Hmna: Well, I came up with this idea while I was reading the fan fictions on Itachi and Sasuke. This plainly contradicts everything happening in Naruto later on but still, I want to give it a try. This is my second fan fiction. Hope you enjoy it…


The class seemed tense as they were told that they would be put into groups of three led by a jounin teacher.

Iruka sensei announced the teams one after another occasionally causing an outburst of laughter or protest. When he reached team 7, he paused a little, wondering whether it would make out a good team at all. Nevertheless, remembering that Hokage himself had arranged these groups, he announced the members of team 7.

"Haruno Sakura"

Inner Sakura went very wild and cheered for Sasuke to join team 7.

"Uzumaki Naruto"

At this, Naruto jumped out of his seat with delight while Sakura could be seen with her head in the desk, deeply depressed.

"Uchiha Sasuke"

The name caused the reversal reaction to the one when Naruto name was announced.

"And your team's jounin leader would be ' Uchiha Itachi'."

The team stared at Iruka. Even Sasuke, who had been impassive, seemed quite surprised by this startling news. But being a Uchiha, his face did remained quite impassive; one would wonder whether he was sad or happy by this news.

Naruto was the first to outburst.

"Isn't he Sasuke's brother? Wouldn't he favour him? That's not fair, Iruka sensei, and I don't even get it why an impressive ninja like me have to be teamed up with this loser!"

"Well, Naruto, you were teamed with Sasuke because he had top grades and you were the one with the lowest grades, which quite explains that we are trying to balance out the teams' overall abilities. As for Itachi being your sensei, I am sure he will not favor Sasuke as you said. You will even find him as a very inspiring teacher."

Naruto did not seem satisfied by this but he shut his mouth nonetheless, mainly because he decided that the glare Sakura was giving him was far too frightening.

On the other hand, Sasuke was having a quiet battle in his own mind.

He still couldn't quite believe this. Of all people, of all the jounins, they got him?? Not that he did not want this. Actually, he thought somewhere inside him was even secretly hoping it. But somehow, when it became reality, the situation seemed a bit…awkward. Yeah, that was the word.

Of course, he was absolutely sure that Itachi would not favor him and would treat him just as his underling but what should be his reaction? Ignorant? Respectful? Even if he tried his very best, he was quite sure Itachi would not be impressed, as always. And of course, it had been quite a few years since he tailed along Itachi. When he became as old as to know that his older brother wasn't going to be "friends" with him, he got kind of 'distant' to him. But now, Itachi has become his "sensei". Sensei…That was an awkward word to register to someone he had known as a brother for life…


Hmna: Well, how was it? Hope you find it okay… I sure would love some reviews and ideas would also be warmly welcomed…