Hi there. ^-^

I'm back with a vampire - werewolf - angel story. I know, I know. There are soooooooooo many of them out there, but I had the idea for this story quite a while now, and I think I should finally write it.


The main characters are Ryou, Bakura, Malik, Marik, Yugi and Yami. Among them, there are angels, vampires and werewolves.

For centuries now, the majority of the humans hasn't thought much about mystic creatures like vampires. Barely anybody believed in those creatures anymore, what made the life for those inhuman beings easier. But suddenly, mystic creatures are one of the top issues again. Nearly everyone knows what a vampire looks like, almost everyone is interested in mystic creatures again. Because of a certain book that fascinated many people (I think you know that I mean 'Twilight', right? Btw, I don't own it. Other than that it's merely the trigger to everything, it isn't involved in the story, so it doesn't matter whether you liked 'Twilight' or hated it ;D ). And the mystic creatures out there are anxious. Will the humans find out that not everyone they know is what they seemed to be?
What will happen, when fate decides to let the vampires, werewolves and angels meet? Will they fight with each other?

-Yaoi/Shonen-ai. I won't tell you the exact pairings, because first of all, the pairings will change during the story and secondly, telling you would take away the suspense, wouldn't it?

Also, I say this again now, the story has actually nothing to do with "Twilight", the appearance of a book like that is just the trigger to many things that happen in my story and, yeah.

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!

Enjoy the story!

(This is by the way only the prolog to the story; a short introduction to everything. So don't be scared off by the first part of this story. ^_^ )



Mystic creatures... they exist ever since the humankind can remember. Even the most ancient documents mention those inhuman beings, those indefinable creatures.

Unicorns, mermaids, centaurs, dragons, zombies... But also werewolves, vampires and angels.

Angels... The total opposite of vampires and werewolves, right? Angels are good and innocent and helpful and pure. They spread happiness, hope and peace. If you would draw an angel, you surely would make them wear white clothes and they would have white wings and over their head would be a halo. People always thought of angels like that. Many people think that after their death, they will become an angel, too and live in heaven.

And vampires and werewolves... They always symbolize the evil and everything bad. You connect them to death and immortality. Death, because they bring death over the humans. Immortality, because they are believed to be immortal. If you think of them, you automatically think of darkness or the color black, right?

Angels are always good and vampires as well as werewolves are always the bad guys.

Says who?

Way before the Middle ages, people believed in mystic creatures and they were afraid of them, from the evil ones at any rate. Back then, many people believed that there really were inhuman beings, what made the life of those creatures pretty hard. They had to hide and could only come out at night to prevent the humans from seeing them. The humans started to burn and torture everything they thought wasn't a real human being, though the ones they killed often were innocent humans. Very rarely, they killed a real vampire or werewolf.

As the Middle ages were past, the belief in mystic creatures slowly decreased. The following five hundred years, less and less people believed in vampires or werewolves, though still many people hoped that there would be angels, because angels were good after all and nothing to be afraid of.

For a long time, all those inhuman creatures were almost forgotten, what was good for them, because then they didn't have to hide and they didn't have to be extra careful.

And suddenly, they were top issue. Because of a book. Thousands of people were interested in vampires and werewolves all of a sudden. Suddenly, they all began to read books and web pages about mystic creatures and seemed to know a lot about those beings. A lot, but thankfully not everything...

-Ryou and Bakura-

"Bakura! Did you-"

"Yeah. I read it in the newspapers, too."

"I can't believe it..."

Two pale boys who both had long white hair stood in the middle of their kitchen, the newspapers on the table.

The smaller boy who had soft features and chocolate brown eyes with a red cast was obviously upset. The taller boy who had sharp features and dark brown, almost black, eyes with a red cast tried to comfort the smaller one. He laid his hand on the smaller boy's shoulder.

"Ryou", the taller one said. "Calm down. Do you really think that-"

"Yes!", Ryou interrupted. "Yes, Bakura!"

Bakura rolled his eyes. "It is only a book. Do you really think that anybody believes that what is written there is true?"

Ryou nodded.

Bakura sighed and shook his head. "The humans today are not like the humans five hundred years ago. They don't believe what one person tells them. And by the way, it is specified as a fantasy book. Fantasy", Bakura repeated. "You do know what that means, right?"

Ryou nodded again. "Of course, but-"

"No 'buts'", Bakura interrupted. "Fantasy. It means that it isn't real. It's invented, not true."

Bakura took Ryou's head in his hands. "You understand?", he asked and the smaller boy nodded. "Good", Bakura said and let go of him.

Sighing, Ryou sat down on a chair at the table. He was afraid. Afraid, that the time would repeat itself. That everything would happen again.

"But Bakura", Ryou began again. Annoyed, Bakura turned round.

"What?", he asked.

"I... I... I just can't understand... How...?", the smaller boy stuttered.

Bakura shook his head. "You just can't let go, can you?", he said and sighing, he sat down on a chair next to Ryou.

The smaller boy looked him into the eyes. "Bakura... I just can't understand how a human can know all that... I mean... almost everything is true!", Ryou said.

"I know that, Ryou", Bakura told him. "But the humans don't know it. They think it's just invented, okay? You don't have to be afraid. Things like they've happened over five hundred years ago won't happen again, okay?" Ryou didn't look convinced. "Besides, most of the people they have burned back then have been innocent humans. Very rarely, people have spotted one of us. You of all people should know that", Bakura said. Ryou's eyes saddened.

"Yeah... You're probably right...", Ryou mumbled and Bakura nodded.

"Of course. I'm always right", he said. Ryou rolled his eyes.

"But", Ryou began. "There is still the question how a human got to know all this stuff. I mean... somebody must have told her or somebody has been careless. I don't think that she's one herself, because... I don't think that anyone of us wants to repeat what happened in medieval times... Besides... not everything is true."

Bakura shrugged. "I don't care how she got to know all that. The important thing is that the humans don't believe in us again or else our life wouldn't be as easy as it is at the moment. Don't you think?", he asked.

Ryou didn't respond for a while. He just stared at the floor.

"You know... Actually I don't care what will happen to us", he said.

Bakura raised an eyebrow. "You don't?"

Ryou looked at him. "I don't want that again thousands of innocent people have to die..."

Bakura rolled his eyes. "Oh, please! When will you finally accept what you are?", he asked.

"Probably never", Ryou whispered and stood up.

Bakura stood up, too, and hold the smaller boy at the shoulder. "Ryou... Some day you have to accept what you are now. I know you will. You won't stand it forever. Accept what you are!"

"Not if I can help it", Ryou said firmly and went upstairs into his bedroom.

Bakura stood in the kitchen. He shook his head. "This boy is unbelievable..."

-Malik and Marik-

Two boys sat opposite each other on a bed.

They both had bronzed skin and sand-colored hair. One of them had spiky hair and sharp features. His eyes were a dark purple. The other boy had softer features and his eyes were lavender.

"You're gonna lose, Malik", the boy with spiky hair said and narrowed his eyes. "Like always."

Malik narrowed his eyes, too. "We will see, Marik", he said and crossed his arms over his chest.

And then, they stared at each other. Minutes passed and nobody had made a move. They didn't even blink. They just stared at each other with an angry expression.

Suddenly, the door opened noisily and a black haired woman came in.

Malik was startled and jumped up from his chair.

"Ha!", Marik shouted. "You've lost! Like always. I told you."

"That was not fair! Ishizu has startled me!", Malik yelled.

"Stop it!", the black haired woman shouted.

Both Malik and Marik looked at her. Her expression was worried.

"Sister?", Malik said. "What's going on?"

"Why do you look so worried, Ishizu?", Marik asked.

Ishizu showed them a newspaper article. The title read:

Are vampires and werewolves among us?

Malik and Marik scanned the article, then they looked at their sister.

"Ishizu, you know that it's only an article about a book", Marik said.

"Yeah and there are hundreds of other books and movies about that. No reason to be worried", Malik said.

"But you don't understand!", Ishizu told them. "This book... it comes near to the truth. I mean... What if now, that people are interested again in mystic creatures... what if they find out that they exist really? What if people recognize what you are?", she asked. "What will happen to you then?" Tears filled up in her eyes.

Malik and Marik looked at each other. They went to their sister and hugged her.

"Ishizu... Don't worry", Marik said. "Because of a book, nobody will believe that creatures like us exist."

"Marik is right", Malik said. "Nobody will believe it. Nobody will get to know what we are, okay?"

"We won't let it happen that anybody finds out what we really are. We promise, sister", Marik told her.

Ishizu nodded. "I can only hope so. I don't know what people would do if they'd know..." She wiped away her tears and left the room.

Marik and Malik sat down on the bed again.

"It is only a book...", Malik said. "Right?"

Marik nodded. "Of course. Ishizu should know that actually...", he answered.

"But that's what worries me. She should know... Nevertheless she is worried", Malik said.

"Maybe the title of the article just startled her. I mean... She's really frightened of what would happen to us if people would know what our true nature is", Marik said.

Sighing, Malik slumped backwards into the pillow on the bed.

"What do you think would happen to us?", Malik asked. "Would they kill us or would they lock us away and make tests with us in a laboratory?"

Marik shrugged and looked at his brother. "I don't know. They would certainly kill us. The question is if they would do it after they would have tested us or if they would kill us as soon as they would know", Marik replied.

Malik sighed. "All we can do is hope that nobody will find it out and that nobody will believe what the book writes."

Marik nodded. "Yeah. Hope. That's what we always could best."

-Yugi and Yami-

"Yami, can I ask you something?", a small boy with tri-colored hair asked his taller look-alike who sat on the couch.

"Sure. What's on your mind, Yugi?", Yami asked. Yugi sat down next to him.

"Did you hear from that book?", Yugi asked.

"Which book?"

"The one with vampires and werewolves. Do you know it?", Yugi asked.

"I think I've heard people talking about it", Yami said. "What about it?"

"Well...", Yugi began. "I think it has made people interested again in mystic creatures." Yami raised his eyebrows. "But", Yugi continued. "I don't think that it's a good thing. I think-"

"You think that people now believe in mystic creatures again?", Yami finished Yugi's sentence.

"Yeah", Yugi answered. "What if people find out that we really exist? What would happen to us?"

"I don't know, Yugi... I don't know", Yami replied. "But, actually, I don't think that anybody believes what a fantasy book tells them. For them, it's just fantasy. They don't know that there is a lot of truth in it."

"But Yami...", Yugi said. "It doesn't matter if they know that it's true or not. What matters is what they believe. In medieval times, people believed, too, that there are mystic creatures. They burned everything they thought wasn't a human. Why are you sure that something like this won't happen again? Why are you sure that people don't believe that we exist?"

"I'm not sure, Yugi", Yami said.

The two looked at each other and for a moment, there was silence.

"You know that almost everything written in there is true", Yugi broke the silence. "If the humans would pay attention, they could notice that there are mystic creatures. Until now, they just haven't paid attention for centuries. What if they start paying attention again? Because of the book, the humans are interested in mystic creatures again. They know what those creatures look like. They could recognize them. What if they recognize what we are, Yami?"

Yami shook his head. "I don't know what would happen then. And I don't think that it will happen. The humans don't believe in stuff like that anymore. Some hundred years ago, this was different, I know. But times are changing and the humans are changing, too", Yami told him. "But whatever will happen, I'll be there for you and that is for sure. Okay?"

Yugi nodded. Then, he sighed.

"But I'm not only worried about what will happen to us, if people find it out. I just don't want that, if the humans know that mystic creatures exist, they repeat what happened back in medieval times. Innocent people were mistaken for witches and vampires and other creatures and were burned alive. That is horrible!", Yugi said.

Yami nodded. "Yeah, it is horrible and I understand you. But there is nothing we could do if the humans would get to know it", Yami said and laid his arm around Yugi's neck. "But... You know how difficult it is for us to identify other mystic creatures. You know how often we've already been wrong and caught a human by accident." Yugi and Yami's eyes saddened at the memories.

"Sure", Yami continued, " You said the humans could recognize that mystic creatures exist if they would pay attention, that is true, but it's not as easy as you said it is. If it is difficult for us, then it is even more difficult for the humans. The chance that a human recognizes a mystic creature is low and even if a human recognizes it, he surely doesn't believe what he has seen."

Yugi nodded. "You're probably right. I'm just afraid..."

Yami understood Yugi only too well. He, too, was afraid that the humans would find out that they aren't humans and that there are more inhuman creatures out there. Evil creatures...

-To be continued...

And? Can you guess who is what?

This was only the prolog of the story. I hope it wasn't too boring. The real chapters will be more exciting.

I hope you liked it. ^-^

Please send me a review and tell me what you think. Is it a good start for the story or should I rewrite it? I'd be very happy to hear from you.

~Crystal of Moonlight~