A/N: Thank you guys so much for your reviews. I may not have as much time to write as much since spring break has ended and I've gone back to school. With competitions, projects, and all that jazz, I'll try to fit something in once a week, and I will desperately try to more. This story is going to be a series of moments between Ron and Hermione, but some Harry and Ginny thrown in there (I loves both ships.)

"What? What's going on?" asked Ron, as he had just arrived in the lobby of St. Mungo's.

He was greeted by all of the Weasleys, plus Harry and Hermione. "Ron, you idiot," said Hermione. "You know what's going on. Fleur's having the baby!"

"N-Now?" he stuttered.

Hermione simply shook her head and muttered something to Ginny about how idiotic and stupid men can be.

"Oh, Ronnykins, isn't this so exciting?" asked Mrs. Weasley, scampering over to Ron. "You're going to be an uncle! And I'm going to be a grandmother! Oh, no, I'm getting so old!" She burst into tears.

Ron awkwardly patted his mother on the back, making an attempt to comfort her. "There, there, mother… er… it'll be alright…"

Hours passed, and the waiting went into the night. Everyone had to take turns staying awake in case there was news of a baby. It was currently 3 in the morning, and no news yet. Harry was pacing the floor nervously with Ginny, while everyone was asleep. Ron was snoring, and Hermione's head was nuzzled into the crook of his neck. George, Charlie, Percy, Mr. Weasley, and Mrs. Weasley were all asleep in chairs. It even looked as if some of the doctors paroling the hallways looked as if they could fall asleep any second.

Ron grunted and changed positions, causing Hermione's head to fall off of him, waking her up. "Ronald," she half yelled, half whispered, slapping his arm.

"Wha?" he muttered lazily. "Is there a baby yet? Whazzgoinon?"

"No, Ronald, there's no baby yet," said Hermione. "Does it really take this long?"

"How should I know, Hermione, I've never had a baby!" retorted Ron angrily.

"What's gotten into you, Ronald?"

"Hermione? Hermione, Hermione, Hermione. Are you kidding me? It's three o'clock in the bloody morning. We're sitting up here waiting for some bloody baby to get here. I'm cranky. I'm tired. This is the last place in the world I would want to be."

"Well sorry, Ronald. It's not my fault that the baby decided to come now! If one bloody thing happens, you get all cranky! And, yes, it's three o' clock in the morning! So, what? You've stayed up that late before!" screamed Hermione

"Well, at least I had some entertainment; we were having sex for Merlin's sake!"

Harry and Ginny were now intently staring at Ron and Hermione. Them arguing was their way of saying "I love you" and was very common when they were in the same room, or anywhere near each other, in fact.

"Ronald!" screeched Hermione. "You're lucky your mother wasn't awake to hear that!"

"Ha, we were!" said Ginny laughing to herself.

"Oh, shut up, it's not like you and Harry don't have sex either!" yelled Ron, his face beet red.

"HEY!" shouted Harry. "That's not fair! It's not entirely my fault!"

"So you admit it, then! You've been shagging my sister!" retorted Ron.

"Ronald, don't be so immature about it!" shouted Ginny.

"Yes, Ronald, it seemed like you enjoyed it very much!" said Hermione, her face turning red now.

"OKAY, OKAY, we've made it clear that we ALL have sex! Now will you two stop arguing?!" screamed Ginny.


Just then, Bill came frantically running down the hallway. "Wake up, wake up! It's— Fleur— she's— It's a— It's— It's a girl!"

Hermione said, "Bill, that's wonderful! I'm so happy for you and Fleur! Ron, you're an uncle now!"

Ron disregarded her comment, for he was feeling sour after the whole argument. The Weasleys on the floor began to stir, and Mrs. Weasley shot up. "Is the baby here, Bill?"

"It's a girl, Mum!" he shouted, beaming.

"OH BILL!" screamed Mrs. Weasley, enveloping her son in a bear hug. "I'm so happy for you! You're a father!"

She turned to Ron. "And Ronald, don't be so sour. Do you and Hermione really get into arguments like that every day?"

Ron turned beet red, his mouth wide open. "Mrs. Weasley," said Harry, "does that mean you heard everything?"

"PLEASE tell me you didn't hear everything, Mum…" said Ginny, trailing off.

"Oh, yes. I heard everything?"



Ginny groaned, and they all headed into Fleur's room to see the new baby. After a few hours, and around 6 or 7 in the morning, Fleur would finally let everyone hold her. "Here you go, Ron, it's your turn," said Bill walking over towards Ron holding the new baby.

"Er… keep her, Bill," replied Ron.

"Ronald, what's gotten into you? It's just a baby!" said Hermione.

"But… what if I drop her?"

"You won't Ronald. That's not going to happen."

Ron took the sleeping newborn from Bill's arms. He simply stood there and looked at it like he had no idea what to do with it. Everyone was staring at him. "Oh, I give up," he said, handing the baby back to Bill. "I'm going to be a horrible father."

"No you won't, Ronald. You'll make a wonderful father!" Hermione reassured him.

"Only with your help, I will," he said.

And then, he pulled Hermione into a tight embrace, hoping that what he said would actually come true one day. Oh yes, he thought, it definitely will.