Love and Some Verses: The Our Lips Are Sealed Sequel

Chapter One: Good Day Sunshine

Part One: I'm Sticking With You

One Year Later - September 27, 2007


I looked over the mountain of clutter that was strewn across our dining room table as I took a sip of my morning coffee: cream, ivory and rose bud pink fabric swatches, wedding invitation samples, floral arrangement invoices, and honeymoon itineraries created a chaotic sea across the polished dark cherry finish. I felt a worried sigh make its escape between my Dior Addict Rose Show lacquered lips as my to do list grew longer.

Our wedding was less than a month away (October 25th, to be precise) and I still needed to find a dress, schedule the rehearsal dinner, finalize the menu with Cora...the list just seemed to grow longer as the day grew closer.

Luckily, I had my stepmother, Deb, Aunt Amanda, Alice, Esme, and Rosalie to help me along the way; using their person experiences of marriage to make mine more painless.

A lot has changed in the past year since Edward and I relocated to Forks permanently. We managed to renovate our Cape Cod style home to its original luster within three months of buying it; only one room remained untouched. The 'nursery' across from our bedroom remained bare of furnishings, per mutual decision. We didn't want to rush (or jinx) anything. From time to time, Edward did use it as a temporary practice room for his band, The Cult Classics.

That was another change we didn't expect.

Shortly after our move, our friends: Emmett, Rosalie, Alice, and Jasper, followed suit and settled along with us in Forks. Emmett and Rosalie were the first to arrive shortly after their marriage in June. Since then, Emmett has taken the job replacing Officer Peters at the police station alongside my father (who just ADORED Emmett and his crude sense of humor). Rosalie was now the proud co-owner of the Cullen & Whitlock Dressers, Inc. C&W was Forks' one and only special occasion dress shop focusing on customized dresses created by co-owners of Rosalie Cullen and Alice Whitlock.

Yes, Alice Whitlock. Another exciting and brash change for the scrapbooks.

Jasper and Alice also moved to Forks about a month ago after deciding that they wanted to raise their CHILD here. Alice had found out she was one month pregnant four months ago, shortly after accepting Jasper's hand in marriage. Jasper, being the old fashioned Southern gentleman he was raised to be, saw to it that they were married before anyone had known about the pregnancy.

Alice, now five months into her pregnancy, refused to slow down much to mine and Jasper's dismay. While Jasper kept busy as the new director of Seattle's Museum of History and Industry, Alice focused on creating new dress designs for the shop and became my wedding planner .

My mind prattled through all the changes the past year had brought until I felt a familiar pair of soft, warm lips caress the nape of my neck. I smiled against the lip of the coffee cup I just took a sip from before swallowing the warm liquid to respond.

"Good morning. I thought you left for the hospital already? You weren't in bed with me this morning..." I faked a pout as I watched Edward sit down at the table next me. He looked at the piles of wedding junk with a smile before clearing a spot for his morning bagel and coffee. He began pulling apart his bagel to take bites in between our conversation.

"Well...I was out in the garage trying to repair that damn Trimline 500 that we picked up at that antique store last weekend. You know, the one we picked up for your dad's birthday? The turntable isn't turning fast enough according to its settings. If it is any consolation, I would have much rather stayed in bed with you this morning...but yeah, it needed to get done before this Friday."

I nodded as I leaned forward to push some of his bronze bangs out of his eyes. Since our reunion, my father and Edward have been trying to improve their relationship. For the most part, it was improving at a gradual pace. The tension was still there, but Dad was honestly (with the constant encouragement of Deb and Aunt Amanda) to give Edward a chance. It wouldn't surprise me if Dad was Team Edward by next Christmas.

After all, Edward was a big fan of the Florida Gators too.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

I sighed and looked down at the wedding budget book I had made at the beginning of our planning. The current balance in red screamed back at me in distaste.

"Try nine grand and growing..." I slammed the leather bound register closed in effort to diminish my worries. Didn't work.

Edward's hand crept over to mine and squeezed it gently, "Baby, I already told you time and again, money is no object. Let me worry about the finances. Trust me, we are fine."

I shook my head to clear my worried thoughts before looking down at my watch. I felt my eyes grow big as I realized it was 7:49. I was supposed to be at the school in twenty minutes to set up for the day.

"Shit, I got to go. I still need to get the supplies together for third grade's lesson today," I jumped up out of my chair; nearly falling in the black Malano Blahnik heels Alice had bought me as a 'housewarming' gift. I grabbed my purse and briefcase before carefully running over to peck Edward on the lips.

"I'll see you tonight?" I began to make my way out of the dining room without waiting for a response. Before I could get too far away, he pulled me down in his lap. I cried out in surprise. I turned to meet his face; a smirk was splayed across it.

"You, my dear, are not going anywhere until you give me a proper kiss."

I laughed before leaning in to give him a softer, lingering kiss on his lips. His hand slid down my side to cup my black pencil skirt clad bottom gently. I moaned lightly against his lips as I pulled away; straightening his black tie and white lab coat before attempting to stand up. His hands moved to my waist in effort to hold me down.

"Edward...I really have to go..." I leaned in to kiss his jaw chastely before trying unsuccessfully to pull away. He was so stubborn sometimes.

He pulled me closer for another breathtaking kiss; allowing his warm hands to slide down to the hem of my skirt between my stocking clad legs. He toyed with the fabric for a short time before slipping his fingers under the hem and up to trace my left inner thigh. Even though our lips were still touching, I bit my bottom lip in mere effort to fight temptation.

He was going to be the death of me.

He chuckled and moved his finger tips higher to trace the panty line where my leg and core met. I let out a shaky sigh.

"Why don't you and I call in? I can always give you a doctor's note, Miss Swan. We can stay doctor...maybe start practicing for E.J.'s arrival...Alice and Jasper has proven to us that it is never too soon to start..." His lips moved across my jaw and down toward my neck and began to apply open mouth kisses to my jugular vein. Reluctantly, I pulled away.

"Dr. Cullen, I have children to teach and you have babies to cure. Plus, we already discussed this last night, no baby making until after we are married and things have settled down. It's too chaotic for a baby right now. You agreed, remember?"

Edward sighed heavily against my neck before planting another gentle kiss. "I'm're right. We better stop right now before it gets harder to agree with you."

I blushed and giggled lightly; moving carefully to kiss his temple. He let me go so I could stand up to retrieve my purse and briefcase. I straightened my skirt before leaning forward to kiss him once more.

"I love you, Dr. Cullen. Maybe if you aren't too tired we can schedule my 'weekly check-up' for tonight?"

He chuckled against my lips before kissing me again, "I love you too, Miss Swan. And yes...tonight would work fine. I'll be sure to bring home my stethoscope..."

I gently swatted his arm; resulting in him releasing a slight chuckle before I made my way to the back door located in the kitchen. Time to be a slave to the wage.


Part Two: Be True To Your School

I pulled into the teacher's parking at Forks Elementary school fifteen minutes later. Once I killed the engine of my truck, I gathered all my stuff for the day and jumped out of the truck. I was, thankfully, on time. I quickly made my way across the threshold between the parking lot and the school; reaching the front doors in a matter of time.

I had only started working at the school as the music teacher a month ago with the recommendation of my stepmother. I enjoyed teaching my passion for music to children and found it to be more rewarding; more meaningful than my original plans of working as a sound engineer in some random record company or radio station. I was pleased with my decision to focus on my minor and graduate with a teaching certification.

Setting up for today's lesson plan was a breeze since there was nothing to set up except the CD player and mix CDs Edward had helped me make the night before. We were going to learn about the 60s music and dance scene today; an idea Deb helped me come up with the first week school started. Since today was Friday, I thought the kids can use a little down time and just have fun.

I put the first CD in the player and adjusted the volume as "Wooly Bully" began to play. I absolutely detested this song, but Edward insisted it'd be a hit with the kids when combined with the Hully Gully dance Deb managed to teach me at last Sunday's dinner...what a weird name for a dance.

I looked at the door quickly to make sure it was closed before turning back around to adjust the music on the player. I decided to practice the Hully Gully once more since I had to be able to teach it to a group of second and third graders later this afternoon.

I thought I was doing pretty damn good in the dance moves until I heard a familiar voice behind me gently correct one of my steps.

"Remember, you are supposed to grape vine three quick steps to the right; not two."

I jumped slightly in alarm at the surprise visitor. I turned to see Deb standing there with a pleasant smile upon her rather vibrant face, "Good morning, Bella. I was just stopping in to show you some hairstyles that I thought would go well with your veil, once you select one." She held up some bridal magazines; the pages marked with multiple pink post-its covered in her notations and commentary. Finally regaining some composure, I laughed and shut of the music before returning my attention to her.

"Good morning, Deb. I was just preparing for my afternoon class..."

Deb chuckled and nodded, "It looks good." She handed the magazines to me before taking a seat in one of the chairs in front of my desk, "I hope those hairstyles will give you some ideas for what to do for the wedding...they all seem to fit that princess theme you are going for..."

I'm sure Deb meant what Alice was going for. Since she took over most of the wedding plans, we have gone through various wedding themes: the traditional 50s themed wedding, a customary Catholic wedding (to appease his parents, for the most part), Camelot, the appropriate fall wedding, then finally the fairytale wedding.

I protested a fairytale wedding at first in fears of it being too corny, but then she explained her reasoning...

" and Edward's love IS a fairy tale. The princess gets her prince and her happily ever after when she least expected it. It isn't corny at all."

I smiled as her words came flooding back through my brain. Edward was certainly my prince charming and we managed, through all the secrets and heartache, to get our happily ever after.

My eyes darted back up to Deb and smiled in gratitude, "Thank you for everything, Deb."

She smiled and simply shrugged before reaching over to pat my hand, "What are stepmoms for? And don't say to lock you up in a tower or order you around like a maid or I'll be deeply hurt and will no longer acquiesce to a fairytale wedding..."

I laughed and shook my head, "Okay, okay. I'm keeping my wise cracks to myself."

She returned my laugh before leaning over to kiss my forehead gently, "You are the best, kid. I better get to my classroom before the wild bunch comes. Call me or e-mail me later with that menu and I'll get a hold of Cora. Oh! When were you going to go dress shopping? Thank god the bridesmaids' dresses are, hopefully, we can find something for you..."

I leaned over my desk to look over my filled day planner for September. Alice and Rosalie were going to close the shop early tomorrow to begin the search through their inventory for 'the dress'. Even though I hate special treatment, I couldn't argue with them. I needed a dress...and fast.

I looked back up at Deb and smiled, "Well, Alice and Rosalie said we should be at the shop tomorrow by 3 to look at the gowns. Did you need me to pick you up?"

Deb thought for a minute before nodding, "Sure. I think your dad had plans with Billy and Emmett tomorrow or something. I'll be ready by 2:30." She gave me a quick wave before making her way toward the door. I refocused my attention to the lesson plan in front of me: dance steps.

I heard the door open and then Deb's voice once more, "Oh, and Bella?"

My head whipped back up to see her smiling face peering between the door jam and the door, "Yes?"

"Remember, it's a slide step to the right when you first begin. Not the left."


Part Three: Do You Wanna?

Later That Night...


I had let myself into the near dark house through the back door; knowing that Edward would be home a little later. He had called me during his lunch break to forewarn me that he had a staff meeting with the pediatrics department at 5 and he was not entirely sure when it would be over. He knew that I hated coming home to an empty house, especially at dusk. It always creeps me out.

I dropped my bags carelessly on the foyer table along with my truck keys before making my way around the living room, dining room, and kitchen to turn on each light. Once all the lights were on, I went back into the living room to turn on Edward's, I mean, our Geturntable console that Edward had shipped back from Chicago at the early stages of his move. Flipping through the expansive collection of vinyl we've collected together, I selected Iron and Wine's 'Our Endless Numbered Days' to listen to as I cooked dinner.

I made my way back to the kitchen as the opening song, 'On Your Wings' began to fill the first floor of the house. After doing a quick inventory of our refrigerator, I decided to make chicken alfredo with a simple side salad. I laid out all my necessary ingredients and supplies before I began my work.

Twenty minutes and two glasses of white wine later, I was listening to 'Our Endless Numbered Days' again. I allowed myself to softly sway and hum to my favorite song on the album, 'Naked As We Came', as I finished cooking the chicken and pasta. The sauce was ready to pour and the salad was finished as well. I was on a roll...

Until a strong pair of arms wrapped themselves loosely around my waist; halting my sway. I would have been freaked out by this, but then I felt the tip of his nose followed by his lips nuzzle my neck. I grinned, "I didn't hear your car...sneaky. You're lucky I'm not brandishing a knife..."

His husky chuckle filled my ear as he nibbled on my ear lobe, "Oh, that would be dreadful. Sorry I'm late...what are you making?"

I released a shaky sigh as his tongue began to trace the shell of my ear; repeating this morning's actions. "Chicken alfredo, a side salad..."

My breath hitched slightly as his hands trailed up my stomach to my breasts. He cupped them gently and began to lavish them with a subtle massage. I purred as his husky voice filled my ear, "And dessert?"

"I haven't covered that yet..." I found myself murmuring as I turned to face him; his lips inches from mine.

He smirked crookedly before reaching behind me to turn off the stove top, "Well...I think I've got you condition: dessert comes first before the main course."

"What about dinner?"

He nuzzled my neck before selecting a spot to bite down on; eliciting a moan from my swollen lips.

"Food can be reheated, Miss Swan."

I giggled and felt the blush creep into my cheeks as he slowly began to pull me away from the stove and toward the island in the center of the kitchen. He quickly cleared the cold, black granite surface with the swift movement of his vacant arm; knocking bills, a bowl of fruit, and a cookbook down on the ground. He hoisted me up on the now cleared surface as I watched a bright red apple, bruised from the impact of the fall, rolled across the bleached hardwood.

"What in the world has gotten into, Ed-" I was ceased into silence as his lips pressed firmly, but not painfully, against mine. As his tongue crept across my bottom lip, his nimble fingers slowly unfastened each button on my white silk blouse. I felt my breathing regress from steady to staggered and uneven. Edward was the only person that ever had that effect on me.

He broke our lingering kiss as he worked the last button of my top; finally releasing it from the tiny hole in which it was confined. He pulled the blouse off and tossed it on the floor before reaching back to work on the button, clasp, and zipper that held my form fitting pencil skirt together.

He freed the button and clasp of the skirt before retreating back to my question that remained altered of an answer, "I missed you. You don't realize what you did to me this fucking sexy you looked this morning in these heels and this hot skirt...damn, Bella... I was late for work because of a freaking boner...I didn't tell Dad that though."

I blushed and lifted my hips up off the surface so he could pull the skirt down and toss aside with my blouse; leaving me in my black lace garter belt, black lace v-string panties, matching lace demi bra, my nude thigh high stockings, and my black heels. He appraised my body with a smile before leaning himself closer to me; his body in between my legs. I tilted my head to the side as his lips made contact with my left ear; I shuddered as his lips began to brush my lobe as he spoke.

"Mmm...I'm so hot for the teacher..."

I giggled again, "You are absurd, Dr. Cullen..."

"And you are an absolute minx, Miss Swan..."

With that, he gripped the back of my thighs and carefully dragged me to the ledge of the counter; giving me ample opportunity to take off my bra before reaching down to unbuckle his belt and unzip his black dress slacks. I decided to leave the white dress shirt and black tie alone...I always fantasized using his ties in our foreplay somehow. Might as well start now.

I was about to discard the heels until he reached down to take my ankles in his hands. He ushered my legs loosely around his waist, locking my ankles in place.

"Leave them on, love."

I smiled seductively at him before pulling his tie toward me so he would be closer to me; close enough for our lips to touch. Instead of kissing him, I slowly traced his warm lips with the tip of my tongue as I took one of his hands that were now resting on my hips. I took the hand and slowly led it to my hot, wet core; pressing his fingers to the delicate bundle of nerves hidden behind the black lace. I purred as I looked into his lust filled eyes.

"Mmm...Dr. Cullen...fix it...please...make the pain go away."

He grinned roguishly as he moved the triangle of the v-string away to expose my sex to him. He looked down between us and watched as two of his fingers slipped into my heated entrance. My grip on his tie tightened as he began to slip his fingers in and out of me slowly and easily. I moaned some as they curled into a 'J', hitting my exact point of need.

He moved his hand a little faster as he leaned forward to capture my lips. Between the kissing, he managed to break free long enough to continue the role play we had started.

"Miss are so the pain going away, love?"

I gasped out in ragged, uneven breathes as his thumb made contact with my swollen clit; rubbing it in time with his thrusting. I couldn't tolerate sitting still as he continued to fingerfuck me, so I began rocking my hips against his warm hand. The heels of my Malano Blahniks dug into his lower back; gaining a pleasured groan from him.

"Mmm...fuck, yeah....god, that feels so good. D-do-on't s-ss-stop....umh....umh...."

I bit down on his shoulder as I felt my body contort and shake as I reached my climax. The walls around his slick fingers finally slackened their grip; allowing him to free his hand. I watched him bring his hand up to his lips; my juices glistening on his index and middle fingers. He slipped the fingers between his lips and into his mouth to be cleaned by his eager and oh so talented tongue. I shivered in desire as I watched him taste me. The very thought of him tasting me always made me was incredibly erotic.

" delectable...what a wonderful dessert..."

He smirked as he pulled his fingers out of his mouth slowly. I couldn't take any more...I needed to feel him inside me...filling me up. I took his tie again and pulled him toward me again. To my surprise, he ducked his head before I had the opportunity to kiss him and went right for my pebbled right nipple. I whimpered as he suckled and gently bit the bud between his teeth; causing me to tighten my grip on the tie and to buck my hips against his pelvis.

I couldn't stand anymore. I needed him. Leaving him this morning was just as difficult as it was for him and I needed to be cured of this need.

I needed a fix.

I needed to be sedated by his very presence.

I allowed my lips to brush the shell of his ear as I whispered what I needed, "Fuck me."

"Hmm?" He murmured as he kissed across my chest to pay attention to my left nipple. I halted the move by tugging his tie semi-harshly so his face would meet mine. I was tired of foreplay. I wanted him now. My frustration caused my teetering voice to even out into an 'teacher' tone as I repeated myself, my lips touching his.

"Fuck me, Dr. Cullen...Hard...Now."

He grinned at my request. Since we went public with our romance, he has been encouraging me to talk dirty to him whenever we were alone together. I've always been hesitant about this in fears I'd sound dumb. Well , tonight he got it and I wasn't a bit shy about my word choices. I couldn't be shy about it if we were going to be man and wife, now could I?

"That's my girl..." He murmured as he leaned in to kiss me. I watched as dropped his pants and brought me closer to his hardness by my bruising hips. Did we really get that rough during the foreplay? I didn't feel any pain at any time. My questions ceased as I watched his length slip between my wet folds and into my center. As he began to pump in and out of me, I moaned and threw my head back. The tendrils of my chocolate brown hair escaped the bun that confined them this morning as he began to pick up pace; his tongue lapping at the sweat that pooled between the valley of my breasts before placing a tender kiss right in the center. His hands grabbed my bottom and brought me into him in rhythm of his hard, rapid thrusts. My fingers tangled themselves into his bronze locks as my heels started to dig into his back again.

He felt incredible without the condom. We decided to stop using them once I was on the pill again and I was just starting to get used to him on his own without that barrier. I allowed myself to moan once more as he began to hit a new sensitive spot. He looked up from my chest at me as I let out another shaky cry of pleasure and smiled seductively. I grinned back at him before pressing my lips to his swollen ones. Our kissing was interrupted with another cry from me as he began to rub my clit with his thumb again. I shivered as I felt my walls tighten around him; milking him with each responding thrust I returned. I shook hard against him as I came to my second climax.

"Come, baby..." I murmured into Edward's ear as I rocked harder against him. I wanted him to feel the very same pleasure he allowed me to have twice tonight.

Instantly, I felt him release himself; filling me up with his warm fluid. I allowed my breath to even out as he slowly slipped out of me. He leaned forward and kissed my heaving stomach, breasts, and nipples before meeting my mouth. I kissed him back gently; the fiery diminishing as the tidal waves of lust began to die down. We pulled apart only to nuzzle each other's noses. We both chuckled as we looked into each other's eyes.

"Wow...that was kinda random, wasn't it?" He grinned sheepishly as he ran his fingers through his sex hair. I couldn't help but blush and chuckle a little more at his boyish charm.

"Yes...but I like that spontaneous's very hot."

He leaned forward to kiss me once more; wrapping me tightly into his arms, "I love you, Isabella Marie Swan of Forks, Washington."

I blushed as I pulled away, "I love you, Edward Anthony Cullen of Chicago, Illinois."


Part Four: Wouldn't It Be Nice

The next morning, I made double the pancakes, eggs , and bacon as Edward took his shower. Last night after our random lovemaking, we were too exhausted to even consider eating. We managed to clean up our mess before retiring to our bedroom for the night.

It was difficult to wake up this morning and leave the warm embrace of my gorgeous fiancé, but between Deb, Aunt Amanda, Alice, and Rosalie's constant phone calls telling me to get up and get dressed, I lost all interest in staying in bed quickly. I did, after all, have to pick out a dress today. There was no more time to put the task off.

Our plates were filled with food and the table was set by the time Edward sauntered into the dining room. I smiled as he brushed a strand of hair away before leaning in to kiss my cheek and the corner of my lips.

"Good morning, minx," he whispered playfully as he took his spot next to me. He looked over the plate with a grin before picking up a knife and fork, "This looks incredible, as always. I'm famished." I smiled as I watched him place a piece of banana pancake in his mouth. His lips curved upward.

"Mmm...perfection." He swallowed the bite before leaning forward to nuzzle my neck. I chuckled as I tilted my head to give him better access.

"I'd hope so. The bananas I used were rather bruised from your behavior last night," I murmured as I felt his lips press against the welt he gave me from his love bite the night before.

"Sorry, love. I will try to restrain myself in the future."

I shook my head with a slight smirk before reaching over to stroke his cheek; the morning stubble lightly scratching my palm. "Don't. Last night was wonderful."

He kissed my palm tenderly before pulling away to eat again. I followed his lead.

"So, today's the big day, right? Dress shopping?" He asked before taking a bite of his bacon. I finished sipping my chocolate mint tea delight before answering.

"Yes, Alice called this morning all excited. Evidently, they have the perfect dress for me. I'm, oddly, eager to get a dress today too. It feels more it's really happening, you know?"

He smiled crookedly and nodded, "Yes, darling. I know exactly what you mean."

He leaned forward to kiss my lips, still swollen from last night. I nuzzled my nose with his as I took a deep intake of breath. He smelled of the Juicy Couture Dirty English body wash I got him for his birthday, coconut scented shampoo, mint toothpaste, and his Burberry Brit cologne. The combination was absolutely heavenly.

Our silent moment of content ended with the blaring of a car horn. Edward groaned before leaning in to kiss my neck, "That must be Emmett. He needs to get his tux resized...too small." He gently lifted me up and placed me back down in my own chair so he could stand up. He grabbed another pancake and a few more strips of bacon before leaning down to chastely kiss my lips.

"I love you. Get a mind blowing dress...and some hot lingerie to wear underneath it."

I thumped his stomach gently, earning a small "umph" before nodding. "I love you too, goofball. Have fun."

He winked at me before darting out our front door. I sighed as I looked over our near empty plates before stretching. I forced my tired body to stand up to collect the plates and begin cleaning up the morning mess. I didn't want to waste too much time on the domestics today since my schedule was pretty much booked from 10:30 on.

As I filled the dishwasher, I thought about last night. I replayed every word, every movement Edward and I exchanged. It just dawned on me that in a month, we'd be saying and doing those things as husband and wife.

And the very idea made my heart flutter.

A/N: Well, here's the very first chapter! I hope to crank out another in the next day or two. Let me know if it's good or an absolute let down by leaving a review, please! ;-)

Thanks and hope you like the sequel as much as you enjoyed "Our Lips Are Sealed". Lots more to come!