I'll Be There

A/N:This is another Plare . This sorta came into my head by accident. You see,a few weeks ago I read a rumor about a totally fake episode,since the next new Degrassi is this four part movie that none of the niners are in. It said something like,KC and Clare have been dating for awhile and KC decides to take her to meet his group family and to see where he lives. Clare is upset when KC introduces her as a friend and not his girlfriend. The next day,she goes to visit him and walks into his room only to see him making out with another girl. Needless to say,I came up with this. And as a fair warning,KC who I actually DO like,isn't portrayed in the best light so..

Pairings:A tiny bit of Klare and Pia but ultimately Plare.

Chapter One:Suspicions and Caught

Clare Edwards smiled nervously as she shook hands with KC guardian. The two teens had been dating for two months now and KC had finally gotten up the courage to introduce her to his group family.

"This is Clare Edwards. A friend of mine from school." KC said simply.

She stared at him in shock. Why wasn't he telling them that she was his girlfriend? Her eyes flitted over to the tall,slender,blonde girl that stood beside Roger--KC's guardian. She appeared to be around fifteen and she and KC were staring at one another,seemingly having a conversation with their eyes.

The blonde took a step forward and stuck out a small hand. Her nails were painted bubblegum pink and her dark eyes studied Clare carefully. "I'm April. April Wilson." She said softly,shaking her hand.

Clare winced as April squeezed her hand tight,nails sinking into flesh.

Roger smiled at her. "Well. It's always nice to meet new people. Anyway,I have to go to the store. Don't make trouble,got it?" He warned KC with a pointed stare.

KC nodded back and put a hand on Clare's back as Roger and April exited the door.

The two young teens walked into KC's small bedroom and sat down on the bed together.

She folded her hands onto her lap and stared down at them silently. "Why didn't you tell them that I am your girlfriend? Why did you introduce me as just a friend?" Clare asked softly,not doing anything to disguise the hurt that she felt. She couldn't understand it. 'Is KC ashamed of me?' She wondered. She shook that thought from her head almost as soon as it popped up. No. He wasn't ashamed of her. But something was wrong. She could feel it. She met his green eyes with her blue one's,trying to read them carefully.

He averted his eyes from her. He shrugged one broad shoulder. "I didn't want April to tease us. She has a very--dirty mind."

Clare sighed. He was lying to her. She could tell by the way he avoided her eyes.

KC seemed to notice her unease as he carefully wrapped an arm around her shoulders,pulling her close,into his side. His finger touched her lips before he pressed a kiss to the top of her head,muttering into her hair that she could trust him,that he'd never hurt her.

And foolishly...she believed him.


The next day,Clare was back at KC's group home. He hadn't come to school today,because he had caught the flu. She had his books and a list of homework in her hands for him. She smiled when KC's group sister,Karen who happened to be the youngest answered the door. "Hey Karen. I have KC's homework from today. Can I please come in and give it to him?" She asked the younger girl politely.

Karen nodded her fiery head and stepped out of the way. "He's in his room." She said simply before she slipped on her head phones and began to dance around to Britney Spears.

Clare shrugged and walked down the small hallway to KC's bedroom door. She lifted her hand to knock but then she heard a small giggle and a gasp emit from inside.

She frowned and put her hand to the door knob twisting it. The door opened and she stifled a shocked gasp when she saw KC laying with April,the girl who she'd met yesterday. The two teens were kissing,unaware that someone stood there watching them.

That was until the door closed with a loud bang as Clare ran from the house quickly,ignoring Karen and Roger's questions on if she was okay.

Next Chapter:Alli and Connor confront KC. Clare and Peter form a friendship.