Disclaimer: I own nothing.

I was not happy with this story and basically wanted to rewrite it a bit so I will be updating the chapters and hopefully, they are an improvement from the first time around. Thanks!

Taylor slowly opened her eyes and blinked as the bright light shone right on them. She rolled over quickly and blocked out the annoyance.

"T? T, are you ok? Can you hear me?" a voice said.

Taylor sat up slowly and looked around at the loft. She was on the couch and the boy was sitting on the table in front of her.

She looked at his worried face, realizing that she was not in fact in her room at all. "Crap, I passed out again, didn't I?"

The boy nodded his head, staring at her like a colt about to bolt.

Taylor sighed. She had been doing that a lot lately.

She didn't have a clue why. Everything would be fine and then suddenly she would just...faint. The only person that knew about these moments was the guy sitting right in front of her.

The boy tapped his fingers quickly on his knee. "You just passed out by the hay. I freaked out a little but then I put you on the couch."

Taylor grinned at him. "Thanks Junior. It's nice to see there's a gentleman inside you somewhere."

There was a gust of wind and both of them turned to see Bart Allen standing in the loft. "There you two are. The party's about to start."

Taylor smiled but when she stood up she was hit with another wave of dizziness and had to sit down again.

Bart frowned and said, "Are you ok, Taylor?"

Taylor nodded wordlessly.

Then he looked at the boy. "Bart Allen Junior! What did you do to this girl?"

Bart Junior put his hands up in defense. "For the last time I don't still hurt her because it's funny. I stopped doing that when we were seven…plus that's when her super strength kicked in."

Taylor smiled and the two of them. "I'm fine Uncle Bart. I just haven't eaten in a while that's all."

Bart Senior replied, "Then you should get something to eat now. There's plenty of food outside at the barbecue. And try not to eat the entire dessert tray BJ. "

He messed up his son's hair playfully and then super sped downstairs and out of the barn.

Taylor stood up slowly and before she could take a step, Bart Junior was by her side. They walked downstairs and out of the loft. They stopped at the doorway of the barn and Taylor smiled her thanks to him. "I'm ok," she said, "the feeling's passed."

Then she looked out at the sight before her.

The Kent house looked as beautiful ever in the warm summer sun. In front of the house was a line of tables piled high with food and drink. People were running around, mostly kids.

Taylor and BJ smiled at their family. Neither of them were blood related to half of the people there but it didn't matter they were still family.

"We can't be sure this isn't affecting you," BJ said, "You might be forgetting things or something?"

Taylor sighed. BJ tended to worry too much sometimes. In order to keep him happy Taylor smiled and said, "You're Bart Allen Junior. Your parents are Bart and Clare Allen. You're the oldest at fifteen and you have twin little sisters, Lily and Jenny who are both ten."

"There's Uncle AC who is married to Aunt Dinah. They have one daughter, Natalie, who is seven."

"Uncle Oliver is married to Aunt Kara and they have two kids, Kyle, aged seventeen and Penny, aged fourteen."

"Then there's Uncle Victor and he's married to Aunt Kelly. They have one son, Leo, who's twelve."

"And of course there's Aunt Chloe and Uncle Jimmy and their four kids, Rachael aged seventeen, Paul aged thirteen, Cathy aged eleven and Katie aged nine."

Taylor sighed and looked over at the house.

She smiled and said, "Finally there are my parents, Clark Kent and Lois Kent, although she always puts her maiden name Lane on her articles. They have three children. Me aged fifteen, Maratha aged eleven and Johnny aged eight."

BJ nodded with approval. "Point taken. When are you going to tell your parents about the fainting?"

Taylor grinned. "Well I was thinking of ignoring it and hoping it goes away."

BJ shook his head. "Think about it T. If it affects you then it could affect all of us. And don't say it's probably hidden Kryptonite because I've checked everywhere every time you've passed out."

"Just let me deal with this alright? I'll think of something, Junior."

BJ groaned. "I get it, alright! You're the kid with the most power here. I found that out when you threw me across three fields when we were eight."

Taylor frowned. "You deserved it! You pulled my hair!"

BJ sighed. "What I'm saying is…I get that when it comes to super powers you feel responsible. You take on any problems and difficulties that any of us have with our powers. You're always that strong one, and not just in the Kryptonian sense. But you have to let us help you too."

Taylor sighed. He was right, even though she'd never admit it.

"I don't think that now is that right time for this conversation. Let's just go and have fun, alright?"

With that she walked out to the tables. BJ followed her and they both sat down at the table.

Clark sat in his chair with his wife sitting on his lap. He had his arm around Lois's waist and she had her head resting on his shoulder.

All the parents were sitting and watching their kids playing. Of course to make it fair, they weren't allowed use their powers. They were playing football and BJ and Taylor were captains on either team.

Clark smiled as Kyle looked over at Taylor for instructions.

In their normal lives, when it came to school and ordinary kid's stuff, the older children took charge.

But as soon as they stepped foot on the Kent farm or when it came super powers, Taylor and BJ were the top dogs.

BJ was even faster then his dad and even cheekier. He looked exactly like Bart Allen Senior.

Taylor was the first of their children to get all her powers and was the most experience with them.

Taylor also had a lot more control of her powers then Kyle and Penny.

Clark had always had stronger powers than Kara. They realized it was because she was stuck in the Phantom Zone for so long. It stunted her powers because she hadn't used them for so long.

After Clark learned to fly-with Lois's help- his powers advanced to surpass hers. Because of that Kyle and Penny's powers weren't as strong as Taylor's. Maratha and Johnny idolized their sister (although they would completely deny it) and couldn't wait to be as powerful as her.

But that was going to take a while, if it happened at all.

Clark shook his head.

He remembered when Lois told him she was pregnant with Taylor. He was overjoyed and the happiness practically spilled out of him.

They discovered after having her that half Kryptonian children grew into their powers.

Of course half way though the pregnancy Clark got a thought. Kryptonian powers and his and Lois's DNA. Now that would produce one hell of a kid.

And it did. Taylor had her dad's hair colour with her mom's hazel eyes. She had Lois's sharp tongue and sarcasm too.

Maratha was the calm one in the family. Taylor said she was like a forty year old in an eleven year old body. Maratha was very much like her mom in looks but she would sometimes get this look on her face when she was confused that just screamed Clark.

Johnny was a mini Clark. In looks and mostly in personality. But he had an adventures streak that he must have got from Lois's side of the family.

The parents watched as BJ tackled Taylor to the ground.

"Oh…she's going to get him for that later," Oliver said.

Clark nodded as he watched BJ take both of Taylor's hands and pull her up.

They stood laughing for a moment before Taylor took back to the ball.

"Guys what's going on over there?" AC asked.

All of them looked back over at the kids. They had spread out for the catch. Taylor was standing still in the middle of the 'playing field.' Suddenly she started to sway and she started to fall. Just before she hit the ground, BJ super sped over and caught her.

Clark super sped over there himself and took Taylor from BJ. Lois came up and they looked at their daughter.

"Taylor! Taylor!" Clark called.

Everyone gathered around.

"She was dizzy a few hours. She said it was because she hadn't eaten," Bart said.

BJ knelt there staring at her. "She's been passing out…" he said quietly.

Lois looked at him. "What!?" she asked.

"She's been passing out…sometimes twice a day. She didn't want to worry anyone and seem…weak," BJ said.

"We need to get her inside!" Lois said.

Clark picked Taylor up and with Lois right behind him, they walked into the house.

Taylor shivered from the cold.

She opened her eyes and sat up. She was in the fortress. She had been there before to visit her Jor-El.

"Taylor, how are you feeling?" Jor-El's voice spoke.

"I'm ok. Do you know why I keep fainting?" she asked. She knew he was behind this. Anything weird in her world, her Grandfather was usually behind it.

"Yes. It is because you are failing to exist."

Taylor frowned. "Great first I'm failing math now I'm failing to exist. Why am I failing?" Play along with him and see what he wants, Clark had said, you usually find out what to do from there.

"Because you mother and father are struggling to be together."

Taylor frowned and said, "Oh come on, I know Mom said that she and Dad refused to embrace their feelings for each other at first but they can't be THAT stubborn…oh, wait no…never mind."

"Only you can help them. I'm sending you back. Back to the year when your mother and father first realized they were in love with each other. You must get them to be together before you and your brother and sister are gone completely."

Taylor sighed. She didn't believe him. He just expected her to time travel to before she existed in order to help her parents? No, there was something else.

No matter how brave she pretended to be, Taylor felt a knot tighten in her stomach. This was an adventure without back up. No Superman, no Green Arrow. Just Taylor.

She had heard many stories from her mom and dad about the weird adventures they had had.

Now it looks like she was having one of her own. That didn't mean she had all the information or all the trust in her grandfather. But something else was at play here. She knew that much. The only way to find that out was to do as he asked.

She stood up and grinned. "Alright, Grandpa, we will do it your way."

-Smallville, 2009-

There was a flash of light and Taylor shook her head from the dizziness. She got her balance back and looked around.

She was defiantly in the barn…but since when was the barn decorated so extravagantly.

There were streamers and decorations everywhere…and why was there a full length mirror in the loft? She turned around and gasped.

She was standing to the side of a row of chairs. The chairs were all filled and everyone was watching the romantic sight in front of them.

Taylor followed everyone's gaze. There stood Chloe and Jimmy all decked out in their wedding clothes.

Clark stood beside Jimmy while Lois stood beside Chloe.

They looked different and…younger. The two people who knew her better than anyone looked so...not themselves. The hair was the same, the eyes, the noses but still.

Everyone had they're eyes glued to the happy couple. Everyone except two people.

Taylor noticed that her mom and dad would steal glances at the other person when they thought they weren't looking. Lois looked amazing in her bridesmaid's dress and Clark looked incredible in his tux.

A small smile played on Taylor's lips. They looked at each other the same way they did her time. Then she really took in where she was.

She was back in time.

Sent to make sure her parents got together.

But this wasn't only about her and her family. This also concerned the rest of the world.

Lane and Kent.

The city knew them as the two of the best reporters in the business. They were always partners; they refused to work with anyone else and who in their right mind would tear them apart.

The world knew him as a hero, a man who had saved countless lives, a symbol of hope and justice.

But only the family knew that Lois Lane helped Clark Kent to become that hero.

Taylor wasn't just there to save a family; she was there to save a legend.

This was going to be one hell of a battle. Taylor's persuasion ability verses her parents' stubbornness, mixed in with trying to find the real reason her grandfather sent her here.

The young girl huffed, "It would be easier to stop failing math."