Silent Love

Gabriella's POV

I kneeled down beside my bed with my elbows pressed firmly against the matress, while my hand were clasped easily beneath my chin. I've been praying everyday for three years since mom died, just hoping that she could hear me. I didn't want to go downstairs; I was to afraid that my father may make another purple bruise form below my eye. He blames me for my mother's death. Its complicated, but I can't talk. Well, I can talk but I choose not to. It makes life easier. Actually, I don't think I could talk even if I tried, since its been so long. I can't even remember the sound of my voice! I sighed as I finished up my prayer and headed downstairs.

When I reached the bottom I could hear the faint sound of the TV, and smell the stench of alcohol. Oh God! Try to be silent. Don't let him hear you.. I tip-toed onward.


"Gabriella!" He screamed. I sighed and walked into the kitchen. His stare was filled with hatred. I stood and waited. "Where were you last night when I got home?"

I shrugged and mouthed 'Taylor's.' He howled with outrage and jumped out of the seat.

"God dammit!!Can't you fucking talk to me!!" His humongous hand cracked against my face, throwing me against the tile floor. I let out a soft whimper.

"Your useless. I wish it was you who died instead of Maria." He trudged up the stairs. I lay on the tile floor still. I didn't cry. I haven't cried in three years.

"Score!" I heard someone in the distance shout as I walked down the street, heading to school. The faint dribble of a basketball filled the air. The breeze russled through my hair and I took a deep breath. My face was sore and I tried not to touch it.

"Man, Dude,I've missed you so much..." I heard the same voice and saw that it was Chad, Taylor's boyfriend. Then, I heard another unfamiliar voice.

"Yeah,you,too,man.." A boy with stunning blue eyes and sandy brow blonde hair panted.

"Hey Gabriella!" Chad waved at me, startling me from my thoughts. I saw the blue-eyed boy glance over at me. I tried to smile, but the pain was unbearable.

"Gabi, what's wrong?" Chad walked over to me. I groaned internally. Now, don't get me wrong, I like Chad but sometimes he can be a bit too caring.

I shook my head,'Nothing.' I mouthed and glanced away.

"Gabriella, if you would just talk to someone, ANYONE, then we could help you. Talk to Sharpay or Tay." Chad said softly. I looked at him and then turned my head towards Troy. Our eyes locked for a split second, then I daringly pulled away. I furrowed my eyebrows, looked down, shrugged, and then continued walking to East High.

I could hear the blue-eyed boy whisper something to Chad, but I didn't listen. Probably making fun of me. I didn't care, though. I turned swiftly when I heard footsteps behind me.

"Hey Gabs. Wait up!" Chad called. I shook my head and walked faster. All of a sudden I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist and carry me back.

I thrashed my legs and swung my fists. It was the blue-eyed boy who sat me on the ground beside Chad. They were laughing there butts off.

"Now next time you'll know to wait up when I say so." Chad laughed and gave me a kiss on my forehead. I smiled and hit him playfully. I glanced over at the other boy who was smiling.

I looked at Chad and then pointed at him.

"What?" Chad asked. I pointed at the blue-eyed boy again and mouthed, 'Who?'

"Oh! This is one of my bestfriends that I met in Cali. His name is Troy Bolton. Troy this is Gabriella Maria Montez." I flinched at my middle name and waved at Troy.

"Hi, Gabriella." He held out his hand and I shook it. I bit my bottom lip as I always did when I was dreadfully nervous." Can I have my hand back please?" Troy laughed. I quickly pulled my hand away from his and giggled inside.

"Hey Gabriella! Oh my gosh! Have you seen the new guy? I think his name is Troy! He is sooo totally gorgeous!" Sharpay shrieked as I sat down for homeroom.

I nodded my head and smiled." You have? Oh my! When? How? Tell me everything! He's a friend of Chad's right?" She kept on going. I pulled out a pen and paper.

Yes I have. I met him this morning when I was walking by Chad's house. He said 'Hi' to me and that was that. He seems nice but I don't trust anyone anymore and I am definitely not looking for friends.

I handed the piece of paper to her and she read it quickly. Her tone of voice changed.

"Sweetie, maybe it would do you some good to meet new friends. You're a wonderful girl. Will you ever talk to me? Or Tay?" She grabbed my hand lightly and held it.

I shook my head and looked away. Truth was I wanted to talk to her, but I also didn't want to talk; if that makes any sense at all.

"Gabriella. I don't know how to help you if you won't talk to me.. No one can help you if you don't talk." I grabbed the paper and pen and wrote again.

Sharpay, did you ever think that maybe I don't need help!?! Maybe, I am fine just the way I am? I'll tell you what's wrong! Dad hit me again this morning! He was drunk, again!

I threw the paper at her with a little more force than intended. She read it silently and then smiled sadly.

"Oh, Gabriella. I'm so sorry. You know my door is always open for you.. I love you BFF." I nodded and then hugged her. We didn't have anything in common, but she listened to me.

"Class. We have a new student today. Please welcome Troy Bolton." Ms. Darbus announced as Troy walked in with Chad and Taylor.

"Oh my God! He is cute..." I heard a cheerleader exclaim to another.

Troy waved to the class and followed Taylor and Chad.

"Hey Gabriella." Taylor smiled and sat behind me. Chad sat down beside Taylor and patted my back. Troy sat down beside me and sighed.

"I hate first days." He grumbled glancing back at Chad. I let out a soft giggled and turned back to Sharpay.

'So?' I mouthed to her.

"So what?" She asked arching an eyebrow.

' Go ahead. Say it.' I mouthed again.

"Okay. He is super yummy delicious!" She shrieked so Troy couldn't hear.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. LAUGHED!!?? As soon as I did I shut my mouth. Did I just laugh? Wow! I turned to my left and saw Troy with his eyes wide.

I turned some more and saw Taylor and Chad staring exactly the same.

"D-d-did you j-just?" Chad mumbled. I nodded my head.

"Oh Gabi!" Taylor jumped up and hugged me.

"Miss Mckessie. Sit down now before you crush the poor girl." Darbus yelled. I felt myself grow mad. Why did everyone have to think of me as helpless?

No ones POV

Gabriella walked down the hallway when she heard someone yell her name. She turned swiftly and saw it was Troy. Great. What does he want?

"Hey, I gotta show you something cool. I found it this morning at lunch." He grabbed her hand and pulled her swiftly down the hall, making her almost drop her backpack.

He led her in a door that said 'PERSONEL ONLY' and up a row of stairs. They reached the top and he opened another door.

"Look." He said pulling her out onto the roof of East High. She lightly gasped and glanced around. It was a beautiful view. She lightly let go of his hand and walked to the edge of the roof to peak over the side. Students were shuffling out of the school and onto big yellow buses. She wished she could tell Troy how wonderful it was up here.

"What do you think?" He walked up beside her and smiled his charming smile. She gave him a two thumbs up. He chuckled."Yeah, I think so, too. Come sit down." He took her hand again and led her over to a concrete bench.

"Have you ever talked?" He let go of her hand and twirled his thumbs. Great, here comes the questions.

'Yeah' She mouthed.

"So, you umm...quit because of your mom?" She looked at him and arched a delicate eyebrow." Chad told me about it." He quickly said. She sighed. There was no way Gabriella could mouth the whole story. She got a piece of paper and a pen out of her backpack.

Yes and no. I talked like a few days after her death, but dad believed it was my fault. I found out it was easier to just not talk at all. That way I won't say anything wrong.

He read it and sighed," Wow. I'm surprised you would let someone you just met know all of that."

Maybe there's more that you don't know and that I won't say..

She quickly wrote on the piece of paper.

"Maybe," He chuckled," but I have a feeling you'll tell me soon enough. I have a feeling that we will be good friends." She wrote on the piece of paper again.

I don't want more friends and I don't need your help, so you can go back to your perfect world and leave me alone.

"Who said I wanted to help you?" He handed her back the piece of paper.

Don't you? Every one does..

She scribbled. After he read it, he gently took the pen from her hands and wrote.

Whatever you like, Miss Montez.

He handed her the paper and before she could read it he stood and walked away. She couldn't call out for him to wait, so she just sat there and watched him leave. She opened the note and read it.

A smile gently spread over her lips, but it quickly faded when she realized she was late to get home..