:) Thanks for the reviews! I really appreciate them!

Sorry I didn't update Monday; Tuesday and Thursday this week were consumed with AP tests. For those who don't know, it's college classes in high school. Since I'm a sophomor, I was swamped with my exams since this was my first year taking AP classes. But now that those are done, I can kick back for the last two weeks of school!

So, this is filler-esque, but necessary. Let me know what you think!


"What do you mean?" Hermione asked, suspicious. Malfoy raised an eyebrow and stood up, taking purposeful steps towards her, parchment in hand. Hermione drew away from him, not trusting, but as he laughed at her antics, she froze, not wanting to seem weak in front of him.

"I mean what I said. I'll help you get revenge for your blood traitor ever leaving you. It's what you want, isn't it?" Malfoy shrugged nonchalantly, inspecting his nails for signs of dirt as he spoke. "It's no real concern of mine, but I figured you would need help to be able to accomplish something like revenge." Hermione shook her head, not entirely understanding his words. What did he mean by help? It wasn't like Malfoy was suddenly a charitable person, a phoenix risen from the ashes or anything. It was Malfoy! Malfoy was a Slytherin, not capable of kindness, and that was that.

"You're right; it's no concern of yours. Why do you care?" She asked skeptically, eyes on the parchment, the wood of her wand strangely comforting as she gripped the handle tightly. She was ready for anything; he wouldn't catch her by surprise.

"Can't I be concerned when my safety is at stake because you're distracted by an undeserving ex?" Ok, she wasn't ready for that. Hermione simply stared at him, mind whirling as she glanced from him to the table to the parchment in his hand. What was he up to? Malfoy took a step closer to her, but faced to the side as if he was giving her leeway to leave. Something told her she should leave right then, stomp off and forget whatever nonsense he was blathering on about, but the picture of Ron and Lavender together made her blood boil, and she gave an internal sigh.

"Slytherins are all about self-preservation." She retorted dryly, trying to cover up the desire for revenge that she felt, the need to get even. Where was this spite coming from? As if realizing she wasn't leaving any time soon, Malfoy's smirk grew, and he leaned against the bookshelf, making himself comfortable.

"Well it certainly wouldn't be done out of the sheer kindness of my heart." Malfoy shrugged, hand tight on the parchment. What was written on it? Hermione strained to see, but the only thing she could discern was the elegant scrawl that he'd probably had instilled in him since childhood. Not able to help the snort of disdain, Hermione kept her wand in hand, but let her grip loosen slightly, waiting for the main point of his attentions to her.

"Really, I wasn't aware you had any to speak of anyway." Malfoy let out a bark of laughter that held no humor in it whatsoever, letting Hermione know just how right she was. He was agreeing with her without having to say a word.

"Aren't you going to ask how I could help you?" The silence supposedly had become too much for him, and Hermione rolled her eyes, glancing quickly at her watch. She was supposed to be patrolling right now, not talking to the most self-centered boy she'd even had the misfortune to meet.

"I'm trying to see how this would benefit you at all." Hermione said slowly, suspicions met when his sneer grew.

"It wouldn't." He stated, confirming her thoughts. Rolling her eyes, she turned to leave when he kept talking like she was still gazing intently at him. "… Which is why I've come up with something that would even the playing field." Stopping dead in her tracks, Hermione turned back slowly, seeing Malfoy holding out the length of parchment for her to look at.

"You can't really mean an even playing field… you'd never do something to make us equal." She informed him scathingly, ignoring the pang in her chest that said to take the paper and see what he meant.

"True…" Malfoy mused, eyes glinting as he observed her internal battle. Hermione doubtfully straightened out, facing him head on as she eyed the parchment like it was a bittersweet potion.

"If anything, your deal would be make it sway for in your favor than mine; you wouldn't strike a deal unless you were getting the bigger cut." It was like she was speaking her thoughts out loud, uncaring if he heard her or not.

"You read me all too well." Malfoy dryly commented, eyebrow raised. Hermione finally looked up at him, glaring at his sarcasm.

"It's not hard to read an open children's book." She snapped, the grip on her wand tightening. Malfoy's grip on the parchment threatened to rip it, but surprisingly he held his temper in check, deciding to glare at her instead.

"I was under the assumption that I was here to help you with a favor, but if you're too scared, then we'd better talk with Professor Dumbledore in order to place you into a different house; Gryffindor is much too brave for you."

"I'm not scared of you, Malfoy. I'm just not an utter idiot, and I know a trick when I see one." Hermione shook her head, pushing back the slight hurt at his words. She was supposed to be in Gryffindor, nothing more, nothing less. Who was he to say otherwise?

"There's no trick; it's obvious I would be getting the better half. But… if you really want to gain back what little self respect you have, and show the school you aren't trash to be used, then maybe you'd be getting the better half? Treasure is in the eyes of the beholder, mudblood, and you'd be a fool to pass this up." He let out a cold laugh as her anger spiked half at him and half at Ron. He couldn't know how she desperately wanted to show him up, did he? He couldn't know how she wanted to gain back her dignity and stop feeling low because the likes of Ron broke up with her.

"And in the eyes of this beholder, I'm seeing nothing but trash." She finally said after a silent mental battle, weighing the pros and cons.

"And yet you're not even going to ask what my idea was. Here I thought you were smart." Hermione's face flushed, and angrily she stomped forward and grabbed the parchment, eyes quickly scanning over the loopy scrawl as she took in the words written.

The Covenant Clause:

The parties of this clause are to enter into a binding contract which is taken into effect the moment every party's names are signed on the parchment. The binding clause, administered by DracoMalfoy is to connect said party (a) to Hermione Granger, party (b).

Party (a) is under the covenant to ensure the revenge of party (b) by any means necessary to gain revenge in party (b)'s eyes. This includes-but is not limited- the following:

-Gaining back respect lost

-Teaching the rudiments of technical revenge

-Changes altering party (b)'s person in order to achieve set goal

-Ensuring that while the desire is met, it is met with preservation in mind

-This does not mean that party (b) is to be degraded in any way; at any time this issue is pressed, a warning spell will occur, ensuring party (a) is aware of the line crossed

Party (b) is under the covenant to ensure that party (a) is not hindered in attempts to help with party (b)'s vendetta. This includes-but is not limited-the following:

-Ensuring that party (a)'s orders are followed when said orders are given

1. Following specific orders given from party (a)

2. Following underlying orders when given from party (a)

3. Abstaining from loopholes in said orders from party (a)

-Following party (a)'s leading to ensure that party (a)'s contract is able to be met with party (b)

Once both party (a) and party (b) are sufficiently satisfied with both ends of the agreement, the bonds of said contract with diminish, and the spell will be completed. If at any point during the span of time that The Covenant Clause is attempted to be broken, a stunning spell will take effect immediately. If at any time both party (a) and party (b) decide together that the contract is no longer of use, a counteracting spell that requires both party (a) and party (b) is necessary to terminate the contract.

The rudiments of this contract are to ensure that each piece of the deal is met out. Once the spell sensors indicate that the deal is equal in results, the spell will diminish. In no way will either party (a) or party (b) be violated. Failure to adhere to the contract will result in a stunning spell.

Hermione stared at the page for minutes on end, not exactly sure what she was reading. The words blurred a few times, and she had to re-read sentences to know for sure what it was talking about. Draco Malfoy wanted her to be his technical servant in return for showing her how to get revenge?! What the hell did he think she would do, fall on her knees in thanks?

"You've a lot of nerve, Malfoy." She said quietly, looking up at him with annoyance on her features. He was watching her avidly, waiting for her reaction, and he wasn't disappointed.

"I try." He replied without any hint of remorse. Checking his fingernails for any sign of filth, he gave a slow breath of air. "I'm not going to pretend that this is giving you the better half. I'll inform you right up front, mudblood, this is all for me. You'd just be receiving something in return for my… desires." Hermione let out a snort, pushing the parchment back into his hands scornfully.

"And those 'desires' would be?" She inquired mockingly.

"Well, I've always wanted my own servant. What better way to acquire one that to have one completely bound to me?" He didn't hold back a cold laugh at her shiver, and walking towards her slowly, he smirked when the grip on her wand tightened.

"Why not get one who doesn't come with strings attached?" She snapped, panic rising in the back of her throat. "Do you think I don't know what kind of clause that is?" She jabbed a finger towards the old tome, eyes sparkling angrily. "That is old magic, Malfoy, spells and curses more advanced than any mere hex you wish you could cast on me. That clause was made during the goblin revolt, something wizards used to gain control of the goblins or other creatures. The repercussions to being tied to that… are more than just me being humiliated by following your orders." Malfoy observed her, smirking as she ranted, waiting with little patience for her to finish rambling. When she did, he shook his head, walking over to the tome and touching it reverently.

"I know exactly what it is, and what it's used for, mudblood." He drawled, tracing the peeling lettering. "My ancestors were the ones to create it."

"Then you know how dangerous it really is! Why do you think I would agree to something like that? I won't throw myself to the wolves just for a little revenge and a chance for you to humiliate me." Her voice was reaching the levels of near shrieking, and annoyed at her antics, he spun back around to face her, glaring.

"Believe me, there are other ways of humiliating you, mudblood. I wouldn't have to use this contract except for the simple fact that I have to make sure that while I'm servicing an unworthy chit like yourself, I'm getting my reward in full." Malfoy smiled, the sick look almost feral, and Hermione felt a little worried at how hard he was staring at her. What was he going to do now?

"Why does it even concern you in the least?" Hermione finally asked after a tense silence following his words.

"Maybe there's someone else in this school that I happen to hate more than you, mudblood." He dusted his robes off, as if he didn't like the fact that she was breathing near them.

"Yes, everyone knows you hate Harry Potter." She spat, glaring. Malfoy's smirk grew at her words, and he flipped open the book, skimming through it as he spoke.

"Ok, then there are two people I hate more than you." He corrected himself, chuckling blackly. Hermione walked over slowly, warning bells echoing in her head as she frantically weighed the pros and cons. It was true, Malfoy would be getting the better deal in this, but at the same time… Ron had seriously hurt her. How could he do that when he said he loved her? It was like saying you loved vanilla and then never eating it. But was revenge really worth tying herself to Malfoy? Grabbing the paper hesitantly, she looked at it again, pouring over the double edged words that would allow her leeway or tie her down. She had a hard time believing that he wanted to help, but didn't he state that his motives were purely selfish?

"You would help me gain revenge?" She asked softly, staring down at the sheet of paper, feeling the tinge of magic in its texture. He'd already done the spell to bind them, all he needed was her signature and they'd be bound until it was broken.

"That's what the contract says. I'd help you gain revenge and make your little weasel regret leaving you." His tone sounded bored, like he was tired of discussing the situation, but she couldn't let it up. There was no reason why she would trust him, but if he was bound just like her… why should she distrust him? Because he'd have total control over you? Her thoughts whispered snidely. Looking up at him with a frown on her face, Hermione shook her head.

"So you help me get revenge on Ron… and I stay your servant until the revenge is met?" She snorted. "How will it be proven if revenge has been met?" Malfoy nodded slowly at her question, eyes glinting, happy to note that he knew more than she did on the matter.

"The spell has a sensor in it that shows when the deals been fully met. The contract will break automatically after." He drawled, hardly glancing at her as he continued to study the book with intense interest. Hermione studied the contract just as closely, trying to find a way around Malfoy's deal. It was strange to think he'd come up with a contract just to help her, and just to gain a servant. What had she done to encourage this? Something was up, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

"Malfoy… I'm not going to accept this deal. I can't come up with anything logical as to why I should say yes." Malfoy snorted and shook his head, leveling his sardonic gaze to her.

"Because revenge on the one who hurt you isn't enough. It's quite alright, mudblood. I can get my own revenge some other way." Flicking a hand in her direction, Malfoy hardly gave her a sick glance as he turned back to his book. Hermione frowned at his ease from her rejection, almost wishing he'd put up a fight over it. She received nothing from him, nothing but a snide voice calling to her, remarking dryly, "Aren't you supposed to be on your rounds right about now, Granger?" Startled, Hermione glanced down at her watch and let out a yelp, settling the contract onto the desk next to Malfoy's book before rushing out of the library.

Draco skimmed down the columns of words in the old tome, fighting back laughter. The first stage had gone perfectly… almost too perfectly. She would give in soon enough. Her curiosity was sparked enough that it would only take another argument for her to come running.

"You're confidant." Blaise observed as he came around the corner, fighting back a smile. Draco merely gave a non-committed grunt as he continued to search the old book, looking for another charm that would work. The anger and passion that had been in her eyes was astounding. If only he could get a Slytherin pureblood woman to get a look like that in her eyes, Draco was sure he'd have laid her in an instant, no questions asked.

"Of course I am… she's taken the bait." Draco shrugged off Blaise's hand on his shoulder as he continued to search for the spell to speed things up.

"You're sure she'll bite?" Blaise asked, slightly disbelieving.

"Oh, she'll be begging me by the end of this."

Hit or miss? Only you can tell!

Preview for next chapter:

"How do I know I can trust you?" She asked suspiciously.

"Simple... you can't." His grin was malicious, his tone mocking. Glaring at him, she tried to muster up something clever to say, but the anger rushing around her was all consuming, and she could only push him out of the way to avoid hitting him.

"What's the matter? Something got you upset?"