Hello readers, Happy easter! (give chocolate eggs to everyone) New SanZo fic here. I think this one will be pretty short.

I know I should've uploaded my other ongoing stories, but this semester's quite giving me headache with loads of assignments. This fic's a sort of escape from my weekly assignments coz new ideas kept popping in my mind so instead doing those damned home works in this holiday I ended up writing this piece. I'm sorry for those of you who had been reading my other fics and who's waiting for updates but I won't continue those two until this semester's break. Okay, now on with the story. Enjoy!

Pairing: Sanji/SunnyxZoro

Disclaimer: I don't own one piece or any of its wonderful characters. I wish I were Oda but then One Piece wouldn't even exist so I'm glad I'm not him.

Chapter 1

Every pair of eyes was set on the centre of the lawn deck when Zoro and Sanji went back from the forest where the straw hats had docked their ship yesterday. None of them was able to express their shock through spoken words, or even through a simple sound. The two men could only stand there, stared back and waited for the volley of questions and shock explosions that was bound to happen soon enough.

"Wha… Wh-who is HE?! Why does he look like Sanji?" Usopp was the first to recover, pointing accusingly at the fake Sanji, or at least the man he assumed as the copying impostor who stood beside the real Sanji, because they were perfectly identical in appearance. Chopper ran a few circles in a panic attempt for a hiding spot before he finally buried his face behind the main mast.

"SO COOOL!! We have two Sanjis!!" Luffy exclaimed, face grinning widely in awe.

"Chill out, will you?! This is all marimo's fault!" One of the blondes said.

All eyes immediately shifted to the swordsman who only scowled back at the cook.

"My fault?! You're the one who started it!"

"But thanks to you we now have him!" The blonde who spoke earlier retorted, emphasizing on the last word to show his extreme annoyance towards the other blonde.

"You deaf or something? I told you I had no other choice. You should be grateful I didn't leave you there."

"Oh yeah? All of this won't happen if your muscle brain worked a bit harder." The cook spat.

"Know what? You're right. I should've picked him and left you behind so no one need to hear you whining!"

"What was that marimo?!"

"You whine!"

"Enough!" Nami stepped in and rewarded them with a big bump on their heads. The trouble Luffy had caused them was enough to give her a throbbing headache and she wouldn't tolerate the two idiots from causing additional pain to her head. They were supposed to be exploring the west part of nearby jungle to gather some emergency stock their ship lacked after Luffy had committed another irresponsible act of devouring all of their meat stock before they reach the next island.

"Nami-swan is so cute when she's angry!" Sanji beamed despite his swollen head.

"What happened in the forest?" Nami demanded, totally ignoring the cook.

"Please forgive the intrusion, but may I have the chance to explain to you of what had happened?" The other Sanji finally spoke and when Nami nodded her agreement, he continued. "He fell to the Nabia's sacred lake and she rewarded your green haired friend for his honesty."

"What? Could you be more specific? Who's Nabia?"

"She's the goddess of rivers and lakes and the lake here is one of her domain. Have you heard the story about the woodcutter who dropped his axe in a lake? Nabia appeared in front of him with a golden axe and his iron axe and asked him which one was his. When the woodcutter told her the truth she rewarded him with both axes. That's the original method, but then people are starting to know it and use it to their own advantages so she altered the tradition by showing the mirrored version of whatever fell to her lake instead of showing the better one. So that's what happened when your friend fell to her lake and… here I am." The other Sanji smiled shyly.

"So… you're the mirrored version of Sanji?" The navigator took a moment to study the two Sanjis and soon realized that the other Sanji has the visible right eye instead of the left one. "Ah, I see!" She said, between the Oohs and Ahhs of the other crewmembers as they noticed the difference too.

"A magic lake huh, I've heard the story before but I didn't know that also goes for a person." Usopp voiced his curiosity.

"What's the point? By merely showing the mirrored version, you can't test someone's honesty because they don't have any motive to lie." Zoro scratch his head.

"There's no point in it. She just continuing the tradition and do her job as a goddess I assume." Robin joined the conversation.

"Whoaa! A magic lake! Let's-"Luffy didn't get to finish his line for the red headed navigator quickly turned to him with murderous aura. "Don't even think about it, Luffy. You've caused enough trouble already!"

"What will you do now?" Chopper finally decided to involve himself in the conversation.

"Hey, why don't you join our crew?" Luffy asked excitedly. His stomach growled in anticipation from the thought of having two chefs on his ship that meant he could eat twice his usual meal everyday.

"Of course, I'd be happy to accept your generous offer. Besides, Nabia gave me to him." The new Sanji glanced bashfully to the swordsman and Zoro's face turned surprisingly a bit red at the unsuspected remark.

"What the hell?! What do you mean by that? You're still me, so I won't let you give away yourself to be someone's slave, especially his!" The cook roared in rage. The thought of seeing himself obeying Zoro's every whim made him shuddered in anger and disgust.

"Heh, I think we're going to be good friends." Zoro commented and easily dodged Sanji's aimed kick for his head as he had expected it. Sanji stopped in his track when he heard his Nami-swan asked him to prepare their lunch. He went to his kitchen but when he got there his other self had already there to cook the meal for his crew. He felt his stomach churned at the sight of the other blonde as he cut, stirred, and served the meal with the same expertise and grace such as him. Actually Sanji wasn't sure whether he had the same talent as him because the man almost made him gapped in awe and he secretly wondered if he also looked like him when he worked in his kitchen. Of course he is! After all they're the same person so there's no reason to be threatened or jealous. Oh, no! He's certainly not jealous of his cooking skill! He's the best chef the straw hats could ever wish for! But he still got the most unpleasant feeling that he's not going to get along very well with this guy.

After a few days, the straw hats decided to call the other Sanji with the nickname "Sunny" to avoid confusion while communicating with the two. As you could've guessed, the name came from Luffy who first started calling him that way, when Usopp asked him why'd he called him that the monkey boy simply said it was the first thing came through his head and he liked it so that's pretty much the way Sunny got his nickname. The crew started comparing Sanji with Sunny, which always spoiled Sanji's mood till the end of the day. They came to realize that the opposite effect wasn't just for their appearance, but also in their personality. Sunny was the exact opposite version of Sanji's character. He was shy, didn't smoke or swear, sensitive, sloppy and unsure, but the most obvious thing was he showed his great attraction towards boys rather than girls which disturbed Sanji the most. So if Sanji often seen swooning and dance his way serving and praising his Nami-swan, Sunny chose to spent his time and energy on Zoro, much to Sanji's dismay.

"Nami-swan, Robin-chan, I made a special strawberry cheese cake for you!" Sanji sang while serving the girls who sat near the shade of Nami's mikan grove. Nami and Robin thanked him and he danced with heart-shaped eyes. But then he spotted Sunny climbing up to the crow's nest with a tray of wonderfully crafted midday snack for the idiot swordsman. They can hear Sunny called Zoro the same loving way as Sanji did the girls, only he did it in a more feminine way.

"Looks like swordsman-san got a new fan." Robin and Nami giggled while Sanji scowled in annoyance.

"Oh, great! My other half is a pansy and as if it's not embarrassing enough, he's gay too!" Sanji grumbled inwardly.

Why should he choose Zoro of all people? And even though the swordsman looked uncomfortable whenever Sunny was around, he treated his damn copycat a lot nicer which made Sanji wanted to kick the hell out of the bastard swordsman more.

Yaay, Zoro is Sunny's Nami-swan! Would you be so kind to leave a review? I love reviews ^_^