First Twilight fic good enough to publish. I think it's good enough anyway...

I awoke to a smell of creosote and the warmth of sunshine. Without opening my eyes I rolled over and snuggled into the soft sheets. His arm wound around my waist and pulled me closer. I buried my head into his chest and inhaled his unique scent.

I let my hand run across his toned chest and he chuckled softly. I sighed contentedly as he kissed the top of my head. It was mornings like this that made me really appreciate life and love. And the love of my life.

"Good morning," he whispered softly. His voice was like velvet, and the musical sound made me melt. If I had been standing my knees would have buckled.

"Morning," I whispered back, smiling.

I looked up at his face and he smiled. Edward was the most beautiful man in existence. I still can't believe that he's all mine.

"Sleep well?" he inquired.

"Yes, how about you?" I said, idly tracing patterns across his stomach with my fingers.

"I think 'well' is an understatement. What with last night and all."

I blushed profusely, remembering.

"I'm not really sure what last night was exactly. But it was a good night, right?" I was a bit nervous waiting for his response.

"A lot more than just 'good,'" he mused, stroking my hair. "More like amazing, wonderful, and euphoric, if you know what I mean."

I nodded, "Yes, I know exactly what you mean," I said in reply. He really had a way with words. I wish I could be half as smart as Edward.

We stayed in bed enjoying a comfortable silence for quite some time. Then, maybe an hour or so later, our stomachs growled simultaneously. I giggled as he good naturedly sighed, rolling off the bed. I whimpered as I felt his warmth disappear. He quickly walked to my side of the bed and lifted me into his arms.

I snuggled as he carried me to the kitchen, where he promptly set me on my chair. He then walked to the cabinet where we kept the cereal and got out the Cocoa Pops. He then set two bowls, two spoons, a carton of milk, and the cereal on the table.

He smiled at me as I dug in. He was always watching me, as if making sure I was still there. I had no idea why he did this; I was the one who should fear his leaving. I was average, he was amazing. I was plain and he was spectacular. But still he had chosen me. Bella, the girl who was always just a bit different, always on the outside looking in.

I must have looked a bit preoccupied because his long fingers tilted my chin so I could meet his gaze.

"Are you alright Bella?" he asked, scrutinizing my expression. His palm cupped my face, and I shuddered at the touch.

As I leaned my face into his hand I nodded slowly.

"I love you," I whispered with my eyes closed.

"As I love you, forever."

I think I wrote this cause I just really needed my fix of all human Bella/Edward fluff... Review and you will make my day... No, not my day, you would make my century!!!