I...I wrote this when I got bored. See, I'm not updating very much these days because I've been such a lazy bastard who does nothing but RP and RP all day long and stuff. Oh, I also comment a lot on LJ, so you'll see me on LJ a lot. Because I'm almost always on LJ, although just using a different account each time because I'm usually RPing and or chatting on MSN with a few friends of mine--oh, yes, oh yes.

I'm sorry. I'm obsessed with Feng right now, so please...don't take him away from me, raging fangirls. He is mine and mine onlyyyy--/gets rampaged by feng-fangirls/

He...he's my...only...husband...[oh yes, and not afraid to admit so.] Go ahead. You can come and flame me on LJ all you want. BECAUSE THE CLAIM IS THERE ON THE DAMNED PAGE--/is rampaged and run over many time by agry Feng-fangirls/

I...I... /cries in Emo corner/

And...two friends broke my heart last week. They spilled me information I did not know and thus, I shall be forever traumatized by the fact that...Kondou Takashi-sama is both engaged and 12 years my senior. /goes to cry/

And...Hibari is...in the Yakuza?!!!! asdfjkl;sdfjkl;

And...why am I spilling my guts here on Fanfiction dot net where lots of other rampaging fangirls may read it and [who knows what they'll do to me...]

Whatever. Take all I said up there and like, totally smack me with it [in a review, please~]

Anyway, to get on, I'd like to thank all you loveleh people who reviewed and kept on reviewing my story. You have truly made my heart feel so warm and funny...WAFF. Oh yes.

Ohlordies - Ehhhhh. Don't rub it innnn. I will promise to sustain an update at least once a weeekkkkkkk.

Kou Seiren - AW. THanks. ilu too. I won't dump it...it's too...intriguing for me to dump this---too much of a waste. Fufufuuu~ Buona notte to you too~

Nappo-sama - /sobs/ I...I...I don't wannnnnaaaa. I think I've been through the authoritarian parenting wayyyy tooo much. Do not need more...I ... I... /sobs/ But yes, it is sent from the heavens. But I don't quite like it when it visits me once a month.

xXxSmidgexXx - /sobs/ I'M SORRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY---!! I know I am lazyyyyy. /sniffles/

Nagihachan - I...I... will do that....I...I promiseeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Nana-zuki - I'M SOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY----!!! IT....it's not my fault that my last chapter ended in a cliffieeeeeee. My brain farted on me and died half way.

I know, I know, these are just lame excuses....but to tell you the truth, I really have no more motivation to write--but I will continue to write, nonetheless. Thanks for all the support you guys have given me.

1827, G27

Summary: "I don't think he would have liked that..." Hibari Kyouya is your average rich kid who is out looking for a normal life. But when...when he had his first taste of normality...he may not want it anymore. But what's more is that...he cannot return to his life of being what he used to be. Why? Because he has been ordered to be trampled into the depth of the Abyss of Vongola Famiglia--a guild which literally takes your soul and trample with it in the worst way possible. But...Tsuna was just there to help him and inch his step into the depth of VF and making sure that he doesn't fall and trip along the way. So...how did it turn out like this?
He didn't want anything like this, nor does what anything to do with it. But...there's always been that one lesson in which all humans forget--even though they've been told many, many times... "Beware what you wish for."
And Hibari has to learn his lesson the hard way...and have his soul taken into the depth of the abyss...

Perhaps it was inevitable for things to have happened this way. Perhaps, it was his carelessness that led to this. Perhaps…he was the no good Tsuna like would always be. To not see this. To not realize this. To have—merely disregarded something.


His pupils dilated. His breath ragged. That lump in his throat.

It did not go down no matter how hard he swallowed. It was almost painful.


The look of dreaded horror made itself known on Tsuna's face. It was unmistakably clear. The look—it was filled with dread. The feeling around him—the air around him, everything—it dragged him down and tortured him to no end. It was that heavy feeling. The heaviness of the air. The heaviness of his surroundings.

The heaviness of his situation.

What was in front of him now. It—it was so clear. His life…

…flashed in front of him—in that moment. At that moment. It was…crystal clear now.


The look on Giotto's face was not of aggravation, though. It was plastered with remorse.

Tsuna…did a double.

Since when did Giotto-sama ever look like that before?

Tsuna's eyes widened at the insane look given to him by his superior, Giotto. "Giotto-sama………"

Giotto didn't say anything as his face changed from remorseful to regretful. "Tsunayoshi."

Tsuna tensed as he realized that his superior had called his name. "Y-yes, Giotto-sama…?"

In an instant, Giotto had Tsuna in a tight embrace, his arms locked around the smaller teen as he turned his face in the crook of Tsuna's neck. "Forgive me, Tsunayoshi."

Tsuna didn't exactly know what to say at this—but he took his superior's word for it—it had been more than a few years since Tsuna had seen Giotto in such a form. "Giotto-sama?"

Tsuna took his stiff arms and wrapped them around the body that was around himself right now. "Giotto-sama…" His words were stiff, but he did not hesitate to hug the man back. "Giotto-sama…"

"I'm sorry."

Tsuna' eyes widened at the apology and blushed when Giotto pulled out from the hug and stared at him in the eye, his eyes reflected pain. It was very sorrowful.

Giotto took his hands and trailed it along Tsuna's face, his finger bending into and out of every detail, allowing Giotto to re-feel Tsuna's face. The sensual feeling stung by Tsuna's body and made his heart skip a beat.

Giotto leaned in to place a kiss upon Tsuna's lips, but it only landed on Tsuna's face. "Tsunayoshi."

"Giotto-sama…what happened?"

Giotto smiled bitterly as he touched the other's chin and brought his head closer to him and finally successfully planted a kiss atop Tsuna's lips. It wasn't really much of a struggle to do so since Tsuna so much abided by whatever that was presented to him. Especially if it is Giotto.

Giotto's words were absolute.

At a specific point, Giotto broke the kiss that sent them both gasping for air.

Giotto smiled at Tsuna and petted his hair. "I'm sorry, Tsunayoshi. I've hurt you."


Giotto circled Tsuna's waist to pull the younger man closer to him. "I've done something unforgivable. I hurt your body."

Tsuna was about to ask what the other meant when he remembered a few nights before. "I-it's…fine…"

Giotto's smile turned into a frown. "No, it's not fine…I…I have to explain to you."

Tsuna did a double, but he lifted his head carefully up to look into the other man's eyes, the swirling of depth drowned him. "G-giotto-sama…"

"I…" He began as he ran a hand through his blond hair, his blue eyes shining in the limited moonlight. "I was jealous."


He couldn't find Tsunayoshi anywhere. He searched frantically, but nothing really came up. No results really showed. It was frustrating for him to go search as he ran corridors to corridors as he tried to find that brunette.

He stopped looking and ran a hand through his raven hair, his mouth formed a scowl when nothing turned up—nothing really looked good for him ever since he was involved into this stupidity—and mess.

He walked through the corridors on more time—

--there was a room that he never noticed before—and it was opened ajar.

There were voices.

The hushed, quiet crying of a boy.

The solemn, deep voice of a man.



"I…I was jealous." The truth came out and struck Tsuna in the face, just like that. Giotto-sama was…jealous? What was he jealous of?

"I…I'm afraid that I don't understand, Giotto-sama…"

"When that Skylark came—you seemed to be so nice to him, always took his side of things. You seemed to…almost come to love the man." The voice became hushed, whispers that were only heard between the two of them.

"I was afraid that I would lose you."

Giotto's arms twitched as they were still around Tsuna.

"I was jealous that you could be so nice to the man."

Giotto's broken smile became forever broken.


"Giotto-sama is an idiot."


The surprised look on Giotto's face was enough to amuse the teen.

"You would never lose me."


"I'll stay by Giotto-sama's side no matter what."

Giotto smiled.

"Thank you."

Because of that, he smiled again; the ever-broken smile became a non-existent glowing pendant. "I thank you."

"Because…I love Giotto-sama."


Who knew that things would have turned out like this?


The voice boomed into the air, the door opened as he raised his hand to harshly push the door open to reveal startling events.



Tsuna broke from Giotto's embrace to face the skylark's growing rage. All that he saw—and all that he needed to see were that the Skylark was mad. Aggravated. Enraged. Angered beyond the meaning that held the word together.


When Tsunayoshi finally registered what was going on, he fully broke from the other's embrace and faced the other man—in shock. "W-what are you doing here, Skylark?!!"

He pulled out a piece of paper. "You were supposed to stay where you were assigned!"

The Skylark scowled as he harshly pulled Tsunayoshi into his arms. "This boy is MINE."


Giotto…on the other hand…had a cloud of rage and anger amidst and among the circumference of him.

And…his forehead flame…was glowing brightly as they came…


Please don't hate meeeeeee.

I...I.../scrambles to bet up/ I'm so mean and evil. I am an evil, evil, evil, evil bastard.

B-buona notte...mata...ashita ze.........