I Still Love Hannah Montana

Author's Notes: I don't own Hannah Montana. Okay, this is for the Moliver fans that are sad about Loliver's kiss. I plan on making this a one-shot. Do you think I should? Or should I continue?

"I'm Hannah Montana. Me, Miley."

Oliver fainted in shock.

"Okay, that went well."

While Oliver was laying down on the sandy beach ground, he thought to himself, I can't believe it. I only really pretended to like Hannah to get Miley's attention, but now I see, she really is Miley.

"I'm sorry, I just knew, that you were so in love with Hannah you might..."

"Be in love with you?" Oliver asked.

Miley nodded.

"Do YOU think I am?" Oliver said, his heart beating faster but she couldn't tell.

"You tell me," Miley said. "I mean have you ever pictured yourself with me? Miley the dork?"

Yes, Oliver thought to himself.

"You're not a dork," was all he said though.

"Let's face it Oliver. The girl you thought you loved is standing right in front of you and the truth is, you don't love her."

He wanted to reply saying 'yes I do' but instead he said, "Wow, I think you're right. That's two years of my life I'll never get back."

"Sorry about that," Miley smiled. "So what do you think? Are we gonna be okay?"

"Yeah, we're okay," he opened his arms for a hug and Miley hugged back.

"Anything?" she asked.

Oliver couldn't hold it in anymore. "Yes," he finally said.

"Really?" she said, still holding on.

"Yes," he said, nearly crying. "And I'm sorry I kept a secret from you for so long but I was just afraid that-"

"It's okay," she reassured him.


"Yeah. The truth is, I've always liked you too Oliver. And I was so upset that you were going after Hannah Montana, and not the real me. Not even Lilly knows the truth."

"Are you serious?"

Miley pulled away for a second. "How many times do I have to say it for you to understand?"

"Sorry. So, what do you think? Should we be boyfriend and girlfriend or what?"

"Step back there a second big boy. How about we just take things one step at a time and see how things work out, okay?"

I Still Love Hannah Montana

End Notes: So what do you think? Should I continue the story or leave it as a one shot? If I do make it a chapter story, the next chapter will be what happens in Romeo and Juliet.