
Theres A Train

Leaving Town

If ou hurry up

i think you just might make it

dammit i hope you make it

chapter 8: Nothing

BPOV (while with Jacob)

i coudlnt belive it. i couldnt belive that Edward would just leave. walk off. i thought that he would understand why i did what i did he had told me several times that he would understand. but now he doesnt understand at all. i guess its just the reality that it actually happened. and now its not just a thought.

the sobs wracked through my body like a hurricane threatening to rip in right in half as i cried in Jakes arms. i was mad at him in a way. but it wasent anything that i couldnt be mad at myself for too. we started it. and WE finished it. so i tried to convince myself that it wasent all Jakes fault. he pulled my closer to hiswarm chest and kissed me lightly on my neck

"its gonna be okay honey." he whispered as he ran his long slender fingers through my hair. the motion was comforting. i ached to just roll over and hold him back and kiss his beautiful lips. but i knew that is what got me in this situation. so i just help perfectly still and let the tears roll down my cheeks as i thought about the betrayal to my only love


i was at my house faster than i had ever been there in this vehicle, Alice was at my side immediatly

"dont do it Edward you know what it will do to her"

"The mutt deserves it. he touched her in ways i cannot"

"youve told her that if thats what she needs she could have it why are you taking back your word now?"

"I didnt think she would really do it" i sighed.

Alice looked at me her golden eyes large with worry

"dont hurt him please Edward. you know Bella will never speak to you again"

"then why does she choose me? why doesnt she choose him?" i snarled

i could see it all in her mind playing, i would go back and i would wait for him in the woods. he would come to me he would yell there would be more words and i would hit him. he would phase and before he could even see me coming i would rip his throat out. he would suffocate on his ownblood before my very eyes and i would just walk away.

"Edward..." Alice whispered my name, there were tears in her eyes that would never escape.

"I hate him." i said

"i know you do but Bella loves him."

i let out my breath in a sudden gust of air. i felt defeated. i wouldnt go kill jacob. Alice was right. i would hurt bella and she was my everything. i had to make a different plan...

she wouldnt see him again after this. and that was a fact...