Hmm yet another familiar day for Murdoc. Every single day began exactly the same way. The bass player awoke with the aftertaste of alcohol and cigarettes. Yet another familiar taste. He smirked feeling a foreign body against his own. His Winnebago smelled the same as usual but with a hint of cotton candy.

Interestingā€¦. Yet another skank, he thought to himself as he snickered. His head throbbed and he growled disturbing whoever was underneath his sheets, which was enough to annoy him.

"Alright whoeva ya are rise and shine and get the hell outta my winnebego!" He pulled the sheets just to be surprised out of his mind. The girl just clung harder to his form and shivered. "Aww luv" he rubbed his head and sighed.

Yup this definitely pulled at the satanic's heart strings. "Ey Noods," he shook her a bit but something in him kind of wanted her to stay. Mind you this was a felling he kept in the darkest corner of his mind.

What bothered him was how she got there in the first place and what happened to the girl he remembered having sex with the night before. Well, he recalled that they had a party celebrating the release of some of their demos by Damon during his radio interview. They pretty much had a party for anything. Murdoc knew he downed a bunch of hard liquor but so did everyone else, including Noodle. She managed to get her hands on the stuff once Russell was deemed unconscious.

Ha ha Noods went crazy, thought Murdoc. Suddenly something snapped in his mind. "Oooh no, oh no," he muttered. He couldn't have? Did he? Was she the girl he slept with? Of course he had a bunch of close encounters with the ladies that night but Noodle did act a little weird. She was clinging to him constantly and begging him to dance. Leave it to Noodle to be under the influence before she would even look his way.

It just had to be her! Damn him and his lack of self control! He must have taken advantage of her or something! He expected sleeping with stupid 2-D before even touching Noodle! He moaned in disgust but when it came to morals he'd much rather be a queer wit that little twat!

The least he could of done was remember every little bit of it. He was one hell of a lucky bastard. Its not like he was oblivious of how beautiful she was becoming. All the guys were noticing this. 2-D was constantly trying to ask her out and ultimately failing due to his stammering and Russell was stepping up his bodyguard duties. This meant 2-D was receiving more beatings than usual. Murdoc didn't really mind this.

It was pretty weird considering a year ago Noodle was just another one of the boys. All this thinking made Murdoc a little nervous. He couldn't risk this coming out. He had to think fast. Maybe he could count on Noodle being just as clueless as he was. The only reason he connected the dots was because he woke up next to this precious littleā€¦thing.

His thoughts got a little loopy when he stared at her cute face. It was so un-rock and roll. She looked so peaceful.

"Wow I musta been good!" Murdoc mumbled as he stuck out his tongue. Well he was gonna have to take her back to her room and act like none of this happened. It was a pretty ridiculous idea but it was the only thing he could think of.

Thankfully Noodle was still clothed wearing a lacy white camisole and a pair of red short shorts she wore at the party. She was missing one of her striped knee high socks but Murdoc could worry about this. He strategically moved her off of him and lifted her off the bed slowly.

She was really light but this wasn't surprising, what did surprise him was how he felt at the moment. This made his heart beat rapidly, he actually felt like a man. Not a porn star sort of a man but a Rrett Butler sort of man. He couldn't help remembering the day he found her in hell, as he held her bruised body out of that wretched place. The smell of the ashes and the heat against his body. There was no denying it, he liked this feeling.

He made his way through Kong studios thanking satan or whoever that it was the afternoon and everyone was STILL asleep. Murdoc reluctantly placed her on the bed. He looked around Noodle's bedroom since he rarely ever got a chance to really look around. Everything looked so happy and colorful, he couldn't help noticing they had absolutely nothing in common. He would just ruin everything. He had a way of always doing this. He grabbed some sheets and covered her. Yea the idea of "them" just didn't make sense. "Lets hope you can't remember any of this shit luv."

Noodle woke up coughing, she didn't quite recognize the bitter taste in her mouth or the pain she felt in her head. It wasn't nearly as bad as she thought it would be. Seeing Murdoc and 2-D's constant drunkenness and hearing Russell's horror stories made her think the worst. She recovered quickly but was a little surprised by her surroundings. Noodle swore falling asleep in Murdoc's arms the night before.

Authors note: I know I know I'm a horrible person. I seem to always start new fanfics and not even finish any of the ones I was working on before. Anyways Gorillaz belongs to Jamie Hewlett and Damon Albarn what a hunky hunky dude man he's like a fine wine ;)