Chapter 1: Skating Practice

Hurry up Bella. I kept thinking over and over. Why does it take me so long to find my stupid skates.

"There they are!" I said out loud.

"What did you say honey?" Renee said.

"Nothing just talking to myself" I replied.

"Mmm….." Me. I am Isabella Marie Swan. But I like it when people call me Bella. I am what the hockey players call a twirl girl ( AKA figure skater) I really get pissed when people say that figure skating isn't a sport. But it is! Since I am a tomboy you are probably wondering why I like figure skating. I just like it cuz I get to show off and also show people that even though you are a fan of all things that guys do you can still be a figure skater. I also forgot to mention that I am a boxer. My girl friends are: Angela, Tayana, Jessica, Lauren, Alice and Rose. My guy friends are: Emmett, Jasper, Mike, Tyler, Nick, Eric and Ben. And my arch enemy is EDWARD fuckin jerk, player, man hoe CULLEN. I cant stand him. One minute he is flirting the next he is taking your figure skating practice time and making fun of you. All my guy friends are on the hockey team. They are awesome and don't make fun of you like my enemy. Plus Edward is such a player. Some days I am all over him (because he is hot) then the next I will TRY ignore him. Everyone of my girl friends are on the figure skating team. I ran down the stairs and grabbed the keys to my purple labrigini.

"Bye Mom" I said as I gave her a quick hug.

"Bye sweetie. I hope practice goes well. She said as I hopped into my car. I love this car. I could get everyone's eyes on me with this beauty. I drive wicked fast, so I arrived at the outdoor skating rink in no time. As I got my skates on I seen shooting pucks around the ice. NO FUCKING WAY. I went on the ice and tried to skate around the pucks. It didn't work.

"Hey sexy thang" Edward said.

"Ugh you sick bastard. Can you leave so I can practice. It is kinda hard to practice with a dumb hockey player shooting pucks everywhere." I sneered.

"Sorry beautiful. I am not leaving. And yes it is hard to practice when there is a gorgeous twirl girl twirling everywhere around the ice." I noticed that he really expressed the word gorgeous. And with that I blushed.

"Fine just stay out of my way" I reminded him.

"Can do" While he said this one of my laces came undone. I bent down and tied back up. When I stood up I looked at Edward who had his mouth in a wide "O" shape.

"Wow……Nice……Ass" As he said this anger built up and I couldn't take it anymore.

"Thanks for the compliment I think it deserves a kiss" I said. I swiftly skated over to him and pressed my body to his. He leaned down while I got my fist ready. I swung my fist at his face as the blood started to pour out. A stunned Edward fell to the ground and passed out.

"Asshole" I whispered.

"Well now I don't have to dodge anymore pucks" I said as I started practicing my skating routine.