The next few weeks were a haze of beautiful days and passionate nights and our two young lovers proved how exceptionally talented they are at deceiving others. But then, Arthur's world came crumbling down around him and as a result of this Merlin's did too. There had been disagreements with the next kingdom for years, but now they had come to a head and Camelot was at war. The day it was announced was a black day for the kingdom and the gloom reached all the way into Arthur's chambers which were almost always sunny. Merlin just sat on the chair, or on the newly made bed or on the floor or the windowsill. Arthur just paced up and down. Neither of them spoke to the other and their evenings were uncomfortable.

Three weeks after the war had broken out, Merlin and Arthur were lying in bed together, staring at the ceiling. Arthur was tracing lines onto Merlin's shoulder. 'Merlin,' he murmured. 'Merlin, this war is serious. And I have to fight,' Arthur said seriously. 'I have no choice; but even if I did I would still chose to fight.'

'But why?' Merlin asked. 'it's too dangerous. You could get hurt and I couldn't have that' he winced at the thought.

Arthur thought of the torment he had gone through while Merlin was hurt and he couldn't picture his friend going through the same thing. 'I won't get hurt. I promise. But I cannot send my men to fight and remain here in safety. It is not right. We are going to lose many men, some of them my friends and…and I want to be standing beside them when they die. I want them to know that we are equals and they are all dying for a cause and a reason. And I want them to go, knowing that I love them and trust them.'

'But they aren't dying for a reason,' Merlin burst out angrily. 'This was is ridiculous. There is no point to it. Men are going to die on both sides, only for us to go back to the way we were before.'

'I know that. But my men don't. They believe that we are fighting for a better world and I want them to keep believing that until they die.'

'But what if you die?'

'That's a chance we'll have to take.'

'But I can't take that chance.' Merlin replied desperately. 'It took us so long to find each other. I can't let go of you just yet. I can't lose you. I need a little bit longer.'

'We'll use all the time we have and then, I'm afraid, we can do no more.' Merlin buried his face in Arthur's shoulder and Arthur sat there and cuddled him until they both slept.

It had been a long day fighting and Arthur was exhausted. He was cold and wet and covered in mud. His sword was stained red and he had injured his arm. Today had been a bad day; they had lost twelve men just from Arthur's group. He didn't dare check the total deaths for the day. Arthur kept his eyes on the ground as he walked back to the tents and collapsed on his wooden bed. He took his boots off and tried to dry his feet. Soon he gave up because he knew they would be wet again in the morning. Arthur had been at this outpost of the war for six months and they had taken their toll. More than anything he wanted to be in his won bed again, with his feather pillow and his fire place and his Merlin coiled up beside him.

He wasn't sure; maybe it was just because he was thinking about Merlin, but Arthur could have sworn he just heard a very distinctive voice. He was sure he recognised those ungainly footsteps. He got up eagerly and hurried to the entrance to his tent without putting his boots back on. It wasn't Merlin he had heard. It was a horse and cart. Arthur went back to his bed dejectedly.

But as he sat down he realised somebody stood in the shadows. 'Show yourself' he shouted. And who was it that stepped out of the darkness? Why Merlin of course!

'Merlin?' Arthur asked uncertainly.

Merlin's smile grew and brightened up the grey, miserable day.

'Merlin!' Arthur shouted and ran at his boyfriend. 'I've missed you so much!' he whispered into Merlin's neck as he pulled Merlin first into a hug then over to the bed and onto it.

'Oh Arthur. You can't imagine how horrible life is in the castle without you,' Merlin sighed.

'Well, we are together again now,' Arthur comforted him. Merlin nodded and snuggled into him. For the rest of the night, Arthur slept soundly with Merlin beside him. Merlin's were wide open through the dark hours. He was here for one reason and one reason only. When the sun rose it would bring with it the day that Arthur would die and Merlin was going to die with him.

When dawn came it cast pale, ghostly shadows on Merlin's face, he got out of bed and left the tent, bare foot. He wandered the two hundred yards from the tent to the battle field. The mud was stained red with blood and he didn't like the feel of it under his feet. He felt the morning wind on his face for the last time and listened to the lark singing in a nearby tree.

When he arrived back at the tent Arthur was awake and getting dressed. He went straight up to him and rested his hands on Arthur's waist; kissing his neck and shoulder and letting silent tears leave his eyes. Arthur was flummoxed. 'Merlin what is the matter?' he asked.

But Merlin only shook his head 'Please don't ask me, just stay near me,' Arthur nodded and wrapped his arms around Merlin, cradling his head. 'I'm going into battle with you,' Merlin mumbled into Arthur's shoulder.

'No you are not,' Arthur insisted 'You are far too precious to lose,'

'So are you,' Merlin whispered but Arthur didn't pick up the full meaning of these words. 'Arthur I am going into battle with you and that is final,' Arthur looked into Merlin's defiant eyes and understood that he had no say in this matter at all. It was comforting in a way to know that Merlin cared that much about him.

The battle was bloody and violent. Arthur kept his eyes constantly checking to see where Merlin was and how he was fairing in the fight. It was because of his distraction that he suddenly found two men attacking him at the same time. Somehow he managed to deflect two swords but eventually it was too much for him and he began to lose. Merlin noticed and came running as fast as possible. Arthur was backing away from the two blades pointing at his chest. Merlin was running through spells in his mind. Suddenly, Arthur tripped and landed heavily on his back. He looked to see what he had landed on; a body.

Very quickly, he scrambled to his knees and moved away from the poor man. But now he had two blades at his throat. Arthur froze. His breathing came thick and fast. Merlin came tearing into the scene. He took on one of the two men and managed to manoeuvre himself so he was in front of Arthur. Merlin was putting up such a good fight but…but he hadn't noticed the other man who had drawn his sword back and was aiming at Merlin's chest. In less than a second, Arthur leapt forward and pulled Merlin close to his chest again. But, instead of the blade missing Merlin, it drove straight through him and was only stopped by Arthur's chainmail.

But Merlin didn't become limp and collapse to the ground as expected. He began to emanate light; he glowed a beautiful gold colour and rose to the air. Arthur watched in amazement as his lover ascended, before crashing to the ground and going limp and cold.

'Merlin…' Arthur whispered, devastated. Suddenly, the blade was back at Arthur's neck but he didn't resist. 'Go on then. Do it! Kill Arthur Pendragon! You already took my love, now take my life,' he spat as he surrendered.

The legend of Merlin and Arthur had been distorted many times; but it is universally agreed that they are two sides of the same coin and once cannot exist without the other. In the same way that one cannot die without the other.