A love hate type of thing
Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
An: Avoiding homework as usual. Enjoy

" I can't believe you Casey. What have I ever done to you that was this fucked up? Sure I fucked with some of your relationships but I never ever did anything to fuck up your future!"He yelled at her. They stood outside of what use to be his favorite place on earth. The Hockey Stadium.

"You act like it's the end of the world!" She yelled back. She didn't understand. Of course she didn't understand. She never had to rely on one single thing. She had choice and hundreds of plans. He only had one- the only one which she had ruined for him.

"Its is Casey! That's all I had. My grades can't get me anywhere. Hockey was all I had. But you had to fuck it up for me."

"Oh BOO WOO! So you can't play hockey. If you were smart enough you would have had a fall back plan Derek. But you didn't now did you? Now it's my fault? No its not. And you know there were a lot more scouts looking at you, Derek. Not just them."

"You're a bitch Casey. Im not sorry that I'm not like you. But I am sorry I ever gave a fuck. I did as best as I could. I'm not as smart as you. Is that what you want to hear? You're sick Casey. And yeah, there were other scouts look at me. But with that little stunt you pulled none of them are going to respect me now. I fucked up BIG case. Too big for repair. They were the best of the best and they wanted me Casey, ME. And I wanted to play for them. But now I have a reputation. No one's going to want me anymore Case. No scout in Canada." He shifted the weight of his hockey bag to his other shoulder. Why was he even carrying it anymore? He felt like burning it. All of it. It was pointless now.

"I didn't mean to mess this up Derek," she said softly realizing the severity of her actions.

"Yes you did! I saw the look on your face. You were so proud of yourself. Well congratulation Casey, you won." It was true. She did smile, she was really proud of herself for that brief moment in time.

"Derek." She tried to explain.

"No Casey. I never thought you hated me. Hell, I almost thought we had some kind of a love hate type of thing. But how wrong I was. Today you just proved me wrong. You really must hate me don't you? Man I never would have done something like that to you Casey. Never would have even thought about it."

"Oh don't you bull shit me Venturi. Remember Dance Mania Derek?"

"Are you serious? Your comparing Dance mania to my fucking future Casey? First off yeah I may have fuck it up just a little bit, but you're forgetting we won! And your pretending like you were seriously thinking about doing that for the rest of your life."

"So your saying because of me you can play hockey anymore?"

"Are you even listening to me? You blew my only chance at a scholarship Case. My grades can't get me into college. I'm screwed." He said throwing his hands up in the air in an act of surrender.

"Derek I'm sor-"

"Save it Casey." He said shaking his head.

"No Derek. Now you listen to me." She pleaded.

"I don't owe you anything." He said in disgusted walking away from her, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"I didn't want you to go." She said softly as rain began to fall.

He stopped walking and without facing her said, "There was a much easier way of making me stay Casey."

"Would it have worked?" she asked staring at his back, he couldn't face her. He couldn't even look at her anymore.

"At this point-No."

"And if I hadn't done this?"

"Then when I did leave, you would have came with me," He said continuing the walk towards the car. She stood there, watching his every move.

"Your leaving me now. Forever." She whispered to herself. He heard her, but didn't answer because it was true.

He finally reached his car and opened the trunk throwing his now useless hockey gear. He went to the driver's seat and picked up the single red rose he had gotten for her. After his interview with the scouts he was going to tell her how much he really cared, and how sorry he was for causing her hell. He smirked- it was easier to be a heartless jerk. He picked up the rose and flung it across the parking lot. She watched it land. She closed her eyes as he drove off. All she wanted was to make him stay- to keep him as close to her as possible. But she only drove him away. She didn't allow herself to cry. She knew she deserved this.

After a minute or two she walked over to the red rose which was now completely wet thanks to the rain. She ran her fingertips over the soft petals and looked up at the gray sky. The rain continued to fall. She was already soaked, but she didn't seem to care.

His words replayed in her head. Hell, I almost thought we had some kind of a love hate type of thing. But how wrong I was.
She smiled. He wasn't wrong. He was right all along.

AN: I wanted something different than my usual. I didn't want much fluff. I didn't want it to be sad. I want it to be actual Pain. And I didn't want Derek to be the one to blame this time. I wanted it to be dramatic I guess. I don't know, but I really liked it- I could practically picture it Play by play. (Sorry if you hate this kind of Casey- she meant well though!) Review?
P.S. what do you think Casey did? (ANSWER IN THE REVIEWS!)