Author: Sybella

Title: My Heart Broke Lose On the Wind

Character/Pairings: Blair/Dan, Blair/Nate, Nate/Vanessa, Rufus/Lily

Summary: Blair Waldorf thrives best in secret places.

Disclaimer: All the characters are the property of the CW and Cecily. This is merely my own wild imagination.

Le Diable

My Heart Broke Loose On The Wind.

Vanessa Abrams raising a base ball bat over his head- this isn't Chuck's idea of playing rough.

Unfortunately that's exactly what she did on his next visit, wielded the bat like a weapon, daring him to take a step closer.

"Oh come, now," he coaxed, voice all silky and persuasive, "Surely there is no longer any need to guard your modesty. We both know this morning was-"


She whacks his soulder just a little but he winces in pain all the same.

"Chuck,"- with false sweetness, "I'm going to tell you something you probably won't believe but it's true."

He appears to be waiting.

"Nate was better in bed than you are."

Dan chuckles in the back ground and scowling Chuck makes his way of the café. "Watch yourself, Abrams," he hisses and she feigns fear.

She crumbles when he leaves because it's not his fault. Dan wraps an arm around her shoulders and they both pretend everything's ok.


His phone rings at night.


Her voice is breathy, sad and sexy all at once and he wonders how Blair Waldorf can be attractive as she wheedles. His knees buckle at "I need you," and he's out the door before she can ask him over.

No subway ride has ever been this long.


She's curled up on the divan in her bed room, feet tucked into her small frame and she doesn't get up to greet him.

"Daniel," she murmurs, eyes still fixed to the screen and he bites his lip. She's watching "I love Lucy". It doesn't feel like much of an emergency.

"What's wrong?" She turns towards him at this, offering a glimpse of her tear streaked face and he instantly crossed the room to her side, moving to kneel beside her and gripping her hand when she flinches.


His voice is like honey, like chocolate, like a thousand pretty things she wishes she knew.

"Serena called." Her voice is clipped and formal like his arms not around her shoulders and her head isn't pressed to his chest.

He nods and she looks up at him, all wet eyes and dark curls. "She seemed so upset. She said she needs a lawyer."

Dan's grip loosens. "What?"

"She got married."

"In Italy? Blair, why did you call me?"

Her fingers hook around his neck, cling tighter and she presses her forehead to his. "Because I know you still care about her."

He disentangled himself from the brunette, lest she feel the proof of how much he cared about her, through his night dress.

"I'll help. What do you need to be done?"

Bitchy Blair is almost back and she seemed to be assessing how much she could trust him.

"Wait with me. Wait with me, till she calls."

So he does.


Three hours later and they're sitting on her bed- he even snuck a foot beneath the duvet that's wrapped around her and she's watching "I Love Lucy" reruns.

"Why is he always so mean to her?" she says so softly that he feels a shiver shake his spine.

"He's an artist. She's too demanding."

She sighs. "Boo. It isn't fair. She's his wife. But he and Fred always want more."

Her voice drags and her head is lumped on his chest like she's sleepy.

"It's just show." He's tired, too. Tired and scared of how good her arms feel wrapped around his waist so he curls closer to her and sniffs the drink on her breath. Why else would Blair Waldorf be cuddling him?

He pads to the door and shuts it. Leans back to the bed to pick up his jacket and checks the phone one more time before leaving.

"Don't go."

Her voice is broken and it brings him back to bed.

Tonight has nothing to with Serena. It's because Bass is an ass and he broke her heart and Nate and Vanessa and everything she can't be with anyone else but him because he already hates her so what does she have to lose?

He takes her into his arm, strokes her hair.

He'll hold her through the night if he has to. It's just the sort of guy he is.