Title: Straying Is Never An Option (1/?)
Klassisa Vernette
Rated: NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Draco/Harry, Draco/Edward
Summary: Draco's been a bad boy, and must now face the consequences. Written for and dedicated to Rin (MMsVampire).
Warnings: Contains explicit adult content and should only be viewed by adults.
Disclaimer: I do not own the Twilight franchise or the Harry Potter franchise and am making no money from writing this. No copyright infringement is intended.

"Fucking git," I spat under my breath. I ran a hand through my slicked-back white-blonde hair and sighed. The idiot scar-face managed once again to fumble in class, spilling his cauldron's contents onto my brand new dragon-hide boots. And it was only the first day of class. How he managed to snag the position of quidditch team captain was beyond me.

"Was your Muggle-loving father as clumsy as you, or did you inherit that from your Mudblood mother?" I sneered in a mocking tone. "You're a poor excuse for a prefect." I was rewarded with the brightest shade of red ever to don his face.

"Fuck off, Malfoy." He scowled. Was that a sniffle? How… touching. He must be on his man-period…

"Only if you'll come with me. Or, if you prefer, IN me." I said in a low voice, barely loud enough for him to hear. He paused in his tracks, but only slightly before continuing back to his desk.

It had been three months. Three long, torturous months since we've last been with each other. We wrote letters, of course. But our sex life could never be confined to just words. Still, his illegible scrawl never ceased to make my cock twitch to life. Not when it read, "Fuck, I miss being inside you."

"Stupid, fucking git," I cursed again. As Snape was checking my work, I tried discretely shifting the evident tent in my pants. This happens every time. I sighed exasperatedly to myself. Thank Merlin for these hideous robes. With a curt nod of approval, I was free to leave. Ah, free to attend to my needs.

As I started cleaning up, I noticed a pair of emerald eyes raking my body. My breath caught. Merlin knows I could feel those eyes a mile away. He's watching me. I had to bite my tongue to keep a moan from escaping. Almost second nature, my bum automatically pushed out… just a bit. Just how he likes it. I audibly heard a sharp intake of breath and smiled to myself. That's right, honey. Miss me yet?

Tossing my book bag over my shoulder, I made my way out of the dungeon, sha-shaying my hips as I passed his desk. I give him about two hours. He'll come running back to me. I smirked to myself.

I turned the corner to start heading to my room. All of a sudden, I felt a sharp tug on the back collar of my shirt, pulling me backwards. I immediately felt a cold, hard body press up against me, with a hard insistent bulge pressing into my ass. A hoarse voice with cool breath ghosted along my earlobe, gently nipping here and there. Pale, marble hands snaked their way up and inside my robes. I know those hands. "Of course you do," whispered a velvety voice. "These are the hands that make you writhe in pleasure." I inhaled a quick breath, and the action left me dizzy with desire. That scent… that honey-lilac-sun cologne that leaves me moaning only one name. "Edward."