Chapter 7


"Where are you taking me?" says Shiki as he follows his uncle down a narrow, winding staircase of stone steps.

"You aren't a child anymore, Shiki," his uncle says, "it's time I show you a secret that I've been keeping for many years."

They reach the bottom of the stone staircase and Shiki's eyes widen as he gazes at the contraption before him.

Huge glass beakers, connected by tubing, hang from the ceiling. Blood flows from beaker to beaker until it reaches the largest in the center of them all and drips down into a large tub. Inside the tub was a man.

"I have kept this person alive. He is your father, Shiki."

"My…father?" Shiki thinks to himself as he stares at the man inside the tub. "Isn't he dead? How gross!"

"That's not a very nice thing to say, especially when talking about your own father," says a voice. Shiki looks around the chamber until he notices a small boy standing in the shadows. One of his eyes glowed blue while the other glowed blood red. "It wasn't easy for me to be reborn into this body." The boy suddenly disappears and then reappears beside the tub of blood, his head on his hand and his lips parted in an innocent smile. "I've been wanting to see you all grown up, son."

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, my Lord," says Shiki's uncle, bowing.

The boy giggles and then faints, his hand falling into the tub of blood.

Blood splashes everywhere as a hand shoots up and grabs the side of the tub. Shiki's father emerges, blood streaming down his body.

"Ah…Senri…" he says, pulling himself out of the tub. "Lend me your strength."

The blood inside the tub coagulates, shaping itself into long fingers that shoot out, grabbing Shiki. The fingers wrap around and around until they completely incase Shiki and his father. Shiki's uncle smirks and lets out a chuckle.

"Finally, my hard work pays off."


"I'm going to run out for a little bit," says Sayori as she pulls on her shoes, "Will you be alright until I get back?"

Yuki looks up from a book she's reading, "Yeah I'm ok."

"Alright see you later!"


Sayori grabs the apartment key from a key holder to the right of the door and walks out. Yuki can hear the knob jingle as Sayori locks the door. Once some time has passed, Yuki lets out a sigh and puts the book face down on her lap. She places a hand over her stomach and leans forward, almost touching her chin to her chest.

"How you doing in there little guy?" she whispers, stroking the bulge that was beginning to form.

It had been 3 weeks since her move into her new apartment. It was small. The door opened to the living area where a red couch and recliner chair where situated in a half "U" shape and in the middle sat a glass coffee table. She and Sayori shared a bedroom just like when they had lived at school. There was also a small kitchen and bathroom. It wasn't much, but Yuki felt more at home then ever in this little apartment. She smiles as she whispers to her baby inside of her and thinks of names to give it.

There's a knock at the door and Yuki jolts in surprise.

"Yes? Who is it?" she says, getting up and walking to the door.

"You homework," says a familiar voice.

Yuki smiles and opens the door to see Kaname with his arms full of books.

"Those look heavy," she says, moving aside so he could enter.

"Yeah they kind of are," Kaname says, entering the apartment.

"You can put them right there," says Yuki, pointing to the coffee table. Kaname walks over and sets the books not so gently onto the table. He turns and looks back at Yuki.

"Chairman Cross would like you to come for dinner tomorrow," he says, walking over to her. He walks up so close to her that Yuki could feel the warmth coming from his body and his breath stirred the hairs on her head. She looks up into his eyes and is mesmerized by his beauty. He places his hands on her bulge and leans forward, brushing his lips over her right ear and down the side of her neck. His hot breath sends chills down Yuki's spine and she wraps her arms around his neck.

"I miss you so much," she whispers into his ear.

Kaname turns his head to the side and touches his lips lightly to her.

"It's unbearable to be away from you, Yuki," he whispers, placing a hand on her cheek and kissing her softly. He slips his tongue slowly into her mouth, running the tip along teeth. Yuki caress his tongue and gently sucks on his bottom lip.

The two of them don't hear the door open with Zero standing there, a book in his hand. Yuki notices him out of the corner of her eye and abruptly pushes Kaname away.

"You forgot this," he says to Kaname, handing him the book. "I'm sorry for interrupting." He looks at Yuki and she can see tears beginning to form in his eyes. He turns and walks away.

"Zero, wait!" hollers Yuki, running outside of her door after him. She doesn't see him so she runs all the way outside. Her head scans left and right, but Zero is nowhere to be found.

She walks back inside and up to her apartment where she sees Kaname sitting down on her couch. She walks over to him and rubs his shoulder. He looks over at her and smiles, standing up.

"I think you'd better go," she whispers, running her hand up and down his arm. He smiles, nods, and wraps his arms around her in a tight hug. They end their embrace and Kaname walks over to the door. He grabs the knob and looks over to Yuki one last time. She smiles. He smiles back, opens the door, and walks out, shutting the door behind him. Once the door was shut completely Yuki flops down onto her couch. "Never fall in love with two guys," she whispers to her bulge, rubbing it with her hand.


"Kaname Kuran," says the voice of a man as Kaname looks out of the window of his dorm.

"Rido…" says Kaname, turning around.

"That girl, she's something else," says Rido, the sides of his lips parting into a sneer that exposed one of his bloody fangs.

"You had better stay away from her if you value your life," says Kaname, his voice slightly rising.

"She's pregnant isn't she? I'm disappointed in you, nephew…. Can't keep it in your pants can you."

"I'm not the father."

"Ah…so she's just like a bitch you saw on the street that you felt sorry for and took in, huh?" A light bulb next to Rido's head burst into shards that scattered on the floor.

"What do you want?" says Kaname, turning back to face the window.

"You'll find out soon enough." Rido turns and walks out of Kaname's dorm.

"Seiren," says calls Kaname over his shoulder.

"Yes," says Seiren, walking into his dorm.

"Go and watch over Yuki tonight. If my uncle goes anywhere near that apartment, kill him."

"Understood." Seiren walks back of the dorm.

Kaname turns and touches a finger to a chess piece that sat on his table beside a chess board. He picks up the piece and brings it level to his eyes.

"This little game is getting interesting. I just got a new pawn."



I'm trying to get a new chapter up by the weekends now.

I hope everyone enjoyed!

Please review so I know how you like the story or don't like it.