Ok guys! Thans for all the reviews really appreciate them! BTW the CSIs are all 6 now as they finished term in the last chapter. And i'm from England so if anyone doesn't understand anything please ask me and i'll be happy to help you :)

Ryan looked across the room from where he was sitting. He saw Calleigh listening intently to Miss Applewhite go on about plants and trees.

"Hey Calleigh. Ryan's staring at you" Angell whispered in her ear. Calleigh looked over at Ryan and caught him staring. She turned bright red and looked away wondering why he was staring at her like that.

"Calleigh is really pretty" Ryan stated to Grissom who he was sitting next to

"I guess, but i got Sara and she said if i look at other girls she'll kill me" Grissom replied worried. He looked over at Sara hoping she hadn't heard him. Thankfully she was busy drawing a flower on her science book.

"Oh that's not nice"

"I know"

"Hey guys what we talking about?" Mac asked poking his head into the conversation

"Girls. Ryan loves Calleigh" Grissom said a bit too loudly. Everyone turned around to look at the boys. Ryan turned red and burried his head in his hands.

"Grissom! Sshhhh!" Mac yelled putting his finger on his lips

"Ooops!" The whole class except Grissom, Ryan and Calleigh burst out laughing

"Ryan and Calleigh sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Flack sang loudly

"Alright everyone calm down!" Miss yelled over the noise. The class went silent and got back to their work whilst Ryan continued to stare at Calleigh wondering if she fancied him too.

After Science it was P.E and the kids were practising throwing and catching. Ryan was paired with Flack, who was very good at sports. He hopelessly threw the ball to flack who caught it. Flack threw it back ten times harder and it hit Ryan in the stomach.

"Ooooowwwww!!" he yelled in pain

"Sorry sorry sorry sorry!" Flack panicked. Miss ran over to Ryan and helped him off the floor

"Go get some water Ryan" She ordered

"Miss it was an accident I swear!" Flack assured her

"I know don't worry. Why don't you go with him"

"Ok" He ran after Ryan and took him to the cloak room where he got his water bottle out of his bag

"Are you ok?" He asked

"I'm fine, it only hurts a little bit" Ryan replied

"Let's do something fun!" Flack said

"Like what?" Ryan asked

"Follow me" Ryan followed Flack out onto the sports field. It was very muddy and had huge puddles everywhere

"If anyone finds us here we'll be in so much trouble" Ryan panicked

"Don't worry our class is on the playground and the rest of the school are in class. No one will find us" Flack reassured
"If you say so" Flack ran off before he could finish his sentence. He rolled around in the mud and soon all his clothes were brown

"Weeeeee!" He yelled rolling down a small hill

"Come on Ryan! It's fun!" He yelled. Ryan hesitated for a moment but plucked up some courage and ran straight through a puddle falling flat on his face. He spat out the mud in his mouth and began to roll around in the mud

"This is awesome dude!" He yelled

"Dude! Stop!" Flack ordered

"What? Why?!" He turned round to look at Flack and saw the headmistress holding onto Flack's collar

"Stop what you are doing right now and follow me!" She yelled her face turning purple

"Yes miss" Ryan slowly got up and caught up with her and Flack. She took them to her office and called Miss Applewhite

"I found these two hooligans on the sports field rolling around in dirt" She spat

"Oh my god guys! What were you thinking!" Miss yelled

"I don't know miss" Ryan whimpered

"We're really sorry miss it won't happen again!" Flack told her

"No it won't! Right go get changed and clean yourselves up!" They ran to the cloakroom. As soon as the door was closed they burst out laughing

"Oh my god! That was sooo fun!" Ryan yelled

"I know we have to do that more often!" Flack replied. After the laughing subsided they got changed out of their P.E kits and washed the mud off of their visible skin

"What happened to you guys?" Grissom asked

"Yeah you look filthy" Warrick commented

"Thanks Warrick" Flack said sarcastically

"We went onto the sports field and were rolling round in the mud then the head came out and took us to her office and got Miss in then we got told off but it was really funny!" Ryan told the class of earliers events and they all laughed. Suddenly Miss came into the classroom and slammed the door behind her. The whole class stopped laughing and watched her walk to the middle of the room

"Right let's go out to lunch. Except you Ryan i want to talk to you" He walked up to miss and took a seat near her desk

"What's gotten into you ryan? You used to be a good little boy"

"Well i'm not little anymore am i" He replied harshly

"You're only 6 Ryan. That's still quite small"

"No i'm not!" He yelled

"What's wrong with you today? Is it because of what happened in Science?"



"She doesn't like me" He replied crossing his arms


"Yeh. Everyone likes Flack because he's naughty so I thought if I was naughty she might like me"

"Calleigh likes you Ryan"

"Yeh but she don't love me"

"I'm sure she does dear. Just be nice to her and she might love you even more"

"Ok miss Thankies byebye" Ryan jumped off his seat and went onto the playground where Flack was waiting for him

"What did she say to you?" He asked

"Nothing" Ryan shrugged his shoulders and walked to the bench where Calleigh was sitting

"Hello Calleigh would you like one of my crackers?" He asked opening his lunchbox

"Yes please Ryan. You're very very nice"

"Thanks. You're very pretty" He complimented

"Thanks. So are you"

"I can't be pretty i'm a boy!" He said

"Oh yes silly me" She grabbed his hand and pulled him up

"You wanna play kiss chase with me and the others?" She asked

"Yep" They walked off to find the others and saw Warrick running after Catherine trying to kiss her

"Hey guys! Eeeeew!" She said as Warrick kissed Catherine on the cheek. Warrick laughed and ran over to a bench to sit down. Flack ran pass quickly followed by Angell. He stopped running and turned round to face Angell and she gave him a peck on the lips

"Oh yeh baby! I just got kissed on the lips!" He boasted in front of everyone doing a little victory dance. Calleigh decided she was going to run after Ryan. He did not notice her running towards him so she jumped on his back and kissed him on the shoulder. She then ran off before he could react and hid behind a bin. Soon it was the end of break and everyone had been kissed. The school got into their class lines as the teacher took the register.

"What are you smiling at?" Catherine asked Ryan who had a big grin on his face

"Calleigh kissed me!" He yelled jumping up and down.

Please review guys!