Title: The Feel
It was still strange sensation, thrilling, even, to be able to just touch him—his hair.
John/Teyla - Just like a song in my heart / Just like oil on my hands
So, I prompted tielan for the lyric drabble meme. She's been under the weather, as it's obvious in the fact that she's actually willing to write fluff, so I, like, couldn't pass up the opportunity to get that type of fic from her. I got "Sun Over Sea" in return, John/Teyla goodness. I thought about it all day before I was finally able to come up with something drabbly, non-plotty.

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It was still a strange sensation, thrilling, even, to be able to just touch him—his hair.

At first, she was amazed at how soft it actually was, despite way the hairs sprouted haphazardly as the straws of the pirra trees on her homeworld. That is where the similarities ended, she discovered, as his, dark mane felt like the silky fur lining the collar of her winter coat.

Teyla moved her fingers from his scalp, the slightly damp hairs, freshly showered, sliding over her skin, recalling childhood tumbles in dewy grass on a spring morning.

He his head shifted in her lap, and she looked down as his chin tilted up, his brow raised in question.

Before he could ask why she stopped (he had still not grown wise to her game), Teyla leaned down and pressed a kiss to his parted lips.
