Hello :) For all the people who don't know that i am new to this whole Fan Fiction thing, I am. XDD Well, this is my first Fan Fiction, so I hope you like it.

I realli like the Avatar cartoon, but there is one thing that I think should have been included in the series, and that is Luten. :D And for those who don't know, Luten is Iroh, The Dragon of the West's son who died in the war. This is Luten's story. Enjoy! :)

P.S. Please give me feedback, as this is my first one. Thanks! :)

Luten's Story

"Luten! Are you listening to me?" Iroh asked his son, irritated. Luten shook his head to get out of his reverie.

"Sorry, did you say something, father?" Luten asked, confused. Iroh just shook his head.

"Luten," But before Iroh could say anything else, Luten interrupted him.

"Father, do you know where that girl lives? I see her everywhere, but for some reason I have never heard anyone mention where she stays, nor have I ever heard of her socializing." Luten looked at his father questioningly. Luten tried to act like he couldn't care less about that girl, but Iroh knew better. Iroh saw the hope and the anxiety in Luten's eyes. Iroh began laughing.

"Yes, I know who she is, but why do you want to know, my dear son?" Iroh asked his son in a teasing voice. Luten began to turn red.

"No reason, I just wanted to say hi, so she can feel welcome, you know?" he said to his father, defensively. Luten kept his gaze on the attractive girl.

"Have you talked to her yet?" Iroh asked his son. Luten just shook his head.

"I have no idea what she's like, father. What if she hates guys? What if she thinks I'm a horrible person? What if I say something wrong and she starts hating me?" Luten asked his father, worried.

"You'll never know if you don't try, Luten," his father told him, wisely. Luten looked at the ground for a moment, then when he looked back up Iroh saw the determination in his son's eyes. Luten took a deep breath and walked towards the beautiful lonely girl that was leaning against the tree with her face facing the heavens.

"Hello," Luten said, casually. The girl looked at him and shock flitted across her face. He fell into a bow immediately.

"Your Majesty!" she exclaimed, shocked. "How can I be of service, Your Majesty?" she asked him, still in her bow. Luten was startled.

"Please, Miss…?"

"Crystal, Your Majesty,"

"Miss Crystal, please, stand up." Crystal obeyed at once; although, she kept her head bowed, out of respect for the Fire Nation Prince. Luten was confused; he didn't understand her. Usually when he tells his subjects to stand up (the girls especially), they all start crooning over him and are very informal with him – almost treating him like a friend.

Of course, he didn't have a big issue with that, even thought it got slightly annoying at times, he knew that it was improper, especially for the crown prince. Luten smiled slightly at her appearance and told her, the smile evident in his voice, that she could stand up straight. She then looked up and straight into his eyes. She kept her eyes there for about a minute, before she saw something in there that she didn't want to see.

"I, um, I have to go – sorry. Duty calls," she said, avoiding his eyes. And with that she ran off.