Alright, so I own nothing recognizable here, it all belongs to the Goddess that is Ms. Rowling….What I wouldn't give to be her…

So, a bit of a ramble before I let you read this new story. I always swore that I never needed anything more out of the HP world other than what was written, then I stumbled upon a few fics and I've been hooked for more than a few months.

Many many thanks to .heart for reading this for me and giving me the title…which translates to Present, Past, Future. Thanks girly, you rock!

This story is a combo of many things. There will be drama, romance, action and my own twisted brand of humor ( I do so apologize in advance if you don't think I'm funny.) Also, this is time-travel and SMUT! Cliché and only for older readers. It is also SLASH. Don't like, don't read.

It starts out as Harry/Hermione (I like this when she's independent and when there is no Ron around, not a Weasley fan over here) and Sirius/Remus, then it goes to Sirius/Harry and Remus/Hermione, with a few scenes of Sirius/Remus/Hermione/Harry. Hehe, figure that one out.

Well, read on….

A party was raging throughout Griffindor tower, extending through every hallway in Hogwarts and out into the entire wizarding world. Voldemort had been defeated. The party had been going for days and there were two very important people that were conspicuously absent.

Ron Weasley looked around the room and scowled to himself. His two ex-best friends thought they were too good for all of this now. Well, that just means that there was more for him to enjoy. He tried to focus on the attention that he was getting from Lavender Brown and Pavarti Patil, but it was no use, his mind just kept wandering.

Back in their fourth year, he and Harry Potter, the newest savior of the wizarding (and muggle) world had a major fight over Harry's inclusion into the Tri-wizard Tournament. It seemed to be the end of their friendship. Eventually the two had a tentative reconciliation going, when Harry decided to come clean about something to his friend, not wanting any secrets between then. Harry had sat him down and disclosed that he was bi-sexual and had a crush on someone that Ron thought was so repulsive that he won't even think about it now.

That was the end of the friendship. The two had never been able to repair the chasm created by that simple admission. Alright, so Ron had never truly forgiven Harry for the Goblet of Fire thing either, but to top it all off, Hermione Grainger, the girl who made up the third part of the golden trio, had sided with Harry and it was all over. Ron had had enough.

Hermione, the girl that he thought he could spend the rest of his life with, screamed and yelled and told him that HE was being childish, inconsiderate and bigoted. Don't you realize that it's much more accepted in the wizarding world??? She had asked. She infuriated Ron until he couldn't see straight and then he had proceeded to say things in the heat of anger that could never be taken back.

That was when the "Golden Trio" became the "Golden Couple." Rumors followed them around, like they always had, but now Ron was hearing things without knowing them firsthand. He wasn't sure which he preferred.

He'd heard the rumors about Harry and Hermione fucking like rabbits in the new private rooms that Dumbledore had given them, having wild threesomes with Malfoy of all people, all kinds of things that made him sick to his stomach.

Then the FINAL BATTLE came, and while all was not forgiven, it certainly was forgotten as they asked him to fight alongside them. He'd been flattered, in an odd sort of way, and well, the rest was history. And now, his two ex best friends thought that they were too good to celebrate with the rest of the commoners. Well…..FINE.

Up in the Griffindor Head Boy rooms, were the two people in question. Harry seemed to be packing everything in sight except for the potion slowly brewing under Hermione's watchful gaze. Once everything was packed and shrunk into one easy to handle back-pack, Harry turned his attention to the girl in front of him. She caught his gaze and smiled nervously.

"Are you really sure that you want to do this Harry? It's such a big risk and I…."

"We've been over this Hermione. Snape helped us with the potion and Dumbledore knows what we're doing. I've…. We've fulfilled our current obligations to the world. Wouldn't you like to have a stress-free, fun filled seventh year?"

Hermione smiled at the boy in front of her and nodded ever so slightly before turning her attention back to the potion. It was a time travel potion that was cued into each of the specifically, which accounted for the brilliant hazel color; which is the combination of the colors of their eyes.

She felt Harry come up behind her and press his body into hers. She moaned softly and made to press back, before she realized that they wouldn't have time for that.

"No time Harry. You've got all of our things then? And the money too? I imagine that we'll need that if we show up at the end of the school year. I don't really fancy not having somewhere to live for two months until school starts up again."

Her breath caught in her throat as he continued to rub his body against hers. She knew that if she continued to pay attention to him, all would be lost, so she turned her thoughts to "the plan" once again.

After the blowup with Ron, they had become known as the Golden Couple. Neither was ever seen without the other. In fifth year, things changed between them a bit and they realized that they were growing up. Dumbledore had given them the Head Boy rooms to share and, well, when you're 15 and 16 and horny and you've walked in on your best friend half naked more than once, there's really only one way for things to go.

At first, it started out as experimenting, then it progressed to full out sex. And fantastic sex it was! Hermione knew that she loved Harry and that Harry loved her, though it came as quite the shock when he told her one night that he was bi-sexual. Feeling in a sharing mood she had told him that the idea of two men together in that way had always been a total turn on for her.

When the war had turned brutal and they were turning to each other more and more for support, they added another person into their little mix; albeit quietly. Malfoy had openly shrugged off his father's ideals and joined the Order of the Phoenix with them. The pair had been surprised to find that the three of them had a lot in common and enjoyed spending time together.

One late night, after a long boring Order meeting the three of them were getting quietly drunk in Harry and Hermione's private room, when Harry leaned over out of nowhere and kissed the blonde slytherin. All three of them had moaned in appreciation and from there, Harry and Hermione had someone else to turn to for comfort. Sometimes, two of them would pair off, but mostly it was the three of them sharing love together. They had covered their tracks well, no one wanted to think about how the school or the world would respond, but eventually they all realized that they were in love.

Unfortunately, that was shortly before the final battle. As Hermione had battled with Bellatrix, Draco had run in front of a curse from his father that was aimed at Harry and no one could get there in time. He died in Harry's arms as Hermione sobbed helplessly on the sideline.

It was the deciding factor in the battle. Harry, enraged that his love had just been stolen from him, killed Voldemort with a burst of pure power. No one had ever heard of or seen such a thing before.

In the aftermath, Harry had spirited Hermione back up to their suddenly very lonely room and held her as they cried for their lost love. That was the night they had come up with the plan.

It took a lot of cajoling, research and hard work, but they had convinced the headmaster and the potions master to help them. Harry and Hermione had found the recipe for the time travel potion, and Snape had helped them make it. Privately, they thought that the two men might have known more about everything than they let on, but they never said a word.

It was the very end of their sixth year, this potion would allow them to spend one year, a full 365 days, back in time. In a time where no one knew of Harry Potter the Boy-Who-Lived or any of that nonsense. They could be happy, carefree 17 year olds and take their NEWTS and not worry about anything.

When they came home they could carry on with their lives; and, since they were each other's only friends as this point, hopefully there would be no one to pry into what they had been doing for a year.

Bringing herself back to the present, she noticed that Harry was softly kissing her cheeks and lips while rubbing her back soothingly.

"You were thinking about him again, I know, I can tell. You get this sad little look in your eyes and there's nothing I can do to make it go away. I'm so sorry love…."

She shook hear head as she buried it into his shoulder, inhaling his masculine scent. They stood for just a moment before she felt him pull out of the embrace and reach into his pocket.

"So, yeah…well….Moine, you know I love you right? And you know that you are the only person that I want to have around? Well, I was thinking that we should just….that is to say I think… Oh fuck it. When we come back marry me?"

Startled brown eyes met shocked green eyes and a moment of silent communication passed between them. The honest truth is that they loved each other, but had each loved Draco, in that way, more than the other. The last thing that she expected was for Harry to propose.

He stood there, feeling foolish and holding a ring box in the palm of his hand. He could almost read her mind. He had been in love with Draco and she had been in love with Draco, and they loved each other, but almost in a different way.

"Come on Moine… you know you want to at least see the ring. In know that we don't have a lot of time left before we have to go, but I wanted to do this now. This way, no matter what happens over the course of the next year, we know that we'll always have each other."

She gave him a watery smile and nodded, holding out her right hand for her ring. He arched an eyebrow at her, but placed the ring on the offered finger.

"Look, we know everything that is going through each other's heads right now. And, as far as it going on my right hand well….consider this year as an extended bachelor/bachelorette party for us. I want to have some fun and I know you do too. It won't mean anything."

They kissed furiously for a moment, before Hermione pulled away to check on the potion. She took two glasses and filled them as she vanished the remainder of the potion. Handing one out to Harry, she have him another room-lighting smile.

"Here's to a fun, stress and worry free seventh year. I love you Harry."

"Hear hear. Love you too Moine."

They swallowed the potion and pressed their lips together in a final chaste kiss before they vanished without a sound.

A party was raging in Griffindor tower. And why not? It was the end of the school year and the infamous Marauders had supplied the alcohol. However, two of the infamous four were rather conspicuously absent.

James Potter blearily looked around the room in search of his friends. It was rather like Moony to head out and away from a party like this one, but Sirius was always around for some fun.

Probably just found some bird to shag off in a deserted corridor before we're stuck together all summer…

With that final, comforting thought he returned his attentions to the lovely, horny, drunken Lilly Evans that was currently writing in his lap. Life was just fine.

The two boys in question had managed to slip off as soon as was possible and broke into the empty head boy's room. In their haste, there was a rather long trail of discarded clothing on the floor.

With the full moon less than 48 hours away, Moony was coming out to play. He was overly randy and domineering. Between that and the fact that he and Sirius wouldn't see each other for almost a month the two were desperate.

Sirius was currently lying on his back with his legs up over Remus' shoulders as he was lovingly and yet roughly prepped. He only bottomed the few days leading up to the full moon, but on nights like this one, he secretly relished the position.

He looked up through his lashes to see Remus nuzzling his balls with his nose as he was oiled and stretched with three fingers in his ass. He moaned wantonly and tried to impale himself further onto the wonderful fingers. They brushed his prostate and someone in the haze of lust in his mind, he had enough.

"Aahhhh…shit…get the fuck on with it Mo-OONY!"

A quiet growl and the lowering of the lower half of his body was the only response. With no more pre-amble, Moony thrust his hard cock into his lover and both moaned in appreciation.

Pistoning his hips slowly back and forth, Moony set an infuriating pace for the black haired boy.

"Please, FUCK ME. Moony, moony, Remy….ungh…" Remus watched as Sirius twisted his head back and forth on the pillow. His hair was spread out around his head like a halo and tendrils of it were sticking to his sweaty forehead. Remus thought that he never looked more gorgeous than he did like this.

Suddenly and without a sound, two people popped into existence in a corner of the darkened room. The couple quickly silenced themselves with a wand-less spell because neither of the pair could take their eyes off the tableau before them.

The boys on the bed were completely unaware that they were being watched. The watchers slowly backed away from the bed to stand in the shadows at the corner of the room.

The boy pulled the girl in front of him and pressed his renewed erection into the small of the girls back. He thrust against her slowly while his hand snaked around the front of her hip and slid his fingers into her wet panties.

"ooooohhh….Harry! Ungh…please tell me this is as hot as I think it is…." She mumbled into the palm covering her mouth as Harry expertly stroked her clit.

"Fuck yeah Moine….Nnnngh, Fuck!" Harry mumbled into her hair.

As the pair watched, the boys on the bed suddenly moved. The boy on top flipped himself onto his back and growled at his lover.

"Ride me hard Siri. NOW!" His lover and the two people in the corner moaned in appreciation of the tone and the words spoken, Harry's knees nearly went out from under him.

However, that shock was nothing to the one that he got when Hermione whimpered into his hand and started grinding her hips hard, forward into his hand and backwards into his erection. Just when he thought he couldn't get any harder, Hermione threw her head back onto his shoulder and grunted at him.

"Oh My God Harry….ungh…it's Remus and Sirius…."

So, uh yeah…I think I'll love you forever if you review for me! Oh, and I'll send you cake! Who doesn't like cake???