Open, Pop, Swallow

A/N: I absolutely love Drakken and Shego as a couple! There I said it! It doesn't help the fact that I'm probably too old to be watching Kim Possible, but Shego and Drakken make the show too awesome for me to pass up. Anyway, I imagine Drakken and Shego having kids one day...and I know its weird, given Shego's personality and everything, but there's just something about Drakken's character that screams out 'daddy.' I can totally imagine Drakken being an over protective dad...especially if you add daughters to the mix. Thus, the conception of this story. Its all about change, really. Shego and Drakken that is, facing change after the Global Justice ceremony following the 'graduation' episode. At first this change involves job offers and 'what to do next,' but it soon invades their relationship, ideals and 'way of life.' I don't want to say too much...I fear ruining the story...but why not find out for yourselves what I am trying to say...

Disclaimer: I 100% do not own Kim Possible.

Monday: Open, pop, swallow.

Shego hated Mondays. Mondays happened to be the day of the week that Drakken came up with his crazy, 'doomed to fail' plans, which meant Shego became his object of ranting. It had been a long time since the two found themselves in evil-scheming mode, but Drakken was sure he wanted to go back to planning and Shego was getting restless. But these newly developed plans, that luckily they haven't yet put into action, still required Shego to work, work that Shego knew was heedless, as his plans always seemed to be fail-proof. Well...there was one exception, but both decided to never acknowledge the incident. It wasn't like they wanted to save the world. But how could they not? After all, Drakken's ultimate plan is or was global domination, therefore they needed Earth intact in order to actually dominate it. Warmonga and Warhawk were in the way of that goal, therefore they had to save the world. Or at least that's what they told themselves. On the plus side, saving the world did have its perks; not only did Global Justice grant them global pardon, but Drakken and Shego were bombarded with countless, countless and even more countless offers of global scientific, innovative and secret service employment opportunites (with large cash rewards to boot) but Shego found she had a particular perk she enjoyed the most; Drakken himself. In the past 6 months, since the ceremony, Shego found she savoured the newly intimate moments with her employer, although she rarely, if ever, admitted it.

"Nrrgh," Drakken groaned, grabbing a pillow and smothering it onto his face, "what time is it?"

"What do I look like, a human clock?" Shego responded, as she sat at the vanity she had installed into his private chambers, exclusively for her own use.

"Zip the lip, Shego," Drakken replied, his voice somewhat muffled through the pillow, "It's the last thing I need in the morning."

Shego grinned as she looked at her dishevled boss, laying on his big, round, red bed, pillow tightly held against his face and pleasingly shirtless. Oh, she definately enjoyed the whole 'Drakken' perk, especially how accessed she was into his personal space. It gave her more...mocking opportunities. Quietly, Shego left her vanity and made her way onto her employer's side of the bed, cuddling into his warm, blue skin. "Why are you suffocating yourself with that pillow? Its not like there's any light penetrating this dark, dreary lair."

Drakken slowly lowered the red pillow as his eyes glanced around the room, analyzing the scenerio, "Hmm...habit, I suppose."

Shego sighed as she nuzzled Drakken's neck, non-chalantly making circles around his bellybutton, "I know. If you haven't noticed, I've been waking up to you for the last 6 months."

"For the last 6 months, Shego, you've been stealing the covers, talking incessantly in your sleep, none of which makes sense by the way, and continually kicking me! I never knew sleeping with you was so dangerous," Drakken complained.

"Dr. D., I am dangerous. Besides I don't kick, I cuddle," Shego teased, arm lazily draped around Drakken's torso.

"Cuddle? Please, I haven't had this many bruises since Kim Possible destroyed our last lair! Where was that anyway?" Drakken pondered.

Shego moaned as she moved her body closer into that of her employer's, hoping to stimulate an arousal, "Who knows. Who cares."

"Shego-I-hermph!" Drakken began only to be silenced by Shego's lips crashing down upon his own. Yes, Shego definately enjoyed being a part of his personal space; mocking opportunities and more...

Slowly breaking the kiss, Shego climbed on top of her employer, legs pinned to either of his sides. "Now," Shego purred, rubbing his lower abdomen, seductively making her hands move up to either side of his face, "What's the plan for today, doc?" She slowly lowered her upper torso onto his; black, shiny lips only inches from his own, "You're not gonna make me work are you?"

Drakken's eyes met with Shego's bright green ones. It seemed, for the time being anyway, that he was lost for words. Sure they've been together for 6 months, which included a ridiculous amount of nudity as well as morning, noon and midnight romps, but there were moments like this, with Shego wrapped around him, on top of him, clad only in incredibly sexy black lace lingerie that made him speechless. Less than a year ago, Drakken was a 40-year-old virgin whose feelings for his 30-year-old vixen sidekick became perplexingly unprofessional. He had wanted more...much more, and while he finally got to that stage, there were times, like this, where Shego made him question his own reality. Her lips were so plump, raising his head only centimeters from the pillow, he rose to meet her lips with his own, when suddenly her words reached his brain receptors. Growling, Drakken pushed his employee off him. "Shego, I don't pay you to just sit around and look pretty! Besides last night I dreamt my most wonderous take-over-the-world scheme ever!"

"Oi," Shego sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Now, Shego, what comes to mind when I say Michael Jackson, prom and teen spirit?" Drakken questioned, kneeling in front of Shego on the bed.

"Stupid," Shego answered, filing her nails.

"SHEGO! Mind your tongue!" Drakken cried, blue face turning purple by the minute. "You haven't even heard the plan!"

"Do I have a choice?"

"No! Now imagine if you will-"

"You mean against my will, don't you?" Shego retorted.

"SHEGO!!" Drakken exlaimed, pulling at his messy morning hair. Shego smirked; to think, months ago they would have been having this "conversation" in his lab, certainly not on his red silk and satin sheets, wearing striped blue pajama pants and black lingerie.

"Alright, go on, go on," Shego smirked, examing her perfectly manicured black nails.

"As I was saying," Drakken continued, "Prom, as we all know, is the biggest night of every youth's life! Imagine them mingling and dancing when suddenly Thriller, by Michael Jackson of course, hits the speakers. And Shego, I'm not just talking about any plain old Thriller, I'm talking about a secretly-encrypted messaged Thriller. By the time the song ends we will have an army of youth!! And on top of it all, we will send out a hefty ransom for the return of the youth to their respective homes! Now! Tell me Shego! What do you think?"

"Dumb," Shego yawned, moving to lean against Drakken's chest.

"What? Why?"

"Army of youth? Didn't we have a plan similar to that before? Trust me Dr. D, its not going to work."

"But its foolproof!"

"Everytime," Shego seethed, "you say foolproof, it never works out!"

Drakken sighed, "Oh, you're right. I just jinxed my plan..."

Shego smiled as she gently placed her plam under Drakken's jawline and placed a kiss on his cheek, "Drew, it was jinxed from its very conception."

"Nrrgh, I just want the world to truly acknowledge my genius!"

"You never did get that tested did you?"

"Shego! It was my genius plan that saved the world!"

"There you go!" Shego exclaimed, "The world has seen your genius! And trust me they are acknowledging it; I mean our phone lines are constantly jammed with offers and didn't Mr. Dr. Possible, or whatever, invite you to join the scientific team to work on the centurian project?"

"Pff, James Possible! I'd rather lick the bathroom floor, passionately kiss each and every one of the henchmen and phone up my mother and invite her to live with us for the rest of our lives!"

Shego groaned, collapsing on the bed beside Drakken, "You had to bring up your mother, didn't you?"

Drakken moaned, "What did she do now?" Drakken knew Mama Lipsky was getting on Shego's very last nerves, and he too was close to snapping. It all started after the ceremony. Unfortunately, that blasted ceremony was broadcast internationally, which would have been dandy had it not been broadcast on a tiny television at the Lipsky residence in Flordia. Following the ceremony Mama Lipsky became obsessed with a certain aspect of Drakken's life. It wasn't Drakken's international recognition of heroism or "past" evil scientist ways that set Mama Lipsky off, she did however both congratualte her son on his success as well as berate him for 'lying' to her about the whole 'radio doctor' thing; in fact, it was something that was incredibly minor. It barely got any airtime, a minute, if even that. The 'situation' that Mama Lipsky became obsessed with simply involved Drakken, Shego and his vines; it wasn't like they kissed, let alone physically hugged (the vines had actually crushed their bodies together), but somehow Mama Lipsky took that scenerio to mean that Drakken and Shego were a couple. In reality, it was the beggining of a relationship (which included a hot and steamy night in the jungle lair follwing the Global Justice reception), but Mama Lipsky could not have known that. No one knew that! It appeared Mama Lipsky was far too perceptive, that, or crazy.

"She graciously subscribed me to "American Pregnancy" magazine for a whole year! I got my first magazine yesterday," Shego seethed, lifting the magazine from under her pillow, "Ugh, when will she give it up?"

"She's a Lipsky, Shego, she doesn't know the meaning of 'giving up'," Drakken sighed. Mama Lipsky wanted to be a grandmother, and she wanted it now. Ideally, she'd love to have her Drewbie married first, but she wasn't sure what the 'mad scientist' philosophy on 'marriage,' really was. Plus, Drakken was in a relationship! She was starting to doubt any girl was good enough for her little Drewbie. Apparently, Shego was that girl. And who was Mama Lipsky to push her luck? Drakken wasn't getting younger and Shego wasn't getting any younger and she certainly wasn't getting any younger; she wanted a grandchild before she died, dammit! Unfortunately, Drakken and Shego had other ideas and Mama Lipsky was either oblivious to them or just plain stubborn.

"Ugh," Shego moaned, "There is NO way I'm having a baby! It's just wrong. Plus, there is NO way I'm losing this fabulous figure for some spawn."

Drakken nodded in agreement, "Plus all they do is poop and cry and scream and vomit and eat! How helpful is that? Spoiled brats."

"And honestly, we'd be the worst parents in history...I mean, evil villians don't exactly make for loving parents," Shego noted.

"No's hard enough caring for the henchmen...add children to the mix and I think we're pretty much screwed."

"And then those dirt-loving brats turn into adolescents...which is ten times worse. Not only do they poop and cry and scream and vomit and eat, they also talk back and argue and give sass."

"Please, tell me you're still on the pill?" Drakken pleaded, looking deep into Shego's eyes.

Shego quirked an eyebrow, "You think I'm stupid? Of course I'm on the pill! Speaking of which, you're not running low on condoms are you?"

Drakken blushed, "No, but all this baby talk is making me think I should start doubling which case I think we'll need another stash."

"Good plan," Shego agreed, which made Drakken gloat, "Don't get carried away genius. Anyway, I'll pick some up tommorrow when I go to the pharmacy."

"Good!" Drakken exclaimed.

"So how about you get one of those condoms on and we make this morning extra special?" Shego purred, playing suggestively with Drakken's waist elastic.

Drakken smiled, "My pleasure."