Hello! Okay this is an idea I've had for awhile and I felt the need to get some feedback on it! So please read and review it! Not everything may be accurate but I'm really sorry about that.

Disclaimer: I don't own any HP- it's all Rowlings!

Lily Vivian Evans sat under her favorite Willow Tree on the northern area of the lake that was part of the Hogwarts grounds. She stared absently across the lake to where the Giant Squid was lazily basking in the warm sun. It was a beautiful day: the sun was shining with not one cloud in the deep blue sky. Birds were twittering and the students were enjoying the first great day of spring. Lily was immune to all of this as she sat contemplating her terribly confusing thoughts. Her sparkling, bright green eyes were glazed over as the wind took a whisp of her hair into its grasp. Her pale skin was recieving welcoming rays from the sun and her fingers were plucking grass mindlessly.

Her head was a tangle of thoughts and it took much effort to pick one out of the bunch and focus on that only. She sighed as she thought about the past year and what was to happen next year when she wouldn't have to safe walls of Hogwarts surrounding her. She shuddered and suddenly the day turned cold as she focused on the past year; her last year at Hogwarts.

The Hogwarts express stood gleaming and shining in the station. Its bright red paint was as smooth as always while the golden colored manuscript that read: Hogwarts Express, was plainly visible on its side. Smoke billowed out from around it singling that the train was getting ready to leave. Students were milling about platform 9 3/4, saying goodbye to families, seeing friends, and loading their trunks onto the train. Lily stood in the midst of the confusion taking it all in.

"Lily!" A loud shriek pierced through the rest of the noise as Lily turned around. "Alice!" The two friends embraced each other and began talking at the same time. They talked as if they hadn't seen each other in years, when, in reality, it had only been three days.

"Wow! Way to start the reintroductions without me!" Mary MacDonald huffed. She was notoriously bad at faking anger and sure enough she cracked and ran to hug her friends.

Alice Brhant was tall and gentle with chestnut colored hair that ended at her shoulders. Her violet colored eyes produced an unusual effect on the people she talked to, for they couldn't seem to look away. They especially seemed to captivate a boy by the name of Frank Longbottom. Overall Alice was considered very pretty and had a certain strong appearance about her.

Mary on the other hand was considered to have a wild beauty. She was a tiny thing with an attitude. She had blonde hair that flowed halfway down her back and sparkling brown eyes. Whenever she smiled, five dimples appeared on different parts of her face. Just as her appearance, Mary found it very hard to stay focused on her schoolwork. In addition to that, Mary was bossy, loud, and sometimes annyoing. Most boys overlooked that fact and pursued her anyway.

Seeing as Lily had said good-bye to her parents in the Muggle part of the train station and the other two had already said their good-byes, the three companions boarded the train still relating stories despite how recently they had seen each other. It took them a little while, but they managed to find an empty compartment. When Lily looked to see who was in the compartment across from them, she inwardly groaned. The four Marauders as they liked to call themselves, sat across from them talking and joking. The Marauders were made up of James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew.

James Potter was what most girls considered handsome. He had untidy black hair that never seemed to be able to be tamed, bright hazel eyes, a square jaw, and a muscular, strong build due to his regular Quidditch practices. If James Potter was handsome, he was nothing compared to the boy next to him: Sirius Black.

Sirius had shaggy black hair that fell across his forehead and piercing gray eyes that did not match his personality in any shape or form. He had a strong build like James but not as much muscle. Whereas James played for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, Siruis did not. His personality in fact, was just the opposite of his name. Sirius was known for being practically worshiped by girls. The girls couldn't get enough of him. They loved him, they laughed over the stupid pranks he pulled, congradulated him on the way he and James joked around, and especially the way he snogged.

Remus Lupin was handsome in some aspects. His light brown hair was trimmed neatly so it did not grow any further than halfway down his forehead. His brown eyes always seemed a little wary and alert. He was tall but stooped ever so slightly, so that one had to really look to notice. Details were the handsome feature of Remus. When one did a quick look they noticed how ashen he looked. Remus was the least annoying person of the group and Lily found that she may have liked him the most if it wasn't for Sirius. He did however let James and Siruis get away with the stupid jokes that they did pulled.

The last Marauder, Peter Pettigrew, was not handsome in the least. He had wispy blonde hair and watery blue eyes. His voice always came out as a squeak and he rarely looked you in the eye, timid as he was. Peter was a bit overweight and suffered from a mild case of acne. Lily, couldn't for the life of her, figure out why the other three would even accept Peter. Lily herself couldn't stand him. He never did anything for himself and worshiped the other Marauders.

The Marauders were known for two main things. They pulled outrageous pranks on not only the students but some of the staff as well; They were led by James and Sirius who were the most sought after guys in the school.

Shaking her head to rid herself of the thoughts Lily quickly turned back to her friends so the Marauders wouldn't see her. It wasn't that she disliked them, well not all of them, but she would rather avoid an encounter. They were rarely seen individually. You usually saw them in pairs.

"See anything you like?" Mary teased. Lily hadn't noticed that someone was watching her and scowled at Mary.

"Hey I'm only teasing," Mary giggled and hopped onto a seat. "God I'm starved! Breakfast was so rushed this morning!"

It was Lily's turn to laugh. Ever since Mary's aunt and uncle had moved in with their family, things had been a little crowed at the MacDonald household. Her Aunt Mathilda had five children, which currently three out of the five attended Hogwarts. Getting to the station on time was a hassle enough.

"Don't worry, the trolley should be here soon." Alice's voice was muffled and strained as she tried to lift her trunk onto the rack. Out of the three of them Alice always had the biggest trunk.

"Here let me help." Lily went over and together the two of them tried to lift the trunk. Unfortunately Lily lost her grip as they both heaved and the trunk went clattering to the floor with a bang as Alice and Lily jumped out of the way. Both of them got up and glared at Mary who was consumed by a helpless fit of laughter.

"You guys-" She said as she caught her breath, "-that was the-" She collapsed into laughter again, "-the funniest thing I have ever seen!" She was laughing so hard that tears had come to her eyes.

"Is everything okay in here?" A voice came floating into the compartment. Lily, too busy being mad, didn't notice the door open. When she looked in that direction she rolled her eyes heavenward. "We heard a bang and wanted to make sure that everything was okay." James Potter walked into the compartment as if he owned the place.

"Um, this was not what we were expecting," Sirius Black strolled in after James. Mary was wiping tears from her eyes, Alice was sitting on a seat rubbing her foot, and Lily was glaring at everyone. Out of respect for their friend, Alice and Mary never took any particular intrest in any of the Marauders. James they knew, was to be seen as off- limits.

"We're fine," Alice answered getting up and shooting daggers at her trunk. "The trunk just fell."

James grinned and walked over to the trunk. With hardly a strain he lifted the trunk onto the rack.

Alice smiled gatefully, "Thanks!"

James shrugged it off.

"So Lily how was your summer?" Sirius inquired. He was smirking over some private joke that only he and Lily seemed to understand. Lily shot Sirius a look that he accepted unflinchingly.

"What happened?" Alice asked sensing the death waves Lily was giving Sirius.

"What is taking you guys so lo-" Remus came marching into the compartment then chuckled as he saw what was taking his friends so long but he was surprised to find Lily giving Siruis the look instead of James. The look was something that the boys came to associate with anger. Lily set her jaw and clenched and unclenched her fists. On top of that her eyes seemed to pierce you. It was a dreadful thing.

"Oh hello Moony! I was just asking Lily about her summer." Sirius sat in the chair opposite her as a look of understanding came over Remus.

"Sirius I warned you that she wasn't going to be happy."

"Oh come on Remus. I was just having fun."

"Having fun does not meaning pulling one of your outrageous pranks on my sister!" Lily snarled. "She nearly bit my head off! I couldn't stay in the same house with her for four days! Four days! And in case you haven't noticed, Petunia isn't my number one fan!" Lily stood breathing heavily shaking a bit with her anger.

"Oh come off it Evans! You started laughing yourself! You thought it was damn near hilarious!" Sirius shouted right back. Lily looked ready to strangle him. She outstretched her hands and flew at Sirius.

"You were not there! You do not know what happened!" Luckily James grabbed her waist before she could any damage. "Get your hands off of me!" Lily wiggled out of his grasp and stormed out of the compartment. "I'll be at my Head's meeting!" She called coldly over her shoulder.

"Real smooth boys," Mary congratulated them sarcastically.

"She will get over it," James brushed it off.

"James come on we've got to go too," Remus interjected. James nodded and followed Remus out.

"Where are they going?" Alice asked.

"They're at their stupid Head's meeting," Sirius grumbled.

"I meant James and Remus not Lily."

"I told you. They went to their Head's meeting."

"Why is James going?"

Sirius grinned, "Dumbledore made him Head Boy." Alice and Mary both stared in shock but and burst out in laughter as they imagined what Lily's reaction would be.

"That is not going to be good," Mary commented.

"Not at all," Sirius agreed.

"So what exactly did you do to Lily over the summer?" Alice asked curiously.

Sirius barked out a laugh as he explained how he had sent Lily a big brown package that contained a Fanged Frisbee. Petunia had opened it thinking it was for her, not bothering to read the card. She fainted when the frisbee started flying around and finally bit her. Lily had written him a Howler lecturing him about how he would pay for what he had done. The girls gave each other slightly uneasy looks considering that Petuina probably hated Lily with a vengeance now. Sirius didn't miss the exchange. "What?" he asked.

"Well," Mary started trying to think of the best way to put this. "Lily and Petunia aren't exactly on the best terms. Actually they're on the worst of terms and Petunia hates Lily."

Sirius grimiced, "Well you should have seen the way she treated Lily when Lily got off the train." The girls waited for Sirius to elaborate but he never did.

"Do you guys mind if I come in considering I got ditched?" Peter Pettigrew stood at the doorway, hands in pockets.

"Why not Wormtail," Sirius said as he jerked his head to a seat next to Alice who smiled politely. This was going to be a long ride.

Meanwhile, Lily thought of the Head's meeting as an escape from the Marauders. She didn't know how wrong she was. As she started the meeting James and Remus came rushing in.

"Why are you here?" Lily spat at James. He didn't flash her his usual crooked grin, the one he reserved only for her.

"Well Evans if you didn't rush off so fast earlier I could have explained." Remus found a seat inconspicuously and started rubbing his temples for the fight that was sure to come.

"Explained what?" Lily asked starting to get mad.

"Didn't you hear?"

"Hear what Potter? In the name of Merlin's beard you better tell me or-" Lily was cut off as James hastily said, "I'm Head Boy." The prefects tensed as they waited for Lily's reaction. They were shocked to see her throw her head back and laugh hysterically. After a few moments Lily fell silent and saw James' bewildered look.

Her jaw dropped, "You can't be serious!"

"Actually Evans, I'm James."

Remus clutched his head and groaned. James and Sirius never got sick of that joke.

"Potter no one in their right mind would make you Head Boy," Lily slowly said, trying to convince herself that too.

"Well some say Dumbledore isn't quite right in his head but I think he's bloody brilliant."

Lily sat in her chair shocked as images ran through her head. James and her would have to patrol together, they would have to work together. Lily shook her head in utter disbelief. Seeing the other kid's reactions she regained control. Somewhat. Taking a deep breath she sat down and got back up again. "Okay let's get started..." Lily made it relatively short considering that the Prefects were only listening because they had to. When she dismissed them she stayed there for a bit longer to gain composure.

"Come on Lily, it's just Head Boy. It's not like he will abu-" Lily stopped in mid-sentence and rushed out of the compartement. Panting slighty as she reached her own she flew the door open and spat at James,

"Potter you better not abuse your power!"

"Come on Evans, me, abuse my power? What do you take me for?" James asked sarcastically. Chuckling he got up, patted her cheek, and walked out of the compartment. Lily was left standing there fuming.