum!" Goten said grinning. Marron laughed on his back.
"You'll love the sunset up there Marron." Trunks said smiling. "It's real pretty."

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~Does it hurt?~

I'm fine now, Marron thought. She looked at Trunks and gave him a teary smile. "I'm going to sleep here tonight in case he comes back. If you see him-"
"I'll tell him you're here." Trunks said.
Marron nodded and walked up to him. She wrapped her arms around the half-sayjin and hugged him. Trunks hugged her back and left.
Marron walked into Gotens bedroom and sat on the large bed. She remembered Goten said once that all Son men needed big beds because they were so tall. She had laughed at him then but now looking back she saw it was true. She slid up to the top and curled in a ball on the pillows. On the floor by the bed was one of his ugly hawian tees. She picked up the red and black shirt with flamingos and held it close. It smelled like him. That strong masculan oder under spicy colonge.
Without meaning to she started to cry. She shouldn't have tried to hide the dream from him. Had she told him out front they both probobly would have laughed about it. She sniffed the colonge and remembered.

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"Goten! We shouldn't be in you brothers room!" Marron said as Goten dug through his older brothers drawers.
"It's okey." Goten said looking at the things on the top of the dresser. "I just have to find his treasurs."
"What treasures?" Marron asked peeking into an open cupbord.
Goten looked at her. "Well, Gohan moved into his own room and mom said it was because he's growing. I don't think that's it though. I think he has a seceret treasure hidden here. Why else does he and Videl come in here and lock the door all the time? Maybe she knows about it too!"
Goten picked up a bottle and lifted the cap. He sniffed it and the quickly shoved it away. "Yuck!" He pushed it away a little too quickly and it spilled, splashing on him and Marron.
"EEEK! What is this stuff?!" Marron asked trying to wipe it away. That only made it get on her hands.
"I don't know." Goten said holding his nose. "I think it's that stuff Gohan wears when Videl comes by."
"I thought Gohan liked her!" Marron said. "Why would he put this on?"
Goten shrugged and hopped down. "We have to wash this stuff off!"
Just then Chichi called to then. "Goten, Marron! Trunks in here!"
"Oh no!" Marron said. "What are we to do? Trunks can't see us in this stuff!"
Goten stroked his chin and stuck out his lower lip. It was his thinking stance. Suddenly he smiled proudly. "I know! Follow my lead!" They both walked out and Trunks sat at the table drinking a soda. He turned and waved.
"Hi guys I was . . *sniffsniff* . . . what is that?!?!?" he asked leaning away and grabing his nose.
Goten smiled. "It's daddys special Fighting Smelly Stuff. Makes him stronger."
"Really?" Trunks said letting go of his nose. "How come I've never heard of it?"
"Uhhh. . . "
"It's French!" Marron said thinking quickly.
Trunks angled his head. "Neat! Can I have some?"
Marron leaned to Goten. "We emptied the whold bottle, though."
"Hmm, daddys out but I bet my mommy has some." Goten said.
"Uhhuh!" Goten said. "Come on! She has lots of Smelly items." For the rest of the day, as the kids played outside, they smelled of Stenson and Wild Flower Dream.

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"Marron! MARRON! Get up!" Bra said shaking Marron.
Marron groaned and opened her eyes. "Wha? What is it?" She sat up seeing she slept all night in Gotens bed still clutching his shirt.
Pan and Bra stood next to her with worry on their faces. Pan even had tears in her eyes!
Marron jumped up knowing something was wrong. "What is it?"
"Can't you feel it?" Bra asked.
Marron closed her eyes and felt a wave of raw energy hit her. The power was . . . . huge! Like nothing she ever felt before. "what is that?"
"Gotens fighting Uub!" Pan said. "Not because of the dream, but because you said Uub was stronger."
"Never mess with a sayjins pride." Bra warned. "But we have to get you there now! Trunks is trying to hold them off but they can kill each other."
"What about Goku and Vegeta? Can they help?" Marron asked.
"No, they both agreed that Goten and Uub should fight it out." Pan said. "Something about a respectable fight."
Marron flew out the window not caring if anyone below saw her. Soon Bra and Pan followed but she didn't notice. All that mattered was getting to where Goten and Uub were fighting. It's all my fault! Marron thought. I should have gone after him last night. Stopped him. Begged him to come back upstairs and talk it out.
"Ka-me-ha-me-HA!" Marron heard over a mountian ridge. She flew over and saw Trunks standing holding his arm. Above him, Uub and Goten faught flying so fast she barly could see who was doing what. She landed next to Trunks.
"The jerk broke my arm! Goten broke my arm!" he exclaimed.
"What?" Bra said walking up to him. "How? Why?"
"I ran interferance and he cracked my arm telling me 'This is for Marrons honer.'" Trunks said.
Marron looked up and gasped. Goten was a super sayjin! He wore his orange and blue gi but it glowed a powerful yellow energy. His blonde hair stood up in spikes as his green eyes concitrated on every move his opponant made.
"Marrons honer?" Pan repeted. "How did Uub react?"
"I don't know." Trunks said. "They were fighting by time I got here. we have to break them up. Any ideas Marron? Marron? Yo!Marron!"
Marron snapped out of it and blushed alittle. "Huh? Oh, sorry." She looked up at the rapid moving yellow dot. "I'll handle this." She flew up so she was some twenty feet away from Uub and Gotens fight. "Goten!" she yelled. "Stop this right now! You don't have to do this!"
Goten ignored her and nailed a hit on Uubs jaw.
Marron growled. "Goten, please. Stop this for me! I don't want you to get hurt!"
Goten just kept on fighting and Uub hit Goten hard in the stomache with his knee. Goten cringed and backlashed Uub in the side of the head causing a cut above his eye.
Marron swallowed and flew right up between them. As soon as she had an opening she slapped Goten across the face.
Super Sayjin Goten stared in amazment at Marron and touched his aching cheek. Marron hovered in front of him with anger burning in her eyes. She turned and flew off without another word.
"Marron wait!" Goten shouted, but Uub hammed blowed him on to the dirt below.
"Time out!" Trunks yelled running up. He picked up Goten who was still staring off where Marron disappeared.
"Are you happy now jerk?" Bra asked poking Goten in the cheast.
"Back off Bra!" Goten barked. "I have to go after Marron!"
"Will someone explain what's going on here?" Uub asked looking confused. "Goten just showed up and challeneged me- well more like forced me to fight him."
"You don't know Marron had a-" Pan started but Bra hit her in the back of the head.
"No more talk about that!" she said. "Trunks, Goten you both need to go to the hospital. No talk on sayjin healing genes. You need a momentary cast and Goten needs bandages."
"What about Marron?" Goten asked having a one trak mind.
Uub shrugged. "I think she needs to be alone and cool down."
"How would YOU know!!??" Goten asked taking a step towards Uub with his fists raised.
Bra jumped betwen them. "Uub needs to go to a hospital too for minor scraps and maybe a few stitches. Pan, I don't think these two should be in the same hospital. You take Uub to St.Mius. I'll take Goten and Trunks to Jefferson. Then you can see Marron, Goten."

Marron sat on her bed in the dark trying to meditate. But so much was racing through her head she couldn't concitrate. Then the phone rang and she reached for it.
"Moshi moshi." she said.
"Mar? this is Bra."
"Bra, thank kami." Marron said. "How is Goten? And Uub? Did Trunks get beat up more?"
"Chill." Bra said on the other side of the phone line. "They are all okey. Goten just left the hospital and is probobly flying over to see you now."
Marron sighed. "Thanks for the heads up." She hung up with out saying good-bye. She looked at her closet and nodded to herself. She knew exactly what to do.

Goten flew in and landed softly on the sandy beach. Inside he felt Marrons ki and since he was still super sayjin he was sure she felt him. He dusted off his slightly torn outfit and thought breifly of powering down. Better not, he thought, Marron might want to hit him again.
So as super sayjin he went on in and walked up the stairs to where he knew she was waiting. The door was open so he went in and stopped a foot in. Marron sat on the edge of the bed wearing a red robe tightly around herself. She glared at him.
Goten took a deep breath and held up his hands to show he was unarmed. "Please let me talk first. I know I was an idiot to make such a big deal about that dream. I mean, dreams are strange. Trunks used to wanna marry a jar of bannana baby food. That's besides the point. I'm no good at this. But last night all I could think of was the idea of you and Uub *together*. It made me burn inside and when I stumbled across his ki I went nuts. I changed into my training outift and tackled the poor guy. I was so angery. I wanted to kill him. I even broke Trunks, my best friend in the world, arm. If you hadn't showed up I might have killed him or gotten myself killed. Kami Marron please forgive me. I'll do anything to make it up to you. ANYTHING!"
Marron sat there looking as if not at him but through him. As if he wasn't even there. She didn't respond or move.
"Marron," Goten begged. "I am sorry. Please don't let it be over. I-I will do anything. Beg, plead, even let you hit me more if it will make you feel better." She still didn't answer. Goten was going nuts. He had to do something.
"I'll leave then if that's what you want." he said turning to the door. He quickly turned back. "Damnit, I can't leave! Say something!"
This time Marron moved. She stood up and slowly walked over to him so they were mear inches apart. She reached up and tenderly touched the red mark on his cheek where she hit him. Goten stood perfectly still as she suddenly wrapped both of her arms around his neck and busted into a sexy grin.
"You know I adore blondes." she said gently kissing his jaw and chin.
"Huh?" Goten said very, very confused. Then he remembered his golden super sayjin hair. He was very confused. "So. . . . "
Marron giggled and grabed his hand. She backed up pulling him with her. "Come one. Let's, hmmm, *sleep* on it."
Goten stopped and glanced at the bed then back at her. The way she said it she had no intention of just . . . .sleeping. Now he was really confused. They hadn't even gone past 2nd base and now she wanted him to join hber in bed when she slapped him a few hours ago? "Marron? Are you okey?"
"Just peachy, baby face." Marron said. "You appologised, realized what a jerk you've been and now we go have wild all-night-make-up-sex."
Goten began to wonder if Uub had killed him and he was in heaven. Or at least in a coma. "Hold it, hold it, hold it. You mean- now?!"
Marron pouted and put her hands on her hips. "You don't want to?" she asked batting her eyes at him.
Goten nearly groaned. "Yes, I do, but I thought you didn't want me as your boyfriend anymore. I mean Uub-"
"Isn't the one I'm asking to come to bed with me." she said quickly. She walked up and hugged him. "Listen here you big doof, I'm crazy about you. You are the sweetest, kindest, funniest man I've even met."
"Really?" Goten asked shyly.
Marron nodded. "I take after my mom. We like out men that way. Even though I said Uub was stronger that doesn't mean I want him like I do you."
"But I am still really strong right?"
"Not nearly as strong as Trunks-" Marron teased.
Goten growled and reached behind her and tickled her lower back. The one spot he knew she'd always be tickelish at. Marron laughed and kissed him senclessly.
A few minutes later she pulled away. "Come on, baby face," she said leading him to bed. "show me how strong you really are."


What did you all think? PLease review. I really want to know how I did! Also my new fic is up. It is called Fem Fatal: Goku. It's all about what DBZ would be like if Goku was born a girl. What is Chichi like? How does it effect the rest of the series and new pairings. Also Raditz fans will like this because I write him in more.