I was just watching 'Sonny with a chance of dating' again and I just HAD to write a fanfic in what I think was going through Chad's head at that time. Even if sometimes it's kind of obvious. Haha.. well wish me luck!

Okay. What are they serving here at the cafeteria? This is Hollywood for heaven's sake, and I am Chad Dylan Cooper.

I turned around and saw the cafeteria lady standing by the machines. I walked towards her with my plate.

"Hey." I said as I smiled her my most charming smile and ran my hands through my hair. "Did anybody tell you that you have great eyes?"

"Maybe." The cafeteria said.

"Great, so I was just looking at the food… And…" I said trailing off suggestively.

Soon enough I walked away with a rack of lamb in my hands.

Oh yeah. Nobody could resist Chad Dylan Cooper's charm.

I was walking out of the cafeteria when I heard Sonny's giggling and James's flirting. I immediately turned and saw, indeed, James making Sonny… smile… and blush… and giggle… okay now THIS has to stop. I walk towards them.

"Hey. I got her to make me a rack of lamb." I said as I slyly got both of their attention.

True enough. "Man, I love lamb!" He said as he made exaggerated hand movements.

I could see Sonny look away awkwardly as we laughed, fake laughed in my part. But I make it so believable; I am just that good an actor.

Okay, kind of awkward moment…

"Stick with me man you'll have a great time here." I said with a smile. In translation, stick with me and don't you dare get close to Sonny.

I looked past him and saw Sonny looking at me.

"Sonny." I said.

"Chad." I didn't need someone who could analyze facial expressions to see that she was so annoyed. Now why be annoyed at me and not be annoyed to the person who was just bugging/flirting with you for the last 5 minutes??

I turned to James. "Anyways, they must be shooting our scene, we should probably go."

Sonny took a deep breath and then turned around and stopped James. "Oh you're on Mackenzie Falls this week? Let me guess stuck up Mackenzie being chased by bad boy bank robber?" She said giving me a huge 'Ha!' grin.

I need a comeback. Then I saw her outfit. "Let me guess, life at the Boston Tea Party?" I said as I looked her up and down. Only she could wear a teapot costume and still look good.

"Well, at least my show brings joy to our viewers." She said grinning. She looked so cute. Okay Chad, not helping right now.

I grin at her back, "At least my show HAS viewers"

Sonny looked down. Okay, there is one too many awkward silences.

"Wow, what's going on here?" James asks nervously.

"Nothing." I said a little too quickly.

"It's beyond nothing." Sonny said quickly through clenched teeth and a big smile.

Okay I was getting uncomfortable. What does she mean when she said that it was beyond nothing? And I think that James is getting onto me. Nobody. And I mean nobody, should know that I like Sonny Munroe. "Certainly nothing to be late over, our scene's on first after lunch." I said awkwardly looking at the floor every once and a while.

I look over at Sonny and smile. "Sonny."

She laughed once and grinned. "Chad."

Then suddenly her smiling face turned into a glaring one. Uhm… I turned around and walked away. Once I was out of the cafeteria I headed straight for the Mackenzie Falls set. I needed time to think.

"Chad? You need to get your make-up done." The stage director said as I entered. Ah. There goes time to think. Looks like I have to do these while getting my hair and make-up done.

I walked to the vanity where the hair and make-up person was and sat down on the chair. I put on a bib of tissues and placed my lunch and my phone on the table.

I was still thinking over what Sonny said when James casually walked by and stopped beside the table for a moment then left again. Okay, odd. I looked over the side of the table and saw that my phone disappeared. Hm. Odd. Maybe he dropped it.

I raised my hand and the make-up and hair person stopped. I took the tissues off and checked the floor for my phone. Hm. Odd. It wasn't there. Oh great, I need more tissues.

"I'll be right back." I said to the person there as I left.

"It's James." I heard from the other side of the door. Hm, I wonder who he's flirting with now.

I walk towards the exit.

"It's my pleasure." He said to the phone as I walked by. Hey that phone looked kind of familiar.

I walk up to him. "Dude is that my phone?"

He looked at it then looked back at me. "Oh yeah, it is. Thanks." Then he went back to the person he was talking to.

I shot him a look of pure irritation and left him. He better return that phone. What kind of person does he think he is? Taking Chad Dylan Cooper's phone and flirting with Sonny. Have he no shame.

I returned to the make-up person and my lamb. I was savoring the food and was getting another napkin when suddenly Tawni entered the set.

She ran up to me and pushed me a bit. "Where's your idiot friend?" She asked obviously annoyed.

Okay now this was annoying to. This has not been a good day and I can't just sit here and be pushed.

"Mark!" (A/N:I'm not sure if I got the name right) I shouted with my mouth full. Not a classic Chad, but I was already annoyed and wanted this to be getting over with.

Sure enough Mark came running to us and I went back to wiping my hands.

"Not that idiot. James." She said annoyed. Okay I was annoyed with that idiot, too.

I just shook my head and wiped my mouth.

"Yeah, the one who's going out with Sonny tonight." She continued. Okay now that got my attention.

She has got to be kidding. And I thought that the chuckle city people did not have a sense of humor, well other than Sonny. I laughed once and stood up.

"Sorry, what?" I said.

"James. Sonny. Date. Tonight." She said. She was getting more and more annoyed by having to repeat herself. Well I was getting more and more annoyed to with that idiot.

"Date. Sonny. Tonight? James?!" I asked disbelievingly. Okay something was seriously wrong with that. She HAS to be kidding me.

Sonny cannot go on a date with James! I practically asked her out when we were at the park. So right now she's unavailable. She cannot go on a date with that person!

"So where is he?" She asked so, so annoyed.

"Right know he's breaking into the first bank at Mackenzie Falls." I said looking down.

Sure enough James started his lines. "Give me all your money!" He shouted as the police sirens blared. I pointed and nodded at the flashing red and blue lights.

I looked away. I would love to see him locked in a vault.

"What is your show even about?" She asked disbelievingly.

I was busy imagining James locked up in a vault with no air and way out. I faced her and tried to process his words. Soon enough I got it.

"Oh. This week's our Christmas episode. In the end he realizes he had a wonderful life." I said smiling.

She just has that look of disbelief in her face as she rolled her eyes. "Look. Just tell James, 'back off Sonny'." She said as she turned around, about to walk away.

"Wait. Wha…" She turned around and faced me. "Why do you want him to back off Sonny." I asked her. Looks like I'm going to have a comrade here.

"Why are you wearing a bib?" She said. Hmm… good comeback.

I raised my eyebrows. "Jealous?" I asked her. Because that was my reason.

"I have my own bib!" She said defensively.

What the hell?? "Not the bib! B… Sonny! What…?" I shook my head disbelievingly.

"No. I'm trying to protect her. Why do YOU want him to back off Sonny?" She said putting her hand on her hip.

"I…I never say I did." I stammered crossing my arms.

"Oh. Your lips say 'I don't care', but your eyes say 'I do care'. Just tell your friend to back off from Tawni Hart. Well, not back off from me… back off… from ME, Tawni Hart!" And with that she flipped her hair and walked away.

Okaay… I started to walk back to my chair when suddenly I heard James shouting.

"You'll never take me alive!"

I turned around just in time to see him roll and stand up straight. I walked up to him.

"Dude are you taking Sonny out?" I asked him tentatively.

He looked at me. "Why do you care?" He asked.

"I don't." I said a little weakly.

"Yeah, I get that from your eyes." Then he looked back at the blaring sirens. "You will still not take me alive! And I forgot something!" Then he jumped to the floor and rolled away.

Okay what's up with him and rolling? And what is with people and getting the truth from my eyes?? Yeah, I know my eyes are hard to resist.

Okay this is so going to stress me out. Chad Dylan Cooper should not be stressed out.

I sat down and fixed my beard. I looked at the make-up person and pointed to my food. "This is good. Do you want some lamb?" I asked. Okay, even to me that sounded stupid.

She just shook her head and smiled.

I got an idea.

I walked into the arcade and saw Sonny, James, and, oddly, Tawni sitting on a booth. I smoothly slide in.

"Oh. Sorry I'm late. What did I miss?" I said cooly.

James looked at me irritated, "Tawni likes chicken fingers and skee ball!" He said smiling.

Tawni just smiled.

"What are you doing here?" He said turning to me irritated.

"I came to hang out with my bro." I said smiling.

"So what are you doing here?" I said as I turned to Sonny and Tawni.

Tawni turned to me. "What are you doing here?"

James turned to Sonny, "What are they doing here?"

Sonny looked at James and threw her crossed arms our exasperated. "What are we still doing here?"

"Do you want to make a break for it? I know how to tuck and roll." He said pointing to the floor. I rolled my eyes.

"I am right behind you." agreed Sonny.

They were about to stand up when Tawni and I grabbed their shoulder's. They are not getting away that easily.

"Who's up for some chicken fingers and skee ball?" Tawni said perkily while she kept one arm around Sonny making sure she doesn't get away.

I raised a finger in agreement as I looked at the menu.

Okay… so there's part one. Reviews please!!