Que levante la mano

Pairing: KainxRuka

Desclaimer: VK is not mine. The story is inspired by "Que levante la mano" by Joseph Fonseca.

He mouths every single word, every syllable, with a perfect accent. He learnt the language because of her.

"I'd love to go to Spain.", she had once said.

So he learnt to speak it, so that he could take her there.

"We're going to Spain.", they said.

He doesn't cry when the plane takes off. He doesn't say or do anything unusual when she leaves with him.

His amber eyes veer towards the group photo, where they all look so happy in their school uniforms, and he tries to decide whether he hates the person she chose or not.

The song reaches the part where the singer asks you to put your hand up if you've never cried for love.

He puts his hand up. He never cried for love. But that doesn't mean he hasn't loved or suffered because of it. He did. And still does.

And then he thinks of everything again and, slowly, as the first tears start to fall, his hand falls limp.

A/N:Wow, it's been a looooong time, hey? Sorry everyone, sorry, I'll try to update all my stories more frequently.

Now, this story was inspired by the chorus of the song, which says (more or less) "may he raise his hand, he who has not cried for love". The identity of the guy Ruka chose instead of Kain is up to your own interpretation and/or personal likings :)

Again, remember I take requests (if I can't do them, I'll tell you, so don't be afraid of just asking) and your opinions would be nice ^^

P.S. Anne, I'm glad you're an IchijouxRuka shipper now! You should get an account so we can talk, I'm a bit iffy about replying to reviews on the stories themselves ^^;