Inspired by the song "Little Wonders" by Rob Thomas

Our Little Wonders

"You know what, Georgie, the house is clean, the kids are in bed, Casey and Derek are getting along, let's just go with it."

Our lives have been anything but ordinary since we got married.

I fly off the handle at one little thing out of place. You want me to let the moments of peace be because we know from experience they don't last forever. Casey and Derek see to that. Our other kids are no angels either.

I remember the day we introduced them to each other.

Giving Derek twenty bucks, I didn't expect him to pay Ralph to be nice. You wanted us to be fifteen minutes late to dinner that night; more or less, it was to get our oldest children to talk to one another. We thought it was going to be a piece of cake. Boy were we ever wrong! They rebelled against us and started blasting each other with insults as soon as we arrived. It was almost over between us.

Casey came to your rescue that night.

I was in awe when Derek took it upon himself to accept Casey's proposal from you. We knew that our marriage would be hard on them, but it would all work out fine in the end. They are going off to the same college in the fall, and we can only hope that they will see the joy of their lives coming together as it has brought us together and transform them bringing them even closer.

We are to be blessed with another addition to this household.

I like to think when one door closes another one opens up. The ability we have to stay together through thick and thin, weather every obstacle thrown in our way, open our eyes to the sudden onset of clarity that life has brought us many little wonders to behold. We were meant to share these precious hours together and cherish each other.

I love you, Nora.