Author's Note: This is my first fanfiction for this anime; I hope you'll like it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn or its characters. I only own Danica Ravino. :D

Pairing: Hibari Kyouya x OC

Summary: On her 15th birthday, she was surprised to hear she was next in line for being Ravino the 10th. Not only was she sent to Japan to be tutored, but she also has to live with someone who wants to bite her to death.


Ravino Family- Second Strongest Mafioso Famiglia; a loyal ally to the Vongola Family. A family known to be a family of born fighters and just like the Vongola Family's 10th with the Super Intuition, the Ravino has one too but it will be known in later chapters.

Sai- A traditional Okinawan weapon. Here's a link to its image. Just close the spaces: http:/media. giantbomb. com/uploads/0/7660/196874-sai_large. jpg

IMPORTANT NOTE! : This story would follow the anime from the beginning to the end of its airing date. I'm still thinking whether to continue to Shimon Arc or end at the To the Future episode for it to follow Cloudy Moon's ending. The chapters will be edited grammatically since I've been corrected by my past mistakes and eager to change what is best for you , my readers :)

Cloudy Moon

Chapter I- I can't be a Mafia Boss!

My name is Danica Ravino. I'm sporty and energetic, and I live in Italy with my family. My mom works as a pianist and violinist in an orchestra in Italy, and my father is a salary man in some company. But the last time I saw him was when I was two.

I grew up not seeing my father. My mom is different from other moms; she taught me how to fight using martial arts. When I asked why she only said that it was for self-defense. I still wondered why my mother knew how to fight despite the fact that she's a musician and why I had to learn this stuff.

I got my answers on my 15th birthday.

My 15th Birthday

"Happy Birthday, Danica!" my mom cheered. I was still in bed, moaning to get more rest. "Come on, Danica, your father asked you to come to his company to give your present personally." she continued. Of all the days, he has to see me on my birthday.. ugh I want more sleep.

"Don't make your mama use her secret technique to wake you up," She then positioned herself in a death stance in front of my sleepy eyes.

I was still half-asleep when I heard Mom mention the secret technique, but when I realized my mother was in her death stance, I suddenly shot up.

"I'M AWAKE!" I shouted.

"Good. Now go take a bath and dress up. We'll be going to your father afterwards," she smiled.

"Yes, Mom." That was a close one. I wouldn't want to experience the technique that nearly killed my father but it kinda makes me curious to what it really is.

On the Way to Father's Workplace…

What does Father want with me? Well duh, for my birthday... but he's never been there to celebrate my birthday since I was two. I wonder why only now...

"Mom, why are we in a forest? Isn't the city in the opposite direction?" I asked.

"Well, the company your father is working for is somewhat private, so it's located by the forest for security reasons." I could see my mom sweating, but I was still curious about all of this.

I don't want to doubt my mother but still there is something fishy going on around here.

"We're near," Mom said while pointing her hand to a certain building.

WHOA! That didn't look like some company building; it was like a rich man's mansion. What the hell was father's work anyway?

My Father's Workplace

"Who are these people, mom?" I asked my mother while peering inside. There was a crowd of men all wearing black tuxedos. My mom remained silent as we walked to the stairs. This doesn't look like some company… I have a bad feeling about this. Two men opened a large double door and we then stepped inside.

There was a big mahogany desk on the far side of the spacious room, and I could see someone behind the chair. Wow, seems very high class.

"Ninth-sama, they have arrived," the two men announced. The atmosphere is tense around here. Where is father anyway?

"I'm glad you came, Luna," the man behind the chair spoke softly.

"Luna? Does he mean you, Mom?" I asked, glancing at my mother, and she nodded.

"And also..." The man behind the chair paused. "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH, MY DEAR DANICA-CHAN!" The man suddenly sprung from his chair to envelope me in a giant hug.

"Get AWAY!" I shouted. And by instinct, I kicked him. What the hell? Who was that?

"GAHH!" The man cried out in pain.

"Ninth-sama!" The men immediately ran to the crash site of the man. I was surprised; I literally flew him to the other side of the room, wait a minute, I might have just kick father's boss. This is bad, Danica, Bad, great job in being the reason of your father's early retirement.

"Mom, I'm sorry. I kicked him unintentionally," I said worriedly. However, I turned to see my mother trying to stifle her laughter. "Mom?"

"Ahahaha, you should have seen your face Getsuei!" Mom laughed. "My daughter is fully trained." What was happening? Do Mom and this Getsuei person know each other?

"As expected of my daughter," He blurted while standing up. Daughter? Who? Wait, he didn't mean me, did he?

"Danica, meet your father, Getsuei," Mom introduced.

"Father..." I said, teary-eyed.

"Danica-chan..." Getsuei did the same. We ran to hug each other.

"Father!" I cried out.

"Danica-chan!" Again, he did the same.

"HOW DARE YOU!" I kicked again. Hard. Nice to meet you father hmph!

"GAHHH!" He shrieked for the second time.

"Ninth-sama!" The men ran to the other side of the room where my "father" landed.

"Don't expect me to be all father-daughter lovey dovey after you disappeared for thirteen years!" I seethed. My mother laughed.

"Ahahaha, she got you again Getsuei. Danica, stop kicking your father. He has a reason for not being there for such a long time." Mom explained. I pouted.

"It'd better be good."

Sitting in front of the desk

"So what's the reason why I didn't see you for so long?" I asked, glaring daggers. He smiled.

"Scary! As expected of my daughter." I was not amused.

"Answer the question, Getsuei." I demanded icily. He didn't seem to be affected by or notice my deadly aura. He smiled.

"Call me papa, daddy, or father,"

"Don't make me kick you. Just answer the question" I churned out through grated teeth, barely managing to control my anger. Argh, is this guy crazy?

"Okay, my sweet Danica-chan," He sweat-dropped. "The reason I didn't see you for thirteen years is because of work." he said simply. I stood up.

"Alright, now that everything's been said..." I turned around and headed for the door. "Mom, I'm going home."

"That's not all, Danica." My mother tried to stop me. She sounded almost hesitant. I turned around again.

"Then tell me, Mom." She sighed. "I'm not obliged to; your father is." she explained.

"I'll listen,. Make it fast." I pouted while taking my seat. Father, who had been quiet this whole time, smiled. Someday, I'm gonna hit that smile off your face..

"Danica-chan, I want you to be a mafia boss!" He proclaimed.

"You idiot, Getsuei!" My mom exclaimed in disbelief, "You immediately told her that?"

"Why?" Getsuei inquired indignantly. I watched my parents argue, stunned. "Would you rather have me saying, 'Danica, I am your father and I am retiring and you need to succeed me and take my position,' and then she asks 'What is your job, Papa?' and then I say 'The boss of the Ravino family,' and then she asks again, 'Aren't you the father, the boss of the Ravino family? Our family?' and then I answer with pride 'Naïve! The Ravino family is not only our family, my dear Danica. Our family is the second strongest Mafioso famiglia in Italy!' and then she jumps with joy and exclaims, 'Oh really, father? I have to succeed you as the boss of a strong family? I'm delighted Papa! I'm so happy!' and then she hugs me tenderly- like that?" Getsuei managed to gush out all in one breath. Pretty impressive, actually.

(T-T) "I won't even call you Papa or even hug you tightly." I sulked. Everything was overwhelming me. Me? A mafia boss? This was like a movie!

"Putting aside what your father has told you," My mother sighed. "I'm also a hitman. That's why I was able to teach you some of my skills. I know everything's a little fast, my dear, and this must be a lot to take in, but you will have to be a mafia boss." My mother smiled tenderly.

Gah! My jaw dropped. Mom is a hitman and my father is a mafia boss and I have to inherit my father's job in the future? Before I could continue trying to absorb it all into my mind, my father interrupted.

"Oh, and Danica-chan, I have to send you to our allied family's respected home tutor in Japan to teach you all you need to know to be the future Tenth." he smiled, obnoxiously cheery. Before I could say anything, I was interrupted yet again, this time by a man in a fancy suit. He was standing in the doorway. When had he gotten there?

"Ninth-sama, Juudaime's luggage is on private plane," The man announced, "We're only waiting for Juudaime to board the plane." I panicked.

"Wait, what? My luggage? Plane? Japan?" I sputtered frantically. I was escorted outside, where a large private jet waited on a small runway. My mother calmly guided me along, still wearing that large smile, and she forcefully pushed me into the plane.

Wait, wait, wait!

"I CAN'T BE A MAFIA BOSS!" I wailed as the plane took off from Italy, heading off to the unknown.

Author's note: Please comment and review! Hope you liked it! In the next chapter, Hibari will be introduced.

The following chapters will be edited! I thank ~ChocolateRibbons~ who volunteered to BETA it for me and point out what I was missing from my writing!

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