
Chapter 5:

Happiness doesn't Always End Nicely


Richard and Kori sat holding hands on the way back to her house the entire car ride; she couldn't keep a smile off her face. She felt happy; not the one second lasting happiness, actually happy. And she loved every damn minute of it. "Um, Kori.." Richard started off, not too sure of how he was going to put his next couple of words; not wanting to hurt her feelings, "Ryan..isn't exactly too happy of the idea of me and you dating, so can you not tell him we kissed? I told him I wouldn't do anything and I-" She giggled and put a finger to his lips to silence him, "It's okay Richard, I won't tell him. I could feel the tension between you too, so I understand." Richard squeezed her tiny hand, that was currently being consumed by his big hand, "Thanks, Kor." He pulled into her driveway, not wanting the night to end, sad that it had to. "Are you free Saturday?" Richard asked before letting her get out of his car. Kori thought for a moment, she didn't have anything planned. "No, why?" Kori asked, not understanding the meaning to his question. Richard chuckled, "I was wondering if I could take you out again." Kori couldn't keep the blush from creeping onto her face, "I'd love that." He hurriedly leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips, "I'll see you then."

Kori left the car, wanting to scream out with joy. But she remained calm, knowing that he was watching her get into her house. And watching her he was, he sat in his car watching her tiny body drift farther away from his car and into her house. After making sure she could get in the house, he left. With a grin on his handsome face.

Kori skipped into her house, humming a song she heard at the restaurant. She was almost to the kitchen when she bumped into Barbara. Barbara had a martini in her hand, and it shattered when it was knocked out of her hands by the bubbly red head. Kori and Barbara looked down at the floor, staring at the glistening broken pieces of the glass. "I'm sorry about the drink Barbara.." Barbara sent her a glare, "Babs. And it's whatever, just go play with your imaginary friends, Kid." Kori was taken back, why was she insulting her? "Ex-excuse me?" Kori stuttered out, not to sure on what else to say. "I said. Go play with your imaginary friends, Kid. Now please get out of my way so I can pick up the glass that you knocked out of my hand." Barbara looked back at Kori, "Ryan said you can't be trusted with sharp things, since your recent incidents. I would make you clean it, but I wouldn't want to jeopardize your poor health."

She's laughing at you, Kori. Don't let her hurt you, hurt her back Kori..

Before Kori knew it, her fists were clenched into fists. Barbara noticed this sudden action, "Aw, did I make you angry?" Barbara's laughter filled the room, but was soon cut off when Kori's fist came in contact with her face. "Don't you ever make laugh at me again you stupid bitch!" Kori screamed before rushing to her room, slamming the door behind her.

Ryan came rushing out of his room, noticing his fiancé on the floor. "Babs, what the hell happened?" He asked, kneeling down on his knees, examining her face. "Your stupid crazy little sister. I don't think this is going to work with her living her Ryan." Barbara replied, flatly. Ryan was a bit shocked, "Babs, she has no where else to go. She's never lived by herself before. She's been in a damn asylum since she was a teenager." Barbara glared at Ryan, pissed that he was taking Kori's side. "Send the bitch back then." And with those words, Barbara left, leaving a confused and upset Ryan to his thoughts.

(Kori's point of view)

Ugh. I can't believe she'd say that to me! I wanted to scream, hit her again, something. But after hitting her the first time, I knew it was wrong. I also knew she'd run her mouth to Ryan, or Ryan overheard. Leaving me to deal with serious consequences.

I need to stop listening to my head.

But no matter how many times I tell myself to; it's still so hard to do. I feel like everyone is trying to change me; I know I'm sick, but no medications or therapy can truly cure me. They just "help" me stop having symptoms. And honestly, what are the chances of me being of the lucky few to be completely cured?

"Kori, can I come in please?" Ryan called through my door. Shit, these consequences are going to happen sooner than I thought. Great.. "Yeah, you can come in." I sat on my bed, fidgeting with the blankets. I refused to look up at him; I felt embarrassed and unworthy to be in his presence. I mean, I just punched his fiancé! "Kori, why did you punch Barbara?" I could already the tears forming in my eyes..would he believe me if I told him?

I looked up at my brother, "Ryan," I started, deciding on words carefully, "Barbara, or Babs, made fun of me for my condition and about the situation that occurred. I know it was wrong hitting her, but I felt so angry and she taunted me." I took a breath, knowing no matter what I said he would be angry with me, not the bitch with his ring on her finger. "I couldn't control myself and I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize to me Kori," Ryan stated flatly, "Apologize to her. If you're going to be a family with her, you need to get along with her. I know she's not the nicest at times, but grin and bear it." Ryan sighed and sat down next to me, "Anyways, how was your date with Richard?" I couldn't keep myself from smiling. "It was most enjoyable, Ryan." And of course, he sat there. Studying me. Why? I honestly don't know. "Did he try anything?" Should I lie? I mean he didn't try was just a kiss...But I promised Richard. "Nope, nothing at all." Maybe I should have just left it at 'Nope.' He, however, went on with his interrogation, "Nothing at all? You wouldn't lie to me would you?" Great.

"Ugh, fine we kissed. That's all. But he didn't want you to be mad so he asked me not to tell. Don't get mad Ryan, it was just a kiss. A kiss." He sighed, again. "Why'd you lie?" he asked, staring at me. I looked at him, "Well I didn't exactly lie. A kiss is not trying to do something, a kiss is just a kiss. A kiss was all that was shared, so he therefor didn't really try to do anything. But I simply made it seem like a lie by adding on the 'nothing at all' at the end of my sentence, implying that he did, however, not even kiss me which he did." Ryan got up, "Um..yeah, okay. Do you have any more plans with him?" If I had a mirror I'm sure my face would be gleaming, "Yes. We're going out again Saturday." Ryan grinned, why did he grin? "Well, not anymore. You're going to cognitive therapy on Saturday and then staying home. Sorry Kor. Looks like you're going to have to cancel." He left quickly, "Ryan! That's not fair!" I yelled. I heard him laugh, "Life's not fair. Deal with it." Obviously.


(normal point of view)

Sun beams light up Kori's room, causing her to stir slightly in her sleep. She felt sick..very sick. She felt a warm hand on her forehead, and then a wet wash cloth. What time was it? What is going on? She mentally asked herself. She opened one eye and casted her view up to meet almost identical eyes to her own. Ryan. He smiled down at her, "Hey I heard you talking in your sleep," he faintly whispered, "You looked ill, and you have a fever." She closed her eyes again, "I feel like I'm going to puke," she whispered, warning him in case of an incident. He chuckled, "Do you want me to make you some chicken noodle soup? It use to always make you feel better when we were kids." Kori let a grin grace her face, even with all the sickness she felt. "Please and thank you." He kissed her on the cheek, "I guess I'll play doctor today. I took the day off to make sure you'll be okay," Kori went to protest but he silenced her, "It'll be fine. I'll go make your soup now..and Kori?" Kori opened her eyes and looked at him, "Yes?" Pain etched on his face, "I'm sorry for last night. You can go on your date with Richard." Kori smiled, "If you're not comfortable with it Ryan I'll still cancel..I don't wish for you to be upset with me." Ryan let out a soft laugh, "Na, don't worry about it. I trust him to an extent, I just don't want him taking your virginity. I don't want anybody to. I just don't want him taking advantage of you." Ryan yawned, "I'll go make your soup, I'll wake you up when it's ready. Would you like crackers and a grilled cheese sandwich with your soup with a side of green beans?" Kori giggled, "You remember everything don't you?" Ryan chuckled, "I wouldn't forget anything about us growing up Kori. Not one damn thing."


(Rachel's Point of View)

"Garfield," I asked, annoyance obvious in my tone, "Can you Please turn that damned television down? I'm Trying to read my book." All my boyfriend did was life. "Awe, come on Rachel. Lighten up. You can read that book any day of your life, how many times can you see the same episode of something?" he asked, hoping to make a point. "Well, let's see," I started, "For one, Yes I may be able to read this book any day of my life, but I really want to read it now. Secondly, this is a re-run you've already seen this at least 15 times. Thirdly, if you really want to watch it, next time it's on Record it. And finally, if you can't record it, there's this thing on the Internet called Youtube where you can watch T.V. Shows."

"God Rae, you're really PMSing today," Garfield stated. He was about to say something else, but I decided to throw the remote controller at his head. He deserved every bit of pain that he received. He loves the damn thing so much, he should love getting injuries by it. Living with him, is going to get ver interesting.

"And by the way, Babe, I am PMSing, so lay off the jokes." I decided to read outside on the balcony.

Finally, some peace and quiet.

Authors Note:

I hope it sounds okay! I'm about to watch The Uninvited :D I'm so excited!! I've been dying to watch it since I seen commercials, so I'm really hoping it's good. I'll be updating this story on Thursday of next week, not tomorrow. Barbara's hate for Kori will be explained in that chapter if you don't see any reason on why Barbara would dislike her from this chapter.


I have written my first chapter of "Relieve me of my Misery" and uploaded it yesterday. So read it and review it :] It's Garfield and Rachel Romance. One of my other favorite couples :]


Review! This story :] I like hearing what you guys think, I won't get mad if you have advice or anything. I'm very strongly for people having a right to their opinions, and it helps me better my writing. So review :] And keep reading! 3
