Disclaimer – I praise Stephanie Meyer for giving us Twilight, because unfortunately I couldn't write something so amazing

Author's Note: I'm hopefully going to finish this fic, and once I remember where I was going with it, I will also work on Boundaries…I just have a little bit of writers block for that one. Anyways, I decided I would start a new fic. One that is finally not BellaxJacob, since I've been pretty in love with those for a while.

Chapter One

"You must be Bella!" The moment I stepped out of my car I hoped I wasn't going to regret the move, I had been alerted that the Cullens were extremely welcoming, but I had always been shy, and I wasn't sure if inviting arms were quite wanted at this stage. A short, pixie-like girl bounded towards me, her black hair was short--- frantic and wild in every direction and her hand was extended pleasantly and harmlessly, "I'm Alice."

I grasped her hand in one of mine and shook it warmly, "Its nice to meet you." Tanya had given me a slight rundown of each of the Cullens, their personalities, the powers of those that were lucky enough to have some, I replayed the information in my mind and remembered that Alice was a friendly shopaholic who could see the future.

"Come inside! Come inside!" She insisted with a warm smile. The house was beautiful, there was no denying that. I had been living around so much snow for as long as I could remember that it was nice to see so much green everywhere. Inside the house, the wonders continued. Everything was so open, it was nice. I spied a piano and secretly wished I knew how to play, or remembered if I knew how to play when I was human.

A group of vampires gathered in the main room each of them with a different expression on their face. Alice introduced each of them, "This is Carlisle," she said pointing to a beautiful blonde haired man who looked to be in his late twenties.

"Welcome to Forks, Bella," he said with a polite smile. Carlisle, Tanya had told me, was a doctor, and the first known 'vegetarian' vampire. He was very compassionate, though had no special talents.

Alice introduced the motherly looking woman at his side as Esme who smiled a motherly smile, "Our home is your home, Bella." All my fears of the Cullens being too welcoming were put aside, I felt very comfortable around them.

Her voice became sweet and saturated with love when she introduced the blonde haired, lean (but muscular) male as, "Jasper," I remembered that Jasper could sense as well as influence emotions, and that he and Alice were together.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Bella," he said sincerely.

She next introduced the large male and the devastatingly beautiful blonde as Emmett and Rosalie who I would have known were together even if Irina hadn't told me before hand. Emmett gave me a wink as well as a booming laugh and Rosalie looked slightly irritated.

I turned my attention to the bronze haired boy next, "This is Edward," Alice said, and her voice seemed to have something hidden behind it. Edward's eyes seemed to be probing mine searching for something, and I knew what without even asking. Edward was a mind reader. And eternally single, as Tanya had added.

I gave him a small smile, "Its no use, I'm a shield. You're not going to be able to get through unless I let you." I said it as politely as possible, though it still sounded somewhat smug. He returned my smile with a crooked one and I was sure if I still had a heart, it would have skipped a beat.


As I settled in the a spare bedroom they had in the house I heard someone approach my room and then pause at the door, knocking lightly, though it wasn't necessary.

"Come in," I said quietly, knowing whoever it was would be able to hear me.

Edward walked in with his hands in his pockets, his expression seemed miles away but his face was still gorgeous. I had heard Tanya talk about him so much that I felt as if I already knew him. I concentrated on keeping my breathing steady as he looked at me and smiled the same crooked smile as earlier, "How are you settling in?" He asked, sitting down on the futon in the bedroom.

"Pretty good, I'm happy to be here," I think, I added in my mind, grateful he couldn't hear it.

I sat down next to him and smiled, "What's up?"

"I came down here to apologize," he said, looking guilty.

I was confused, "Apologize? For what? You and your family have been nothing but kind so far."

"For the way I acted earlier. I've never met a shield before, it was rude of me to try to intrude, you just fascinate me, that's all."

I couldn't help it. My breath caught, and he smirked at the sound of it. I fascinate him? I bit my lip, "Oh."

He chuckled a little, most likely at my lack of vocabulary, "I'll see you around Bella."

In my mind, I cursed Tanya for making Edward sound so interesting, so charming and intelligent and creative and all around amazing. I'm sure if she hadn't I wouldn't have been so caught up in fascinating Edward Cullen. These were shallow waters.

A parting author's note: Its short, I know! But I want to see the reaction first. Oh! And I'm looking for cameos in this story. Other vampires, students at Forks High, Werewolves, random characters of the sort. If you're interested, definitely let me know!