Disclaimer: You read many of these so I thing you know the situation.

An: Like to thank Metropolis Kid for the vampire myths. This chapter has not been proof read or beta read.

Chapter 1: Prologue and Intro

In the main office of the Hellsing mansion, Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing was sitting behind her desk. Both of her arms supporting her chin as she narrow her eyes and frown at the events that happened early tonight. Her icy blue eyes glare at the other two members of the Hellsing army, the ancient vampire Alucard and his British fledgling Seras Victoria. As they stand beside each other and wait for her to speak.

"You know that you have to be punish for what you done Alucard." Integra stated.

"And why am I being punish in the first place Master?" Alucard asked as a perplex look was on his face.

"Because vampire you caused a mass riot at a book signing when you tried to kill that American author." Integra stated as she pulled out one of her favorite brand of cigars and lit it.

"It really wasn't Master's fault Sir Integra." Seras cut in as she move to the front of Integra's desk. Trying to help her dark savior from the event that was going to happen sooner or later. "That woman started it first by making that bloody awful book in the beginning." The British vampire continued and crossed her arms around her ample chest and pouted a little.

Alucard finding his fledging little outburst amusing and a little brave decided to award her later on tonight.

"Even so," the noble knight began as she took a drag out of her cigar and blew the smoke out her nose. "he still needs to be reprimanded for his action." Her icy blue eyes now staring intensely at the undead police officer's ruby red ones.

"Ye-yes Sir." Seras stuttered as she moved behind her Master and gripped on his red leather jacket with both of her hands.

"Anyway," the former Count sighed. Getting a little inpatient waiting for his punishment. "What is my punishment? No blood for a month or two? Riddle me with bullets from head to toe? Or" A small grin now formed on his pale white face. "some good old fashion whipping." The grin now turn perverted with thoughts of the 'punishment'. " And if it is the latter, I would like you to involve my little Draculina to be part of it as well. I even have some leather clothing you can both wear." Alucard finished.

"Alucard! Master!" Both Integra and Seras shouted at the same time and cause both women to blush from the comment.

"No, nothing of the sorts." Integra stated . She took a drag from her cigar to try to calm herself. "But something far more worst." A grin now form on the silver hair Brit. "Walter, is everything prepared?" She called out to the former soldier.

Both vampires turn their heads around as the double door to the office open to reveal the age butler Walter C. Dornez.

"Yes Sir Integra. Both the plane, the blood packets and Alucard and Miss Victoria's coffin are ready to leave to San Francisco and are waiting for your order to take off." The Angel of Death proclaimed while he bowed before the three occupants.

"San Francisco?" The blonde vampiress ask. Curious about why her and Alucard were going to America. "And why am I going as well?"

"To watch over Alucard of course." Integra answered Seras question nonchalantly.

"But why are we going there in the first place?" The No-Life King question while trying to read his Master's mind but failing at it.

"Why to help the Mythbusters help bust vampire myths of course." Integra stated as she got up from her seat and her cigar hanged from her mouth with a smug look on her face.

"I have a bad feeling about this." A now worried Seras said.

'Myth-what?' A now confuse Alucard thought.

Mean while at M5 Industries.

"So Jamie, ready for some vampire busting?" A excited middle-age man with glasses on and a gray fedora hat asked his partner.

"As ever I ever will be Adam." Another middle-age man who also has glasses on but wearing a black beret and has a walrus like tusk mustache answer melancholy.

"You look like it." A smile forming on Adam and Jamie and him proceeding to laugh.

The two senior Mythbusters then head toward a park car.

"I hope they don't bite." Adam said once they enter the car and drove to the airport to pick up the 'volunteer" vampires.

Opening title sequence begin.

Adam: Don't try what you are about to read at home. We are what you call expert.

Jamie: That's right.

Narrator: In this episode of Mythbusters, the team sink there teethes into the supernatural.(Shows a full moon rising and bats flying out). As they take on vampire myths.

Narrator: Adam and Jamie sharpens their stakes and get cooking as they see what can put a vampire down for the count.(Rows of different object are shown including stakes, broad swords, and ninja stars).

Adam: Cool.

Narrator: And the Build Team puts on their bathing suit on as they test whether or not vampires burn in the sunlight.( Tony Grant, and Kari looks at something awe inspiring).

Build Team: Wow!

Narrator: Next the team hit the night scene as they go club hopping with are vampire friends to test the mojo of ou night walkers.(shows some clubs in San Francisco).

Narrator: Finally, we test some other myths and end with a big surprise in the end of the night.(Jamie coming toward the rest of the Team and The vampires).

Jamie: I have a little surprise for you guys.

Narrator: Who are the Mythbusters? Adam Savage.(Adam in a gray leather jacket and a fedora hat while wielding a bowie knife)

Adam: No creature can with stand the all mighty Adam Van Savage Hellsing.

Narrator: Jamie Hyneman.

(Jamie, Adam and Alucard riding on top of tank)

Jamie: Jamie likes big boom.

Narrator: With Tony Belleci.

(Tony running around trying to escape from a massive dog with multiple eyes)

Tony: Good doggy! Sit! Ahh! Bad doggy, bad doggy.

Narrator: Grant Imahara.

(Grant tinkering with an object)

Grant: My ultimate invention. Mhhhhha!

Narrator: And Keri Byron.

(Keri wearing a fake vampire teeth)

Keri: I vant to suck your vrlood.

Narrator: With Special appearances by actual vampires! Seras Victoria

(Seras hiding behind a curtain with only her head showing)

Seras: You cant be serious!

Narrator: And the 'Son of the Dragon' himself, Alucard.

(Alucard pointing his Jackal at the camera).

Alucard: Leave!

Narrator: This is the Mythbuster:Hellsing Special.

End Note: Well that the first chapter. Hopefully I get the second chapter by the end of the week. Well I hope you enjoy it and have a nice day.