Well my story 15 strangers was an epic fail

Here's hoping this one won't suck as bad as that one did

I made a picture of Sakura as an angel, I didn't do a wonderful job, but I think it was pretty good

Remember to take out the spaces

http://s617 .photobucket .com/albums/tt256/ShikallllTema /?action=view¤t =

"Sakura, first I would like to thank you for coming here today."

"Of course." The pink haired girl, named Sakura, bowed her head respectively.

"Sakura, what is your greatest wish?" At this question Sakura gave a puzzled look. It wasn't that she wasn't sure of her wish, but that she was confused that God would ask her such a thing. He already knew. He knew everyone's wish.

"To see Earth sir." She answered.

"Well Sakura, I am granting your wish."

"Huh?!" Sakura screamed out, forgetting that she was in the presence of God and she should never scream. "God, what's wrong with you. You never send angels to Earth?!" Sakura demanded, breaking another rule: never say or do something disrespectful. God over-looked her rude statement and answered her question.

"Well dear, have you ever heard the stories of the disappearing angels?" He asked.

"Umm, yes sir, my friends talk about them all the time."

"Sakura, the disappearing angels never disappeared. They were merely sent down to Earth. Every once in a while, a child reaches his or her breaking point. When this happens, the child needs special attention from Heaven. The problem though, is that I don't have the time to give them the attention they need; so I send angles down to care for the child, and keep any more hurt from tearing apart their soul. DO you understand what I'm saying?"

"I think so. So, are you sending me to care for a child of Earth?"

"Correct Sakura. Do you accept?"

"Yes, yes of course." Sakura smiled. "But, if I may ask, why me?"

"Was it not your wish?" Sakura's smile turned into a full out grin. "Thank you so much!" Sakura screamed and ran over and hugged God. Yet another rule broken: don't touch God. God smiled down at one of his favorite angels. He never cared much for the rules anyway.

-Location change-

Sasuke Uchiha, a 14 year old boy with raven blue hair, walked through his front door. He took slipped his shoes off and set his school bag (one of those brief case things) against the wall. Sasuke trudged up the stairs and down the hall to his room, never daring to utter the words 'I'm home.'

Sasuke took his hands out of his pocket to lean over his green computer chair to quickly check his mail. A chain letter from his best friend Naruto, an E-card from his friend Neji, and a random junk mail. Sasuke deleted them all without even checking to see what they said. He knew the one from Naruto was something stupid like, forward this or you'll die in seven days. The e-card from Neji was just going to be some stupid card that said happy birthday with smiley faces and some sort of dancing creature. The junk mail goes without saying. Sasuke walked over to his bed and collapsed down on his back while he let out a sigh. Another birthday, another day filled with cheesy e-cards and phone calls from his friends. They might even attempt another surprise party. Sasuke stared up at the ceiling and thought about all the past birthdays he's had. His eight birthday was his last happy one. That was his last birthday before his brother slaughtered his entire family and then left town. The event was quickly named the Uchiha Massacre. Lately his life had just been getting worse and worse. Just yesterday, he received a call from his brother. Itachi just wanted to make sure Sasuke hadn't forgotten that he was still alive, and might just come back for him. Sasuke hadn't called the police, he hadn't even told his friends. He didn't tell anyone because he wasn't willing to admit to himself that he was scared, that Itachi had broken down every bit happiness that he had gotten back since his parents were killed in front of him. He refused to ever admit it. If Itachi wanted to kill him too, he'd just be doing Sasuke a favor.

Sasuke was brought out of his thought by the phone in the hall ringing. He didn't feel like getting up, he'd just listen to the message the person left. If it was important enough, he'd call back. Sasuke heard the answering machine, and then the beep, followed by the message from the caller. "Hey Sasuke. I know you're there and you just don't want to pick up. Well I just wanted to say happy birthday. Remember, you're always welcome to join me and Tenten when we go sneak into R rated movies. We're going tonight so give me a call if you want to come. See ya!" Temari shouted and hung up her phone. Sasuke gave a sigh and rolled over onto his side so he could face his open window. Sasuke furrowed his brow. He was sure that was closed. It was always closed. He stood on his knees and closed the window.

"Weird." He said to himself. Then Sasuke lay back down and then a couple seconds later rolled over and sat up straight on the bed. He was about to get up, when he noticed something pink sitting to the left of his door. Sasuke's eyes widened when he realized it was a person. He reached in-between his mattresses and pulled out a knife. He stood up slowly and quietly as to not notify the intruder. When Sasuke was standing about a foot away from the person with his knife pointed toward however it was, he said in as calm and fearful voice he could, "Who are you and what are you doing here?" The person gave no answer and instead just flipped a page in the large book he or she was reading. Sasuke figured it was a girl because of the skirt and massive amount of pink, but when it comes to crazy people sneaking into your house, you could never be too sure. Sasuke pressed the tip of the knife to the person's forehead, and asked again, still no answer. This time though, instead of flipping a page, the person just scooted back so the knife was no longer touching him or her.

Sasuke was getting agitated by this point. Someone snuck into his house, sat on his floor, starts reading a book, and then ignores him! Sasuke reached over and grabbed the intruder's hair in his fist. Then, using the person's hair, he pulled him or her up. Not quite on his or her feet, but the pain made the person stand up and rub their head when Sasuke let go. "Owwie." The girl said. Yes, Sasuke had confirmed it was a girl. If it wasn't, then it was a transvestite.

Sasuke dropped the knife and grabbed the girl's shoulders and then roughly shook her. "You planning on answering me sometime soon?!" He shouted in her face. The pink haired girl winced and rubbed her left ear.

"Sorry. I didn't realize I was in another guardian angel's house. I guess I got the wrong address." She said.

"What are you talking about whacko? I'm human. Just like everyone else on this planet." Sasuke said and let her go, deeming her harmless. Just in case though, he picked the knife up again.

"What so you mean? You can't be human. A human wouldn't be able to see me."

"Well sorry to break it to you, but I am indeed a human. And what exactly are you supposed to be if you're not human?" Sasuke asked, humoring her in her little game of pretend.

"I'm an angel. I'm here to look after some kid named ahhh…" Sakura said as she stuck her hand into the small pocket on her skirt and pulled out a folded piece of paper. "Sasuke Uenina." She finished after unfolding the paper.

"You mean Sasuke Uchiha?" He asked, emphasizing the last name. The girl took another look at the name scrawled on the paper

"Oh, yea. I was in a hurry when I copied it down so I guess it's not very legible. Do you know him?"

"I am him."

"Oh, wow I thought I was going to be watching over a little kid, not someone about my age. Oh, my name is Sakura by the way. Sakura Haruno. I'm you guardian angel!" the girl, Sakura, said as she stuck out her hand, looking for a handshake. She didn't get one. Sakura let her hand fall down to her side and sighed. "You think I'm just an insane weirdo don't you?" Sakura asked.

"Well a random girl just suddenly appeared in my bedroom and tells me she's my guardian angel, what am I supposed to think?"

"Well, if you absolutely don't believe me, I could prove it."

"Oh really? And how are you going to do th-" Sasuke began but was cut off when a pair of wings popped out of Sakura's back and she floated as high as she could without hitting the ceiling.

"Now do you believe me?" she asked, afraid he'd still say no.

"I swear, if Naruto signed me up for some stupid prank show I'll kill him." Sasuke stated looking around for hidden cameras

"What will it take for you to believe me?" Sakura asked. She was worried that he wouldn't accept her. Her guide book said that humans can't see angels, so she had no idea what to do. He said he was Sasuke Uchiha, and God said he was human so…

"Can you teleport?" Sasuke wondered as he plopped down to a sitting position on his bed.

"Yes, but only a couple of feet if I don't have God's permission."

"Alright, show me." Sakura nodded and closed her eyes. She put her hands in a praying position and brought her knees up to her wrists. Seconds later, she disappeared and reappeared on Sasuke's bed, next to him.

Sakura looked at Sasuke with pleading eyes. He had to believe her. He just had to. Sasuke nodded his head slowly. "Okay. I believe you." Sakura's eyes lit up and she beamed. She wrapped her arms around Sasuke's neck and gave a quick squeeze before jumping up off his bed and bouncing around the room. When Sakura calmed down, her wings disappeared. Just a few pure white feathers stayed and floated softly to the ground.

-A couple hours later-

"So uhh, what are you here for?" Sasuke asked as he and Sakura ate dinner. Sakura didn't need to eat, but when he offered her a bowl of the soup he made, she couldn't say no.

"Well, I'm not entirely sure. You're the one who made me come here. God told me I need to protect you from getting you're soul any more damaged." Sakura replied and stood up to wash her dish.

"Leave it, I'll get it. You can go upstairs and pick out a room if you want."

"Wait, you mean like a bedroom?" Sakura asked unbelievingly.

"Uhh yea." Sasuke was confused by her actions.

"Oh well, God told me not to expect a bed or food, or anything else that a normal human would have."

"Yea, well he probably wasn't expecting me to be able to see you. You can have any room you want except the two that are locked, and mine." Sasuke told her as he stood to wash both his and Sakura's bowls. Sakura smiled at him and ran upstairs.

Sasuke watched after her retreating figure. This girl really annoyed him, but she came all the way here to help him, he might as well act civilized toward her.

Sakura looked down the long corridor of doors. "Hmm, which to choose, which to choose…?" Sakura mumbled to herself. Then she got an idea. Sakura put her hands together, effectively making a 'clap' noise, and then pulled them apart. In her hands was a small, but not too small, bow and arrow. Sakura set it up and closed her eyes. Once she stood in the middle of the hallway, she spun around in circles and shot her arrow at random. When she opened her eyes, Sakura ran over to the door that had her arrow in it, and checked to see if it was locked. Nope. She pulled the door open and checked what it was like inside. It was a lot like Sasuke's, but pretty bare. There was a door for a closet, one for a conjoined bathroom, and one for the balcony. There was a small single bed in the corner, and it creaked when she sat on it. "ahh well, I shouldn't have expected much." Sakura told herself as she stood up and walked back into the hall.

When she was nearing the staircase, she noticed a small table with a white thing on it. Sakura looked closer and saw that there was a flashing red light on it. "That's a phone." Sakura jumped at the sudden noise. "You use it to communicate with people who aren't near you. When there's a message, the red light flashes." Sasuke informed and walked down to his bedroom, the one across from Sakura's.

Sakura looked back at the so-called phone. She scanned all the buttons and found one that said 'play/stop' with a triangle and square underneath. She pushed the button and jumped again by yet another sudden noise. A voice told her the time and date, and then another female's voice came on. She spoke of Sasuke's birthday, and sneaking into an R rated movie.

"Sasuke's going somewhere tonight?" She asked herself.

"No I'm not." Sasuke said. Sakura jumped for the third time. "You know it's rude to listen to other people's messages.

"Well you know it's rude to sneak up on people. But why aren't you going to hang out with your friends."

"It isn't your business."

"Yes it is, your life is my business."

"Would you just shut up?! Do you have any idea how annoying you are?! I get that you're supposed to help me, but you don't need to butt into my life. Just stop being to ignorant and mind your own business! You can do your job like you normally would if I couldn't see you. I gave you a room, I'll continue to feed you, that's all you need. Don't act like you're my friend or that you have the right to talk to me about everything. You don't." Sasuke said coldly and walked back into his room, shutting the door after him. Sakura just stood there, staring at his door. She had no idea how much she bothered him.

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