And so begins the first stage of my plan to write 50 IchiRuki Haikus! Yay!

1. He has stolen her

position, her powers and

the latest: her heart.

2. On the other side

of the closet door he hears

her whisper his name.

3. Hypoctitical:

She can almost die, but if

I get hurt, she's mad!

4. If he dies, I won't

forgive him. I won't forgive

myself. "Just don't move!"

5. She may not need his

protection, but he will still

protect her, always.

6. "Dumb Shinigamis,"

Ishida thinks, watching them.

"So in denial."

7. Without Rukia

he feels hollow inside

trapped down in darkness.

8. Ichigo, she thinks.
And: I'm not crying. Then:

Why'd I think of him?

9. No matter the fight

there's always an excuse for

fighting back to back.

10. He's her Ichigo

the most flavorful

berry she's tasted.

A.N.: Haikus 4, 7, and 8 relate to events that happen near the end of Season One in the anime. Reviews are always appreciated!