A/N: I am sooooo bored and I have a creative process flowing through me. ^_^ FEEL SPECIAL!!!! and Enjoy...

Chapter 20: Everything is Where it Should Be

Narrator's POV

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. Edward was still recovering from the accident and has been staying home, only leaving the prison (is how he liked to put it), when he had a physical therapy meeting. Other than that, he didn't have much contact with people. He was getting sick of being under house arrest and he wanted to see Bella, it was killing him inside. He wanted her so badly that he could die!

Carlisle and Esme took away his car until they felt he was safe enough to drive again. They didn't need him in the hospital again. They made sure that he didn't go to school (or rather he did his school work at home) because they needed to take precautions with his injuries. It was still going to be a few more weeks before he would be able to go to school again and he had been doing most of his work from home, Jasper would give it to the teachers for him. Jazz never spoke a word to him when he came by, Jasper hasn't spoken to him since Bella chewed him out. He felt so antsy just to see her. To see her beautiful hair. Her chocolate colored eyes. The slight sway of her hips when she walks. Edward was getting a bit uncomfortable just thinking about her.

"Dammit." he jumped out of his bed, threw on some clothes and walked softly down the hall, making sure that Esme wouldn't hear him leave, Carlisle was working a double shift at work, but it was still early and school was still in. He just had to see her. He padded through the living room and grabbed his car keys off of the key holder by the garage door. Edward slowly opened the door just enough to squeeze by-

"Where do you think you're going?" Esme's voice was accusing and he knew he was busted. He closed his eyes and turned to his mother reluctantly. He took in a deep breath and opened his eyes. To his surprise, Esme was smiling. "I'm going to see Bella?" his statement came as a question. His mother's smile grew wider and she hugged him tightly.

"That's my boy. I'll tell Carlisle that you held me down and made me stay, while you left," she let go and pushed him out the garage door. Edward was confused beyond words as he stepped into his Volvo. He rubbed his hands on the steering wheel and it felt good to be back in his car. He put the keys in the ignition and moaned when it came to life. As he revved the engine, the garage door slid open and he peeled out of the garage. Carlisle had replaced the windshield with tinted, bulletproof glass and they fixed the seats and put new covers on it just in case there was another accident. He turned up the music and smiled as it sang words of encouragement. Somewhat . . .

You were young, and so am I
This is wrong, but who am I to judge?
I feel like heaven when we touch
I guess, for me this is enough

We're one mistake for being together
Let's not ask why it's not right
You won't be seventeen forever
And we can get away with this tonight

You are young, and I am scared
You're wise beyond your years, but I don't care
And I can feel your heartbeat
You know exactly where to take me

We're one mistake from being together
Let's not ask why it's not right
You won't be seventeen forever
And we can get away with this tonight

Will you remember me?
You ask me as I leave
Remember what I said?
Oh how could I, oh how could I forget

We're one mistake from being together
Let's not ask why it's not right
You won't be seventeen forever
And we can get away with this tonight

We're one mistake from being together
Let's not ask why it's not right
You won't be seventeen forever
And we can get away with this tonight

We're one mistake from being together
Let's not ask why it's not right
You won't be seventeen forever
And we can get away with this tonight

Though the meaning was a bit off, it still pumped him up to get the girl of his dreams. Forks High school was still in as Edward pulled into the parking lot. Kids were scattering around the building getting to their classes. It was a little after lunch and Edward knew exactly where Bella would be. Where it all began...

Meanwhile. . .

Bella was sitting at the lunch table filled with the Cullen kids, Jacob was on her right as well. They were chatting casually and Bella could feel Jacob's hand creep up to her thigh. She didn't make any move to shake it off, she didn't mind. Alice was talking about a sleepover at Bella's house that weekend and it would only be Alice, Rosalie, and Bella. No boys aloud! She emphasized on that!

The bell rang as they were finishing their conversation, Jacob escorted her to her class for Mike was back at school and everyone wanted to make sure that she would be safe. Last thing anybody needed was another person hurt, or even worse. . . It still pained Bella to think of Becca. Her funeral was next Sunday and Bella wasn't sure that she would be able to stand in front of everyone knowing that she was the reason for Becca's death. Jacob saw that she was a bit down and decided to create some small talk, "Have you seen any good movies?"

She thought about it, "No. I haven't been out of the house that much lately. Just been doing work and watching TV, I have a pretty interesting life don't I?" she asked sarcastically. Jacob had been trying to ask her out ever since . . . . Edward wasn't in the picture anymore. She was still in pain every time she through about him, so she didn't think about him at all.

Jacob chuckled and leaned against the frame of the door as they reached her class, "Maybe we can go to the movies sometime?" Bella smiled and shook her head.

"You will never give up will you?" she laughed a little and walked away. She wasn't going to promise anything, she wasn't sure about going out with guys just yet. She didn't like to look back on the last two guys.

As the class was about to start a man walked in with a note, "Bella Swan? You're wanted in the office." There was a chorus of 'ooohs' and little snickers as she walked to the front of the class to retrieve the small paper. She kept staring at it and realized that there wasn't a signature. She was in the middle of the hallway when she looked up with a gasp. "What. . . what are you doing here? You could get hurt." Edward was leaning against a set of lockers with a soft smile. She was still mad at him and she didn't want him to be here. Jacob was very protective of her lately and she didn't want a fight because she was having problems with people.

"I came to talk to you," he said as he pushed off of the wall.

"What makes you think she wants to talk to you, dipshit?" a growl came from behind Edward. Here we go, was all Bella could think as she closed her eyes and with a groan. She did not need this and she just wanted to leave.

Edward was never the one to give up. . . ever, "What makes you in charge of her. . . you call me a dipshit? Look whose talking, dumb fuck!"

"Can we not do this in the hallway?" Bella asked as she attempted to split them up.

"Stay out of this, Bella!" they scream in unison. She threw her hands up and walked back to her classroom, they didn't even know she left. Bella walked back into her English class without a word. Mike glanced at her with a smirk but kept his mouth shut. . . smart boy. She sat down with a huff and blocked out everything around her, she hated it when guys get into testosterone fights. She rolled her eyes at that, everything was quite uneventful and passing by without much care.

As the bell rang to signal the students to leave Bella felt someone tap upon her shoulder. She looked at the culprit and saw that it was Mike. "What do you want?" she demanded, trying to make herself tough. She knew that Mike saw right through her tough composure and at the scared and vulnerable girl that hid inside.

"Don't kid yourself, you're not as strong as you look," he hissed and softened up a bit. "I want to apologize for being an asshole to you. I don't take rejection well-"

"WHAT?! Are you serious!? YOU KILLED MY FRIEND-" Bella screamed as Mike clamped a hand over her mouth and pushed her against the lockers. She breathed heavily as she tried to push him away, but his body was solid and she couldn't fight any longer.

"You little bitch, everyone thinks you're so special," he smirked as he moved his face closer to her. "I thought you were so gorgeous, just like the others, boy was I wrong. Say I'm right and that you're a worthless piece of shit."

She closed her eyes and all the pressure left her. Mike was thrown to the ground with a brutal force, making Bella off balance. Edward was punching Mike with no intention of stopping while Jake helped Bella to her feet. Edward grabbed Mike by the lapels of his jacket and brought Mike's face to his. "I'm right and you're a worthless piece of shit!" Edward growled at Mike as he punched him square in the jaw. Jake was talking of the phone with the cops and they said that they were on their way.

"Edward, come on, lets get Bella out of here," Jacob said as he put a hand to Edward's shoulder. Edward stopped with his fist in midair and met Bella's scared eyes, he stood up smoothly and walked to Bella. Jacob crouched by Mike and whispered in his ear, Bella wasn't sure of what he was saying but by the look in Mike's eyes. . . it wasn't too pleasant. Mike reached into his pocket as Jacob stood and turned his back towards him. In his hand was a silver pocket knife. Bella ran past Edward and Jacob, kicking Mike in the face before he could dig the sharp object into Jacob's leg. Mike's head twisted to the side and he was out like a light. The sirens soon came and she stumbled back to Edward and Jacob so she could feel safer. He was never going to give up.

The cops questioned all three of the teenagers for some reason behind all of this business. Bella told them everything, that she was almost raped, Edward saved her, Mike killed her friend and almost stabbed Jacob. Edward told them everything that he knew and Jacob told him all of the things that he got from the sidelines. Mike was sentenced to ten to life in prison for attempted rape and manslaughter. Bella could finally sleep at night.

As the trio left the station, their families were waiting out front. Jacob was being lectured by Billy for whatever reason, Edward was being hugged by his family and Charlie was leaning against his Cruiser with a worried look as Bella ran to him for a comforting hug. Her lip was a bit swollen because of Mike but she didn't care, he was gone and everything was better now, for now.

Bella pulled away from Charlie and met Edward's eyes, for the first time in her life she could finally say that those eyes were smoldering and the best shade of green known to mankind. They walked to each other in a brisk pace and met each other in the middle, Edward's hands went around her as Bella's arms went around his neck. He spun her in circles as flashbacks ran through their heads about everything that has ever happened. Edward let go of Bella and she wished to be closer, he dropped to one knee and in front of everyone, "Isabella Swan, will you marry me?" He pulled out a little black box as she put her pale hands up to her lips. He waited for her answer and before he could do anything, she tackled him to the ground and kissed him fiercely. "Yes, yes, yes! A thousand times yes, I don't want to lose you ever again!"

He held her close as they laid in the middle of the Police Station's parking lot. After a while of people clapping and a few profanities, they got up and went to the Cullen's house for a little get together. Esme made some food for everyone, Jacob chatted casually with Charlie, Billy, and Carlisle about football, Emmett was whispering, GOD KNOWS WHAT, into Rosalie's ear, Jasper and Alice were talking about the future and feelings, while Bella and Edward snuck to the backyard and to the secret pool.

"This is crazy! I'm getting married," she smiled at Edward as she laid in his arms. She stared at the sky while he rubbed her back in soft circles. He reached up and kissed her collar bone.

"We're getting married," she smiled even more at Edward's correction. She turned towards him and kissed him passionately as he pulled her closer. He was untying her silver bathing suit top until she pulled away. He looked at her with his brows furrowed.

She smirked at him and whispered, "Let's get wet!" They laughed as they jumped into the pool with a scream. The day was wonderful as everything was set back to the way things should have been, happy and amazing, rather than everything had been, confusing and complicated.

Edward and Bella married on June 7th of 2006, they had one girl and they named her Renesmee Carlie Cullen. Jacob ended up being Bella's best friend and loving her like a sister. Edward became a doctor rather than a professional baseball player and they live happily in the Cullen's residence in Forks, Washington. Carlisle had been offered a job in New York for being the best doctor in the United States and he refused it to stay with Esme and his family. They ended up giving the house to the kids and they come to visit on the holidays from Amsterdam. Emmett and Rosalie got married soon after Carlisle and Esme left. Alice and Jasper married a year later. The Cullen house has been a lovely place where everyone has lived for years and plan to live there until the day they die.

The End!

A/N: I hope you liked the last chapter! Please review, for I am finished with this story! :P Or am I? Muahahahahah!!!

Ten years later. . .

"Mommy?" Renesmee called out to Bella as she cooked eggs and bacon for everyone.

Bella glanced at her from below her arm, "Yes dear?"

Renesmee shuffled her feet as she gulped, "I like a boy!" she said quickly, Bella laughed in a short burst. Emmett came down the stairs, "Do I smell bacon?" he laughed as he rubbed his hands in preparation.

Bella pulled the pan away from the stove and poured the grease down the sink as she held the bacon up by the spatula. Alice skipped down the hall and sniffed at the air, "Yummy." she licked her lips as she grabbed everyone plates and silverware.

Emmett helped setting the table while everyone else busied themselves with other kitchen duties, "I wonder. . ." everyone stopped and looked at him curiously. "If a spoon was gold. . . would it still be called 'silverware'?" he raised a brow as he examined the kitchen utensil. Bella shook her head as she finished cooking. Renesmee jumped in her seat while everyone filed in. Edward came in and wrapped his arms around Bella as he kissed her neck softly. He took his seat at the head of the table while everyone sat in their usual seats.

Everyone was eating their morning meal when Bella spoke up, "Honey?" Edward looked up from his plate and glanced at Bella. "Did you know that Renesmee has a little crush on someone?" Edward choked on his food as she finished her sentence. Bella casually ate while Renesmee stared at her mother with her eyes and mouth wide in shock. "MOM!" she yelled. "Did you really need to say that to dad? I'm thirteen, I can tell him myself."

Edward took a quick swig of his water and gasped for air, "What?!" he demanded. Bella rolled her eyes and kept on eating.

"I like a boy at school," she said weakly. By the expression on her father's face, she could have sworn that steam was coming out of his ears. Emmett was laughing hysterically while Alice and Rosalie were trying to stifle their giggles. Jasper just smiled while he ate. Bella just kept on eating her omelet, she expected this reaction.

"No!. . .NO NO NO! I forbid you to date," he growled as he threw his napkin on his plate. He crossed his arms over his chest as he stared down Bella. "Don't you agree honey?"

"Don't drag me in this one. I think she is capable of making her own mistakes and decisions. Who are we to decide who to like?" she smiled across the table at him and he softened a bit. "If you'll excuse me, I am going to get the paper." Bella rose from her seat and made her way to the living room.

Jasper laughed, "I think that vein in your forehead is going to burst if you don't relax, Edward." Everyone started laughing hysterically and Renesmee quickly ate, hoping to finish her food and run.

"I get to meet him before you actually go out with him, he so much as leaves a scratch on you. . . he is DEAD! Who is he anyway?" Edward bellowed as he grabbed both his and Bella's plate and put them in the sink. Everything was perfectly fine until. . .

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Bella let out a shrill scream from the living room. Everyone was out of their seats in a matter of seconds. Knowing Bella, she could have tripped over her own foot and caused a fire by how clumsy she was. This was an agonized scream and it sounded like she was crying. She stared at the newspaper in her hands with wide eyes filled with terror. Edward ran to her and demanded that she tell him what was wrong. She held out the paper and he took it, "Oh no!" he shook his head closed his eyes.

Emmett grabbed it and read it out loud, "Prisoner escapes Brungham County Jail. Mike Newton was sentenced ten years to life and somehow managed to escape his cell in the middle of the night. . . blah blah blah. . . the last thing found in his cell was a note saying 'Bella Swan is mine!'" Everyone grew quiet as Emmett finished reading. Renesmee finally spoke up and everyone jumped at the sound of her voice, "Whose Mike?"

A/N: :) I hope you enjoyed NLFOE! So long and. . . all that good stuff!! Thank you everyone! READ FRENEMIES!!! :)