Author: Sybella

Title: My Heart Broke Lose On the Wind

Character/Pairings: Blair/Dan, Blair/Nate, Nate/Vanessa, Rufus/Lily

Summary: Blair Waldorf thrives best in secret places.

Disclaimer: All the characters are the property of the CW and Cecily. This is merely my own wild imagination.


My Heart Broke Loose On The Wind.

As a child, Blair Waldorf liked chocolate.

Slightly melted from having spent an hour in her pinafore but warm, gooey and delightful in her mouth- melting. She liked the melting because it felt like the world was filling her mouth, flooding her senses and she couldn't possibly bear to be any happier than she already was.

Her father would sneak her bars- every kind, every color but he gave a warning from with each bar- eat it but don't tell your mother. How kind, how wrong, how delicious.

Blair Waldorf thrives best in secret places.

Chuck figures this out, age seventeen. Fucking her slowly in the back of the limo, closets and wardrobes and cloak rooms at midnight.

It doesn't last long and when he ends he leers and leers again.

Just like that- that's all it is. Her virginity for the price of a cheap thrill and she feels more than used because her own autonomy betrayed her.

So this time, she kisses Nate. Kissing him amidst snow and ducks and Dorota.

So this time, when he tries to pull away she kisses him hard.

This time- she's determined to get it right.

I would love reviews- they encourage me more than anything.