Disclaimer: I do not own Narnia.

A/N: OK, I'm almost ashamed to admit that in the recent Prince Caspian movie, the kiss was not my least favorite part. (It was horrible, but it wasn't my personal least favorite thing!) My least favorite part was the interaction between Peter and Lucy. I'm sorry, Andrew Adamson, but come on! Peter was a total jerk to his little sister and they deserved a happy making up scene! So, this is how I imagine Peter apologized.

Peter hated apologizing. It was easy enough with most people. A simple "I'm sorry" and that was that. Edmund would usually just nod and possibly smack his arm before walking off. Susan would smile and forgive him. But Lucy………well, she was another matter.

Peter had already apologized to Aslan, who'd merely looked at him with his deep golden eyes and said,

"I was not the only one hurt by your actions."

Peter sighed and kicked at a stone as he watched Lucy. Never before had he felt this stupid! Well, that wasn't quite true. He'd felt like a silly little idiot when they'd tumbled into Narnia, after insisting that Lucy's stories were nonsense. He smiled, remembering his apology then:

"Don't worry," Lucy said, smiling as she watched their reactions. "I'm sure it's just your imagination." Peter felt his heart sink; she'd been right and he hadn't listened. Why hadn't he listened?

"I don't suppose 'sorry' could quite make up for it?" he asked, smiling ruefully.

"No, it wouldn't." Lucy answered grimly. Then her hand came up, poised to throw a snowball. Peter blinked as it hit him in the face. "But that might!"

Peter chuckled to himself, and then sighed. This was far, far worse than that. He hadn't just not listened. He'd known, secretly, that she was right, and he still hadn't listened. Sighing, Peter walked out to where Lucy was sitting on the remains of the Beruna Bridge.

"Hey Lu," he said. She glanced up at him as he sat down beside her, giving him a tiny half smile. "I guess I was a real idiot, wasn't I?" he asked. She said nothing, either to condemn him or let him off. She just looked at him. Peter blew out his breath and then said the one thing that came to mind: "I don't suppose 'I'm sorry' would quite cover up this one?"

"No," Lucy answered, clearly remembering the same conversation. "It wouldn't."

Peter sighed, feeling his heart sink some more. By the Lion's Mane, what was there to say that could cover up such a horrid betrayal of trust?

Then he felt a sudden pressure on his back, and before he knew what was happening, Lucy had shoved him right into the ford. As he scrambled to his feet, spluttering and blinking water out of his eyes, Lucy grinned. "But that might!"

Still gasping, Peter waded over to where she was sitting. Lucy saw the look in his eyes and tried to scramble back, but Peter lunged forward, grabbed her by the ankle, and then dumped her into the water. She shrieked with laughter, shaking her wet hair. Peter grinned and faced her, his blue eyes dancing.

"Forgiven?" he panted. Smiling, she waded through the water and hugged him.

"Always," she said into his shirt. Peter sighed, relaxing in her hold. Never before had a hug from Lucy felt so good!

"Peter?" asked a voice. Peter and Lucy looked up to see Caspian standing on the bank, looking both confused and somewhat surprised. "Is everything all right?"

Peter smiled and put an arm around Lucy.

"Yes," he answered. "Everything's perfect."

Hope this isn't too lame! Please enjoy and don't forget to review!