To all of my loyal readers over the past couple of years,

I cannot thank you all enough for reading my four stories over the past 10 years. This site, me coming up with stories, interacting with so many of you that loved my ideas and me as an individual and an artist—got me through some of the toughest and loneliest spots in my life growing up. I visit my profile now in 2015 and did not realize that I pulled one of the worst things I could possibly pull on you guys, and that's not finishing my stories and leaving you all in the dark. For that, I deeply apologize and I will let you all know what I have been up to. I graduated high school, lived at home with my family for a year trying to further develop myself in the visual arts, while working to save for art school. I started college at the Laguna College of Art and Design in 2012, majoring in animation (though funny enough I seem to love illustrating more!) I have met the love of my life who I have been with for the past three years now. We have owned a wonderful green cheek conure named Sage, and we now own a goofy sun conure named Cygni. I am in my second semester of my junior year and I travel whenever I can to visit my family and I miss them dearly. I could not be more happier for the life I have made for myself, and although I am sad to say that I won't be able to get to them anytime soon, I will say that the fan fiction chapter of my life will never be closed. Perhaps one day I will finish them, not only for you guys, but for myself as well! :)

Thank you all again so so much for this journey with me and if you wish to see what I've been up to, go to , [art of chelsead at , no spaces of course] feel free to send me a message if you like! :D

