Taking Hikari

A Special A fanfiction


Summary: They decided to get it on. 2 SHOTS. kei x hikari

Disclaimer: S.A. is the original property of the mangaka Minami Maki.

Author's note: Gomen for the long delay! I couldn't decide what to do for the last few days… Besides, my pure reputation will get soiled should I get caught (yeah right). But what-e-ver chastity. As if. We learn these "coitus" things in school anyway, more than that actually (similar terms: copulation, rutting, estrus, carnal, etc.). Who doesn't give me permission to do this?! HAHA! Just come out and say so. Cachak. Enjoy another wicked attempt from me, Keikari. mwaah~XD

The lemons must go run, run, run!!

Chapter 1


After Takishima Kei's "activity" with her during his birthday (the gift of awareness), Hikari's not-too-innocent mind had been flustered enough to conclude he had given her "that". By "that" meant the moment a man's thing enters a woman's thing, and then makes a baby… She heard lots of "those" stories from the giggling, squiggling girls in their higher years, talking about his thing was this big and how it was such an incredible, "jaw breaking" experience... Sometimes, she'd read from it on the novels she borrowed from the library, little snips of heated scenes that made her naïve mind swirl with more questions. But at the same time, she thought she felt funny, as though there was an oven being preheated in her loins.

Well, none of that mattered now.

Because Kei had given her "that".

And Hikari's all too innocent mind had concluded that she was pregnant.

Wanting to inform him of this mystery yet too agitated to do it, Hikari remained undecided… Her solitude did much to make her reflect on the events which took place that fateful (steamy) night…

That night had been a magical (wild) one. The moon was full and majestic in its beauty, basking its soft light into Kei's room as they panted in each other's arms, both too weak and drained to do anything but rest. Amidst the pile of birthday gifts, the broken window and the curtains swinging with the night breeze, there was the two of them. Sharing the same breath with each rise and fall of chests…


His movements and actions were far too caring as he protectively laid his arms over her in an embrace, cradling her body in its warm. Hikari remembered feeling cold and damp, her mind still swimming with the aftermath of what he left her, but with him…

It was like finding a semblance of a home within the warmth of his chest… It felt so comfortable just snuggling with him like this, with her SA uniform rumpled and she doesn't look anywhere near decent after their activity.

…which reminded her.

Hikari tensed beside his body, thinking this activity had been the mark of something new between them. It scared her for some reason. What will happen now?

As her eyes wavered before the steady rise and fall of his breathing beside her, Hikari's mind raced.

She will never consider him as her greatest rival. After all he did, maybe it just wasn't possible.

She thought of these along with all the moments they spent together and Hikari arrived at the improbable conclusion: she truly, undeniable loved him so much that it felt like the love can already kill her. And from the deepest part of her soul, she would do anything to compete with him, because it's what kept them together.

And now this.

Breathing in to still the sudden panic bubbling in her throat, Hikari fought to remain calm. The innocence too overused that it overpowered the comfort she felt at the moment, to be replaced by anxiety so great she felt the sudden urge to bolt upright in bed and ran away, away from him and go back to her place in Japan.

It felt like she was sleeping with a different man. A stranger…

Then, Kei had noticed. He was always able to sniff her emotions whenever they were starting to turn on another direction, she thought with annoyance as he moved slightly to face her. Avoiding his soft gaze as he looked her over, she clenched her teeth.

Not saying anything, Kei's hand touched her arm lightly, a gesture which might have meant everything he needed to explain in his silence.

"Hikari…" the only words he could say that would suffice. It was all it took to get Hikari sit upright in bed and jump at his voice, suddenly uptight.

Sighing, Kei had contented to let the silence settle it. The night passed without any more words between the two…

Arranging for her return trip back home along with the S.A. members, who were puzzled at most, they made it to Japan, back to their place in the greenhouse.

Something in Hikari felt wrong, but it didn't feel bad. It was more of a confused, awkward expression that fluttered on her face every now and then, they decided to leave her be. Akira felt it too, and a primal understanding glowed in her mind, thinking its best to let her truly decide for herself now.

Her Hikari was growing up.

At some point, the awkwardness got overwhelming enough that being in the same school with him felt too much.

His presence, his voice, the warm look in his eyes…

Every time their eyes met, she would remember. And she would blush and lower her eyes too much that she would be bowing her head as her hair concealed her face.

But Hikari no longer ran from him.

Then one time, just when the P.E. bell signaled their break, Hikari and Kei's path crossed. They were both going to the same corner by the shaded corner behind the gym, and neither one had plans to move away.

He could see every detail of her, even from afar. It was something he had developed through the years of watching her from the corner of his eyes.

Hikari crossed paths with him as they moved to the back of the gym, both of them intending to access the back door to get the training suits for the practice, since they were the only ones who didn't have one. At the time the suits were being distributed, Hikari looked like she couldn't move from her spot and so, Kei decided to do the same.

He didn't mind waiting for her, or hiding his concern so as not to burden her anymore. It was time Hikari discovered herself.

As they made their way to the back of the gym, Kei in the lead, he heard her stop behind him.

"K-Kei..." Hikari said his name, blushing slightly at how smoothly she could say his name. Apparently, its "smoothness" had a lot to do with that incident…

Realizing this, Takishima grins a little as he stopped, turned around and faced her.

Back then, he didn't expect her to react so severely... So he decided to lie low and allow her to discover herself.

Seeing her now though, as helpless as she is, Kei thought he felt regretful.

Maybe it was a mistake to have taken her that time… maybe it's best to leave.

"Kei…!" Hikari called out his name, and the desperation in her voice made her remember that time. Blushing furiously, she stilled her body before lowering her face to the ground.

The taller man stood facing her, waiting.


Pity almost took him as he watched. Seeing her appear torn between her feelings made him want to reach out, yet… he must let her decide.


"About that time… on your birthday…" she played with her fingers, her eyes shaded from view.

Taken by surprise, Kei waited. Maybe this was something more than that.

A breathless silence lapsed as Hikari debated in moving on or holding back.

"I…I think you got me pregnant, K..Kei…" looking up at him with those wide, innocent eyes brimming with confusion and anxiety, Kei thought he had never heard a good joke than now.

This was what kept her bothered all these time?

The reason why she avoided him after that incident?

"Pffft." Spittle flew from his lips as he forced himself not to bark an insane laughter. At this, Hikari finally faced him, the glimmer of rivalry and annoyance tottering near the edge of her expression.

She inclined her head in sheer confusion when he stopped and faced her seriously.

Explaining felt a bit awkward in this case… what happened was his first time too. He had just applied what he knew from what he saw. But telling her… Well, so far, he had made sure--

"Hikari…" Kei breathed in, finding strength in the fresh air, before saying softly, "You're not pregnant."


He could see the clear confusion in her face. She reminded him of a very frail and innocent maid.

"What I did to you… can't make you pregnant." He said with more resolve.

This made her look so confused that for one moment, Kei feared he may have to explain again in a very awkward and shameful fashion. Waiting in anxiety, Kei stared at her face gravely as she mentally rewinded what happened that night…

"…It felt different like it was…" she was seriously thinking about it when Kei sighed.

There was no getting through this.

Hauling her in a corner towards the back of the gym, he mildly pushed her against the wall and placed his lips next to her ears as he whispered.

"You're not pregnant because…" he whispered his explanation slowly, making Hikari's eyes widen and her face flush once more. For emphasis, he nibbled her ear lobe gently as he released her out in the open.

"…Oh." was her only reply, stunned and face red. Kei looked at her with a smile. Finally.

Then after a while, Hikari looked at him and went to face him. With a blank expression except her flushed, serious face, she tiptoed to reach his ear and whispered back.

"What can make me pregnant?"

His expression was more surprised. With a grin, he whispered back and her blush deepened once more. But the searching, curious look in her eyes didn't die.

Tiptoeing, she whispered back,

"…Can we do that without getting pregnant?"

Feeling as though someone had just hit him squarely on the face with a homerun bat, Kei's mind swam out of focus before snapping back in place to Hikari's suggestion.

This was too sudden.

But… why not? The evil side of him spouted out.

The idea didn't seem so bad. But as a man, he knew he must be very, very responsible.

Looking back at her, standing in all innocence with her suggestion, Kei suddenly felt worried.

But he was convinced to take her first before anyone else did. Hikari was Kei Takishima's property.

chapter 1


Author's note: Back with a sequel, as promised~ hehe! Love it? REVIEW! xD