Disclaimer: I am making no money on this. It's is simply for entertainment purposes. Will return them to David and Fox as soon as my sandbox is cleaned up.

A/N: I don't really know where the inspiration for this came from, but here it is. Hope you like it. The role of Seth will be played by the fantastic Rob Lowe of "The West Wing", because he and Lisa Edelstein had such good chemistry when she appeared on the show. Then again Lisa could have chemistry with a friggin wall, she's just that good.

Five Step Plan

The snow crunched under his feet as he slowly made his way up to her front door on that chilly Thursday night. After retrieving the spare key from under the pot plant on the doorstep, House contemplated whether he should have just created a dramatic entrance with his usual invasion of her home, or whether he should have been civil and knocked on her door and waited for her permission before entered her home. He was still contemplating his options when he heard a movement from behind the door and he knew it was only a matter of a few seconds before he was caught out or he decided to leave.

He was moody and grouchy and his ducklings noted that he was more unsociable than ever. He hadn't had a decent spat with her in at least a week and he was almost sure she had been avoiding him for the last two weeks; he had no idea of the reason though. He hadn't done anything major enough for her to actually avoid him for two whole weeks. Okay he was over exaggerating; one week and two days felt like an eternity for him wherever she was concerned. He was trying to come up with a witty one liner for her, but his thought process was cut short when the door suddenly swung open revealing her to him.

Her hair was tied up into a messy bun with loose strands managing to escape the wrath the band had exposed them to. She had long ago swapped the power suit she wore during the day for a pair of comfortable pyjamas which comprised of a very snug fitting track pants and a T-shirt that fell off one shoulder and stopped just above her belly button, exposing her porcelain skin to whomever was seated or in his case, standing in front of her. Her make up had already been cleansed off, though her eyes shone with curiosity at it sudden appearance. He saw that she looked relaxed, at ease, like was enjoying her time off at home with her daughter.

Before she could even open her mouth to ask him what he was doing on her doorstep at eleven thirty House's hand had snaked around her waist and he had pulled her up to him, bringing her chest to his. He liked the warm feeling of her body pressed up against his, her chest in full contact with his and the fact that she was not pushing him away at that very moment. He had only experienced this twice before, the last time being almost six years ago when she had lost Joy, the kid she was first going to adopt.

"What do you want?" she knew it was a rhetorical question yet she couldn't stop herself from asking it. It was part of their routine.

"I was in the neighbourhood. Thought I'd come and see if there was some witch gathering at the head quarters," he smiled down at her and his hand snaking further across her waist.

A smile graced her features and she responded lightly, "I could be mistaken, but I think you missed me," she said as she tried to disentangle herself from his grasp, while trying to keep her body from reacting to his touch.

"No, not you in particular, just the twins and the giant ass actually, I forgot how much space it took up in my office," he replied and his lip curved into a half smirk. "And from where I'm standing I think you're the one who was missing me," he continued, as his hand glided over the thin material of her T-shirt to swipe over her now erect nipple.

"It's cold," she defended herself, cursed her body at the same time and tried to fold her arms across her chest so he wouldn't see the effect he had on her. Unfortunately it was too late for her as his fingers felt the hardened bud between them and she let out a slow moan as he rolled it between them.

"Nope! I think the twins are happy to see me, and despite what your mouth is saying, your body is telling me it wants this" he said as he nuzzled the hollow at the base of her throat. He sucked on her skin gently, fingers gliding up and down the length of her arms leaving them blazing in their wake. He continued to kiss her throat slowly, tantalisingly, never stopping long enough on one spot for her to be satisfied. Instinctively she raised her hands and tangled them in the short gray hairs on the back of his head, pulling him closer into her. She felt one of his hands slide beneath her T-shirt, his long fingers dancing across her smooth skin, heating her from the inside.

A noise from inside the living room startled them both, but not enough for them to release each other. It took a minute or two for her brain to start functioning and it was only then that she realised what she was about to do with her most annoying, yet favourite employee.

"Where's the sprog?" it was an unintentional question that left his mouth before his brain could filter and send it to the dumb questions section of his mind.

"She inside, asleep," Cuddy whispered as she thought of her angelic brown eyed, dark haired daughter who was resting peacefully on the sofa in the living room.

"Cool, that means I get mommy all to myself tonight" he raised his eyebrows suggestively and she merely rolled her eyes at him. He was so damn predictable at times. He leaned down to kiss her again, but stopped when he heard the footfalls on the carpet. He had just enough time to let go of her, pull himself out of her grasp and step back before he saw a head poke out from behind the door.

"Lisa, is everything okay?" House heard the male voice and though he was surprised at Cuddy's visitor, there was no expression on his face to show it. He stepped out from behind the door and House could see him fully, now.

He was almost as tall as House, had short brown hair, parted on the side though untidy enough to make him look at least ten years younger than he really was, and warm blue gray eyes that danced in the light. His mouth was curved up into a friendly smile, which House noted, reached his eyes and showed the dimples in both his cheeks perfectly. He was slim, yet well built and somehow House got the feeling this was not one of Cuddy's regular dates. In fact, he didn't even know his boss was seeing anyone at the moment. The last time she was on a date was almost two years ago, and she didn't leave any indication that she was dating at the moment. How could he possibly have missed it?

House was brought out of his thoughts when he heard the soft whimper. He looked down at the man's arms and he had to admit he was thrown at the scene in front of him. Rachel was cradled in the man's arms, her head resting gently on his broad shoulder and his shirt clenched tightly in her small fist. Rachel was beginning to fuss and Cuddy placed a soothing hand on the child's back stroking lightly as she cooed sweetly to the little girl.

A hot ball of jealousy made its way from House's gut to his brain and he clenched his fist unconsciously ready to strike the man standing before him. He was sure he wasn't one of Rachel's biggest fans since he now had to fight for Cuddy's attention with her, but the sight of another man standing on Cuddy's porch with her sprog in his arms made House see red. There was no way he was going to let that happen, even if it meant he had to start liking the little runt.

As Rachel settled down again, the man looked up at House, the smile still gracing his features and he extended a hand toward the diagnostician.

"Hi I'm Seth, and you are?" House noted Seth's disarrayed and rumpled clothes and mental images of him and Cuddy made their way into his mind. The longer he stood there, the angrier he was going to get, so he made up his mind that he would deal with this when he had simmered down.

"Leaving," House replied as he looked at Cuddy, his face still expressionless and made his way over to his bike parked in her driveway.

He heard Cuddy saying Seth should take Rachel inside before she caught a cold, but he was almost at his bike when he heard her call him softly.

"House," he didn't bother to look back at her, he simply mounted his bike, turned the key, revved the engine, before backing out onto the street and gunning the engine at top speed and taking off into the dark quiet night.

Should I continue? Should I not?

Let me know.

Pretty please??