Hi! Don't worry, i'm not that evil as to kill off Hermione! This isn't the end, but it is possibly the last chapter for a while...

Enjoy! :)

As Severus felt like he was being sucked through a tight rubber tube with the wilted Hermione in his arms, he realised that he had not focused on a destination. What if he splinched them? What if they both landed in different spots?

Before his frantic mind could ponder the question any further they landed with a thud. He bent his knees to absorb the shock and cradled Hermione ever closer to his chest. He straightened and looked about.

They were in a clearing amidst a lush, green forest. For a moment he thought they were back in the Forbidden Forest, but then realised they would have already been eaten by any number of vile creatures if that was the case.

Turning around slowly, he saw a small wooden cabin to his right. He looked down at his lover, laying, possibly dying, in his arms. Her hair was manic, fanned out around her face in all directions. Her mouth was hanging slackly open, and now he realised her lips were white – almost blue. He knew she didn't have much time. He had to do something.

He ran to the cabin and kicked open the door. He pulled out his wand and entered the room with it drawn, wary of any muggles that may inhabit the place. It was empty…and tiny.

There was a bed in one corner, an armchair, and a fireplace on the opposite wall. He carefully set her down on the bed, wincing at the sound of her laboured breath. He didn't even look, but waved a hand vaguely behind him, setting the logs in the fire alight.

He gently ran the back of his knuckles across her forehead and down her cheek. She was cold, freezing. Once again, he pulled out his wand and pointed it towards her. He then began to whisper a spell, his brow furrowed in deep concentration.

He worked away long into the night, fighting for his girl.

Hermione awoke to the sound of birdsong, but kept her eyes closed. She gave a small smile at the animals beautiful sounds, but instantly regretted it as her face felt like lead. She groaned.

Ten minutes later she found the strength to open her eyes. She gingerly sat up, wincing as it felt that every muscle in her body had been torn.

She was in some sorts of wooden cabin. A rough scratchy blanket covered her body in the bed, and underneath she was wearing a skirt and tee shirt. Someone had removed her robes, but that was all. Relieved, she looked about. There was fire dimming and smouldering on the wall opposite her, and in front of his sat an armchair. Hanging over one side was an arm; a long arm, sleeved in black, with long pale fingers with neatly cut nails that she recognized instantly.

She gasped and stood up abruptly, ignoring the pain. She took two tottery steps and arrived in front of him. He looked troubled, and paler than usual, and altogether ill. She sniffed. His manly yet gentle scent invaded her feelings and all of a sudden memories came flooding back to her of the previous night.

Snape telling her to stall Ron.

Dumbledore's body flying in between herself and Ron.

Herself searching frantically for Severus.

Remus pointing his wand at her lover.

Her screaming and jumping in front and…

Then nothing.

She was overwhelmed with emotion and threw herself into Severus' lap, wrapping her hands around his neck and kissing his face with a passion.

He awoke with a jolt as something assaulted him. He recoiled, taken aback, for only a second until he caught a glimpse of brown bushy hair. He wrapped his hands around her and crushed her to her chest so tight she thought she would die. She'd die happy in his arms though.

She swivelled her legs so she sat straddling him, grinding her hips down onto his groin. He groaned and held onto her hips.


She stopped grinding and looked down at him with a pout. "I think you mean, 'Good morning' and 'Thank you, sex would be lovely right now'. And how about 'Thank you for saving my life'?"

His eyelids fluttered shut and she stroked his face. "Are you okay? Severus?"

He opened his eyes with force. "I'm tired." He admitted. "I'm so tired. I gave you seven litres of my own blood as yours was so riddled with that curse the blasted wolf threw and then was so worried I could not sleep for hours."

She turned so she was once again just sat in his lap and hugged him to her chest. "You gave me your blood?" She felt him nod against her bosom and sighed. She could almost feel his power and strength and love coursing through her veins now. It was a feeling she would never forget.

"Let us go to sleep now. There are things I'd much rather do to you, I assure you. But I'd rather wait until you were back to full strength." She kissed him, her tongue running soothingly over his.

As they lay spooning in the small bed, her head tucked safely under his chin she could not resist asking.

"What now?"

He sighed and kissed the top of her head.

"I don't know. I just don't know."

This is the last chapter i will be posting on this story for quite a while. I am writing a new story featuring Snape and an OC, i know they aren't as popular as Snape & Hermione stories, but I'd really appreciate it if you gave it a read! Thank you for sticking with this for ten chapters, and please keep an eye out for stuff I write in the future. Bye! :)