Chapter 11

Light came conscious with a start, jolting up only to find himself chained to the bedpost, with a vicious snarl he tugged on the chains making the posts quiver from the fierce force that was used. Light's eyes quickly scanned the room to notice the familiar décor of space he had trapped in for a half a year chained to his tormenter. 'Damn it, I almost got away' he mentally growled to himself then realized something 'where's Sayu?' he quickly looked around the room in search for his little sister but couldn't find her anywhere.

"Trying to escape is futile Light-kun" he heard the very familiar and unwanted voice he could have died without regretting to hear. His eyes darted toward where the voice came from to see L standing in front of the, no doubt locked and bolted, door. He narrowed his eyes at the lankly looking man seeing that he hadn't changed in the slightest only that his dark circles looked more prominent which satisfied him a bit but not enough to calm his rage. He narrowed his eyes at the man "release me now L" he demanded lowly, L tilted his head with his thumb still running across his bottom lip as though contemplating Light's demand but Light knew he wasn't. "Now Light-kun, I think you have been released long enough, don't you think so?" he asked. He began to move toward the bed where Light was chained to and Light's lips curled back to reveal his long sharp fangs, this made L stop as he saw this. He stared at the fangs and examined their pointy ends realizing that they could do some serious damage if caught on anything they intended to tear apart.

"My, what large teeth you have Light-kun" he mumbled still examining the fangs "the better to tear your throat out with bastard" he spat with venomous acid that could melt the entire building. L's eyes shifted to Light's slightly glowing red eyes he then took in Light's new appearance which was so different from his immaculate perfect appearance he was sue to when he was chained to the boy six or seven years ago. Light's hair pooled around him like blood under the night sky only catching glimpses of its red essence while the rest look black, his fingers twitched the suppressed urge to run his fingers through the silky tendrils, Light seemed to notice this and narrowed his eyes sharply. L took note of his eyes as well, they were no longer the brown with hint of red but now fully red like a healthy bloomed rose and his creamy, slightly pale, complexion made it stand out all the more. His body was a lot skinnier from what he remembered, no longer tone and slim though he couldn't really tell underneath the long button up shirt that was a bit too big for him and hung here and there also the two buckle collar.

Light did not like how L was examining him like a new item that had came on sale and was making sure if it was good enough for him to spend his money on. He tugged on the chains harder than he did before and the post actually bent in a 72 degree angle, this seemed to snap L out of his examination and he looked at the bedpost to see its new bent appearance then at Light to seem his glaring at him with vicious rage and hatred. "I'm not going to tell you again L, release me now" he glowered in a blink of an eye L was straddling Light with his face only a few millimeters away from his face. L's eyes were a shining gold as he glared down at Light "watch your tongue mate" he rumbled Light's viciously snarled at him and L gasped as the air was knocked out of him from the foot that somehow slipped out from under him and kicked him in the gut.

He flew across the room and hit the wall; his head snapped back and hit it leaving a nice hole before he crumbled to the floor. Light waited a few seconds to see what would happen next but as the room remained still on any noise or movement he made his attempt to release himself from the chains that were stupidly strong. Just then he heard movement and looked up to see L standing and looking straight at him with half-lidded lids "that wasn't nice Light-kun" he mumbled reminding him of the time they were chained to together on a double date with Misa. "Go shank yourself" Light spat glaring guardedly at him L hummed and continued to stare at Light as the young man laid tense on the bed with his arms spread to each post. "I will leave Light-kun to cool off" he said earning a snarl in response, he walked over to the door and leaned close to the side of the doorframe where an eye scanner scanned his retinas before it beeped and unlocked the door. Light watched with narrowed eyes as the man of his nightmares left the room, closing the door behind him.

"Ow, head" in a large room Sayu rose from the bed she was lying on before and rubbed her messy hair before everything came back to her and she gasped "Light!" she looked around frantically for her brother. When she didn't seem him in the room she ran to the door and tried to open it but found it locked she pressed her palm on the surface as she banged on it "let me out!" she screamed as loud as she could, hoping someone would hear her and try to get her out for she could find her brother but after what seemed like hours she realized that no one was going to. She rested her first on the door and stared at it blurrily as tears began building in her eyes as she began worrying about her brother. She jumped when the phone rang and she spun around to see the phone beside her bed, she stared at it for a moment before she went over to it and picked it up "hel—sniffle—lo" she answered trying to calm herself down.

"Hello Yagami-chan" answered the masculine voice of her father's co-worker Ryuuzaki she frowned angrily "unlock the door you asshole!" she yelled through the phone. There was a pause before she received a response "I'm sorry Yagami-chan but I cannot do that" this only made Sayu madder "but I have one question I will like" he was cut off when Sayu hung up the phone. She glared at the phone hoping the man that was on the other end would burst into flames and die a slow agonizing and painful death that he would still feel when he lands in the lower pits of hell. She sat herself on the edge of the bed 'I hope Light it okay' she thought worrying about her older brother once more. She stared at the floor having no idea what to do now, she sighed mournfully but then brightened as an idea struck her. She pursed her lips together and released a loud whistle.

Upstairs in the room Light was being held in, Light was having a glare down with the chains around his wrist literally trying to melt the chains with the heat of his glare. Sadly, he was not succeeding. His glaring was interrupted when he heard a faint sharp sound and he blinked as he tried to figure out what it was, his ears twitched a bit until realization dawned on him 'Sayu' he growled lowly 'she better be alright' he tugged on the chains and the post bent even more, he flexibly lifted his lower body upwards and maneuvered his wrists so they would slip around the restraints of the chains. Once his feet touched the bed he lifted himself up though almost stumbled but he quickly caught himself before he fell painfully. Hardening his face in determination, he rolled his shoulder and grabbed the loose end of the chains before pulling them.

Ryuuzaki returned back down to the investigation room where only his successors was there lounging around playing a video game (Matt), playing with toys (Near) or just lazing around staring blankly at the ceiling while shooting dirty glares at the boy in white (Mello). They all stopped what they were doing when they heard him enter the room and turned their attention to him, minus Near who continued doing what he was doing though he did acknowledge the man with a brief glance.

"So how'd it go?" Matt asked, deciding to break the silence first before it stretched to an awkward one, which was something he did not enjoy even if he was ignoring everything around him. Ryuuzaki hopped into his normal chair and crouched down into his signature squat with his knees pulled close to his chest as his large eyes lowered into a thoughtful frown.

"He has not really happy to speak to me" he grudgingly admitted "did he say anything about the little brat?" Mello question making Ryuuzaki's frown deepen as he realized as he had actually forgot to ask Light that question. "We have not discussed it" he mumbled Matt sighed then returned to his game already knowing that they basically had nothing. Mello frowned darkly then sharply took a bite of his candy bar the room was quiet with only the hum of the computers and Matt's game to fill to the silence. The silence was soon disrupted by a loud alarm, everyone's head shot up.

Ryuuzaki quickly swiveled around to face the laptop and pressed a few buttons to pull up camera footages of the entire building. The hallways were empty and lobby doors were untouched, Ryuuzaki then looked at the footage that he had installed in the room he put Light in to see the bed posters were bent in an awkward in and the door torn open. Light was nowhere to be seen.

He let out a low growl and looked at the footage of Sayu's room to see she was still there pacing restlessly with a worry furrow. 'If his sister is still there then where is he?' he wondered his eyes scanning the entire room trying to search for any sign of Light anywhere. His eyes shifted to the footage of the hallway to find it was empty, all the doors were closed all the windows were still intact. "What's going on?" Matt asked slipping his game into his side pocket; he looked over Ryuuzaki's shoulder to see the camera footages "Light-kun has escaped again" Ryuuzaki answered with a low growl. "Did you chain him up?" Mello sniped earning him a dark glare from Ryuuzaki, the blonde immediately shut his mouth deciding it was best not push Ryuuzaki's buttons. Ryuuzaki turned back to the footages to notice something changed…Sayu was missing. Ryuuzaki growled loudly and spun around but then froze, his eyes went wide, his two successors noticed his sudden change of demeanor and turned around as well to see Near's toys were still where he was playing with them but Near was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Near?"